Fan Fiction ❯ From Heaven or Hell ❯ In the Beginning ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

In The Beginning

I always had a knack at getting into fights when I was young; fights that usually led to me being in trouble with my school or worse yet, my father. On this day it was no different, Billy had decided that I was finally worth his time and was going to try and `beet me up' at recess. I had always looked forward to these confrontations. Without them life seemed too boring for me, too normal. I hated normal; I detested it. My mother's death when I was five brought an end to my normal life, and I always looked back on those memories with hate. I never knew why, I just knew that it was not what I wanted to be; normal. The bell ringing, I jumped out of my seat and headed for the door.

I waited for him at the swings. I saw him coming down the steps and realized he had brought with him three of his new friends; Tom, Chris, and Joey. I knew all of them and knew they were all good fighters. `Obviously he isn't planning on fighting fair.' I thought to myself. Now, if there was one thing I believed in, it was fair fighting. Normally I would have just taken them all, but a strange pain in my back had kept me from fighting like I usually did and I wasn't sure if I could beat them all. What bothered me the most about this strange pain was that it became worse every time I fought.

As they grew closer to me a small crowd of people began to form around us. I could feel my anger rising and with it came the pains in my back. I ignored the pains and jumped forward, punching the boy to Billy's right, Tom. Chris had somehow gotten behind us and jumped on top of me, sending me to the ground. I hit the ground hard, feeling the wind leave my lungs and the rocks dig into my arm, which I had landed on. The pain in my back increased and I felt the warm gush of blood on my back. I screamed loudly, tears coming from my eyes. The pain was so horrible that I could no longer see clearly. Someone screamed and Chris jumped off of me. It felt as if someone was ripping through my back, tearing at my skin. Then, as quickly as it came, the pain subsided and slowly my vision cleared. My back throbbed lightly, but mot enough to stop me from standing. Slowly I climbed to my feet, I could feel something large and bulky on my back. Whatever was there I could not only feel it but move it as well. As I turned I saw for the first time two shiny black wings.

My back was soaked in blood; I could feel the warmth of it as it made its way down my back. The teachers that were observing recess that day had started making their way towards me through the crowd of students now gathered. Some of the students were coming for a closer look and others were running away. All of them held faces of shock and fear. I was frightened and in shock. Animal instinct kicked in, I had no idea what I was doing, and my wings seemed to act of their own accord. As the teachers began to work their way through the crowd my wings spread out as far as they could and coming down quick and hard I began to lift into the sky. I did not know where I was headed, but soon found myself flying over my neighborhood. It was a frighteningly natural feeling being in the air, one I did not understand, nor did I want to.

I was exhausted by the time I had reached my house. My back was terribly sore and I felt on the verge of collapse. I went in through the back door, which was always unlocked. As I stepped inside fear ran through me. My house was not safe and as I turned to run something hard hit the back of my head and I fell to the floor. I barely made out the shape of a man as I slipped from consciousness.

I awoke hours later in a small, dark room. It resembled a prison cell; one small bed, one small sink and mirror, and a window-minus the bars. My head ached and throbbed drawing my attention away from the room I was in. I placed my hand on it and as I pulled it away I saw the dark color of blood. I could hear voices close by but I could not see to whom they belonged. The wings I had, or thought I had, were no longer there. Soon the voices too vanished and I could hear the distant thunder of an approaching storm.

I was cold, hungry, and scared. I had no idea where I was or what was going to happen to me. I did not sleep that first night, listening to the footsteps pass my door while rain poured outside my window.


It was morning, this I knew, I never had a need for a watch. It was still dark outside and threatening to rain again. Someone was coming down the corridor again but it was not the person that was there during the night. I could tell by the sound of his feet that he was limping a bit. He also wheezed a little, suggesting that he was an older man. Nothing I had heard prepared me for the sight I received when he opened the door.

The little light available did nothing for his features. Tall and muscular he held many scars on his face and arms. It was as if someone had hacked at his arms and face till he no longer looked human. With the fear rising in me so did the pain in my back as well.

"Calm yourself," said the man before me, "or you'll get hurt."

He took a few more steps towards me and I felt it happening again. Searing pain claimed my sight, but for only a moment this time, and I could feel the wings behind me. My sight had improved substantially and the once dark room seemed to illuminate before me. I could see all the fine details of this place I was in and I noticed that I wasn't the only thing in this room with wings. The old man had also grown a pair and stood now in front of me looking as alarming as ever. I also noticed why he told me to remain calm, I had to be careful for if I opened my wings I would hit the wall beside me. I was stuck.

He was stronger than me and I knew it. I could feel power radiating from him and I became even more frightened.

"Now," he said with a hit of anger in his voice, "you will calm down and follow me." I gave no response and after a moment of silence he added, "I'll force you if you don't come on your own and you know I can."

With that he tuned and began to walk back out the door. I stood for a moment, frozen in fear. A crackle of thunder pulled me from my trance and I carefully made my way over to the door, my fear ebbing slowly away. He will not hurt me, I reasoned with myself, if he were going to he would have done so already. I followed him down the halls and corridors for what seemed to be eternity. The corridors seemed endless with small rooms not unlike my own off to my left or right every few feet.

*Gah! Finally I can put this up. I have been going from one thing to another all this summer. Not at all what I was hoping for. I hoped to have a clam do nothing summer. But no, I have colleges to look at; a new job, and my trips take out time too. O well, here it is anyway. I'll get the next one up soon…maybe. READ AND REVIEW PLEASE!!!!!

Love to all