Fan Fiction ❯ Harouka STOP SCROLLING AND READ THIS FREAKIN STORY ❯ Confessing ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Ch. 5 Confessing

Kito took his hand off of his seatbelt, to look at Harouka. Her eyes were so beautiful and full of emotion, so he could not tell how she was feeling. He did like her, no matter how much he denied it. He wanted to tell Harouka how he felt, but thought it was too soon.

"Kito…I…" What was she trying to say? Kito wanted to know, badly. "That was my house…but I…" Every sentence ended with `I'. Kito could not wait any longer. He would tell her how he felt, now. "I need to tell you something, too. Ummm…" Kito shifted in his seat, nervously. "You know…you were right. Let's talk inside." Harouka decided. They both got out of the car and walked up the stairs to his apartment.

"I'll find out what she's up to…he he." Said a masculine voice, lowering his binoculars. Setting them down, he sped off in his black van.

Kito threw his keys onto the table, and then pulled up a chair. Harouka stretched out on the couch. Like I was saying…" Continued Kito, sitting down in his chair. "When I first saw you in the 24-hour store (dessesbosram: thaz the actual name of the store), you stood out." Harouka groaned. "I was the only person in there, of course I stood out!"

"No, no, no…" Kito shook his head. "This will sound weird, but…even with that crappy thing on your face, and an old kimono on-" "HEY!" Kito continued, ignoring Harouka. "Just how beautiful you were-I mean, you still are, but-what I'm trying to say is…" Kito finally got to the point. "I…I like you Harouka."

*Gasp* Harouka thought she must have heard wrong. She was already going deaf at 16? Did he say she was beautiful? (dessesbosram: harouka doesn't seem 2 hav noticed the main part, HE LIKES HER! she only noticed dat he sed she wuz beautiful, weird…huh?)

"What?" She asked to clarify. "I said I like you?" "No…before that!" Kito thought for a minute. "You wore a crappy thing on your face?" Harouka was frustrated. "No! After that!" Kito had no idea what she was talking about. "Oh, never mind. They both shrugged.

Silence followed. Harouka was too angry and shocked to say anything, and Kito too deep in his thoughts. What if Harouka did not like him back, and rejected him? He would feel depressed. She was unlike any girl he had ever met. He always felt like protecting her, when they were alone.

Finally, Harouka spoke, "…I like you, too." That got Kito's attention. Harouka liked him, too? He hadn't, in a million years, thought she would. He breathed a sigh of relieve. "Whew! Now that that's over…"

Harouka decided not to tell him about her father, now. Enough had been shared. "Ummm…I think I forgot what I was gonna tell you. Oh well, it'll come to me later." She shrugged. "You sure?" Harouka nodded.

"What time is it?" Asked Kito, after a while. "I dunno…" Harouka went to look at the clock in the kitchen. "Ummm…2:45!" She yelled. When she got back to the living room, Kito had taken her spot on the couch. "So…you wanna go out with me?" He asked. He knew that she would say yes. She liked him, after all. "No." Harouka replied, calmly. "But why?!? I thought you liked me!" Kito did not understand.

"Yes, I like you. I just don't wanna go out with you."

This confused Kito even more. Kito was going to MAKE her want to go out with him. He would do anything it took, to make Harouka his girlfriend. But then there was his doubt, what if he had spoken too soon? Maybe he should have waited a little longer, until Harouka knew him better, and he knew her.

"Hmph!" Kito said, trudging to his room. "Finally, you got off the couch!" Harouka yelled back, laying down on it. But, as soon as Kito left Harouka's true feelings came out. How could she have said NO? He liked her and she liked him, it was perfect. But Harouka had ruined it. I mean, she knew she was trying to avoid guys, but COME ON! She had ruined everything! The likely hood of him asking her again would be 100 to 0. (dessesbosram: but u never no w/ my storys. hint! hint! w/ means with, by da way)

Harouka felt good to have clean clothes on. And now that her wound was all fixed up, she only needed one more thing to be content. A SHOWER! And to a girl, that's a very big deal.

Kito wondered, while lying on his bad, why did he like Harouka? Was it because she resisted him? If she were to be easy, would he loose interest? Did he just want a chase? Then, he thought, who care! She said `No', but that didn't mean anything. He would get Harouka to be his girlfriend, or his name wasn't KITO!!!

Harouka got up from the couch, quietly. Kito was still in his room, and was probably pouting. She decided not to tell him that she was going to take a shower, and went straight to the bathroom. After a while of searching, Harouka finally found the towels.

Kito knew that Harouka liked him, but that was only an answer to one of his many questions. Where did her cut come from? Why did she resist him? Why was she watching her house? And, why were there cops everywhere cops everywhere? Then, he remembered Harouka being so close to stabbing him in the face with that knife. He shivered at the mere thought.

Kito left his room to go talk to her. As he opened his door he heard water running. She was taking a shower? "Well, she does need one." He chuckled.

As Harouka undressed she smelt herself. She stunk horribly. How could Kito stand to lye next to her, or even hug her? He must like her a lot, if he would withstand the disgusting smell to be by her. Maybe she could give him a chance…maybe.

Kito walked to Kyla's room. Harouka would need another outfit, after her shower. Even though it wasn't very manly, Kito decided to pock her outfit out for her. He had to admit, he did have a more feminine side to him.

Harouka stepped out of her hot shower, dripping over everything. Now she was clean. As she dried herself, Harouka realized that she didn't have any clothes to change into. "Shit." How could she have forgotten to get more? Now she had to borrow something of Kyla's...again.

Harouka peeked out the door and slowly slipped out. She didn't want Kito to see her in her towel. She picked up the old clothes Kyla had let her borrow, and walked to Kyla's room.

Kito was in Kyla's small walk-in closet. He had found some jeans for Harouka, which matched her personality better. Rather than the mini skirt Kyla picked. He was gong to walk out, when he heard the door close. Harouka was out of the shower.

Keeping her towel held up with one hand, Harouka searched through drawers, to find a shirt to wear. Which drawer was the shirt draw? She wondered. Kito walked up behind her, to show her the pants he had picked. Harouka did not notice him, though, because she was too busy searching.

"Look at this-" Kito could not finish, because of the sight he saw. Harouka had been terrified, and as most terrified people do, she put her hand on her cheeks, letting go of her towel. This led to it falling, of course. So that is why Kito did not finish his sentence.

Kito could not take his eyes off her naked body. Harouka and Kito, both, just stayed frozen for a while, when suddenly they sprang into action. Kito tried to help Harouka pull up her towel and Harouka tried covering her bottom half with her hands. "No, I got it." She insisted, but Kito ignored her, wrapping the towel around her, once more. "Now it won't fall." He said.

Harouka was still in a great amount of shock. Kito had just seen her naked? KITO HAD JUST SEEN HER NAKED? She was so embarrassed. She wished that she were still all alone in her box, in the alley. None of this would have ever happened. She noticed him looking at her, as he pulled the towel up and around her. What could she do, but look back at him? Their eyes were loced.

Harouka was not afraid of Kito turning into her father, anymore. He could never become that bitch, who had abused her. Kito was different.

Kito was looking into Harouka's eyes. He wanted to be with Harouka. He NEEDED to be with Harouka. Kito took a step closer, to her. This time, she did not back away. He brought his hand to her wet face. Slowly, their heads leaned in closer. Harouka felt Kito's warm lips against hers.

As they kissed, they walked slowly backwards towards the bed. Kito leaned back, while Harouka leaned forward, onto it. Harouka felt the chemistry between them. This only made her want him more. Kito's hands slowly began to unravel her towel.

Suddenly, Harouka had a flashback of her father. She began to think Kito was her father. He was trying to rape her! "NO!" She screamed. Kito stopped, confused. "No!" She yelled again, a bit calmer. Kito wanted to ask what was wrong, but his mouth wouldn't move. "I…I can't" Harouka said. She quickly got up and ran from the room, only to leave Kito to wonder.

****END OF CH. 5****

dessesbosram: i rote this one over about 4 freakin' times. i finally got it how i wanted it, so u better have liked it. i already rote ch. 6, i just haven't tiped it up yet. don't worry…it'll b out soon. ^_^!! REVIEWS! REVIEWS! REVIEWS!