Fan Fiction ❯ Habatapa: Genesis ❯ A Storm is Brewing ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Habatapa: Genesis

By an ebony flame

Chapter One: A Storm is Brewing

Disclaimer: All of the characters, ideas, deities, and other material in this story came from me. If my story features other content, I will clearly label it.

The sun rose over the land of Habatapa, the super continent of the third rock nearest to the Sun, as the day began. The primitive inhabitants awoke and began to go through their mindless lives, which would seem forever to them, but to the Golden King and Queen, small minutes ticking and tocking to a clock named eternity. The benign King smiled at his wife loving, staring with his deep violet eyes into her wise brown ones.

"My dear," he said. "I would love to stay and watch with you, but there is business to be taken care of."

The Queen looked disappointed. "You aren't going to stay? But we just made a planet, with actual life on it this time and they haven't even begun to mate yet!"

The King looked down on her as he stood. "You and I both know that there is work to be done. And remember you have an appointment with the foreseer."

"Oh don't you talk to me with that tone of voice. You should remember who created you in the first place."

The King laughed as he walked out of door. "Don't forget your appointment."

The Queen smiled after her husband. Well I guess he's right. I should get to my appointment. She sat up from her throne. She waited for her guard to accompany her, before she embarked on the short journey to Lisoni, the Foreseer.


"Hikiri Tsuki Mais Mois!" the woman screamed as a great red puff of smoke appeared and quickly dissipated, leaving a machine gun in its place. Hmmm…That's strange. I have no clue what this is, or what is means. How does this represent the future of Earth? The gun then vanished from existence, for the time being. Lisoni wrinkled her brow while thinking. Every time she tried to find out the future the Queen's new source of entertainment, she'd always get something she didn't recognize. Her visions didn't even make sense. She had one vision that had a great gray cloud that was shaped like mushroom, one of the strange fungi the King and Queen put on Earth. It was on some island, but the island didn't look anything like Habatapa, and that was the only piece of land on there. Why would anything ever change?

Then Lisoni rose, for she felt the presence of the Queen in the midst.

"Hello Li," the Great Deity said as she walked into Lisoni's chambers with a smile upon her face. But that smile quickly faded with the look of confusion on her dear friend's face. "What's wrong?"

Lisoni gestured for the Queen to sit. "Tahila," she said to the Golden One, "I don't know what's wrong. That is the main problem. Something wrong is going to happen soon."

"Like what?" Tahila asked worriedly, her majestic face showing her worry.

"I don't know! I've been having visions I do not understand, I've been conjuring objects I do not know of. Neither the Spirits, nor I can find out what this means. It is most frustrating. All I know is that Earth will be filled with pain and suffering."

"That simply cannot happen. All of that is with Darkela."

"Things will change Tahila. I don't know how and I don't know why but it will."

"No," the divinity said in disbelief. "Things will not change because I say so."

"Tahila, a storm is brewing. I don't know how and I don't know but it will."

Tahila stood suddenly, knocking over her chair. "No it won't. You have never sensed a change before. There isn't a good reason why you should sense one now unless you are a fraud."

"We both know I am right."

They stared for a moment, a time to be later named a day by humans. Then Tahila abruptly turned and headed towards the door.

"There shall be a great cry throughout the land of Habatapa, such as was not like it before, nor shall be like it again!"[from "The Holy Bible" New King James Version]

"THAT IS NOT TRUE!" Tahila yelled fiercely. Then she turned swiftly and walked out of the door.


The King looked at his dear wife, worried. She hadn't spoken to her once close friend since her visit with Lisoni. She had changed since then. She had become cold, distant, and detached. Not even the monkey on Earth could cheer her up. "Look dear! That one is scratching his private area!" he said in a vain attempt to get that look off of her face. He was only answered with a momentary stare. He cleared his throat nervously. "I have to go." Again, he was met with a stare. "Okay, then good-bye." He left the chamber awkwardly, feeling the tension surrounding his consort.

If only he could make her happy again. Even her favorite toys seemed dull and unimportant. But then again, maybe he could make Earth less boring. How could he make them more interesting? Then, he had an idea! I could possibly work….


Darkela sat in her home, grumpy as usual. She was a bitter soul, that one. She hated everything and everyone, especially the Queen. The Queen had everything: power, respect, love. Darkela didn't even have one power. Sure she could summon things, and fly (and all of the normal powers reserved for a goddess), but everyone had those! She wanted something special, something that set her apart from everyone else. But alas, there was nothing. So everyday she sat, and whined, and complained, and hated. Sadly, she didn't realize that it was hate that set her apart from everyone else. For hate always exists, so the Queen had to think of someone to give it all to, hence the creation of Darkela.

There was a knock at the door. Too lazy to get up she flung the door open with magic. It's probably Ginalui again, telling me I would be so much prettier with a smile on my face. Well damn her!

"I see you are in a happy mood Darkela," a strong voice said.

"My King, I did not realize 'twas you. I bow humbly in your presence," she growled sarcastically.

"I would not have that attitude, young lady. You must remember who created you," the King said.

"I should? Well if I am not mistaken the Queen did, Your Royal Figurehead."

"Enough of this insolence! I would be more respectful if I were you, for I have an idea that will cheer you up!


"I can't believe it! I can't believe!" Lisoni said. She sat in disbelief in front of her amethyst ball. She had the answer. She now knew what all of her visions and summons equaled and meant! This was serious. I have to find Tahila and tell her, before it's too late!

Next Chapter:

Darkela creates the evil human race. However, Tahila finds out too late, and she must think of a way to fix it.

New characters will include:

Janaz Sama, Dictator Moran