Fan Fiction ❯ Harry And Kathy And The Sorceror's Stone ❯ Hagrid ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer-Harry Potter isn't mine.

Note-Time for C&A! (Complaint & Answer)

C-You kept changing the Dursely's last name

A-Sorry. I'm new at this, and when I wrote the 1st chapter, I'd only seen the movie twice.

C-Kathy and Harry's personalities should have been the same, because they grew up in the same way and they only had each other to hang with.

A-Well, the thing about Kathy and Harry is that though they are twins, they are extremely different. They are paternal twins. (Or fraternal? I don't know) Harry is meek and mild and gentle, whereas Kathy is loud and outspoken and a little rough around the edges, and she's not afraid to curse. Their personalities revolve around how they reacted to their ill treatment. While Harry chose to submit to his relatives, Kathy chose to fight back. Kathy is forever in offense mode. She'd make a great football player.

C-Some character revision is in order.

A-Sorry, but, no. Kathy is my character, and I can't imagine changing her now.

On with the fic!


Kathy was sitting on a lawn chair on a tropical beach miles from her relatives. She was alone, just herself, a glass of pink lemonade, and an Animerica magazine. (A/N: Kathy is an Anime freak, okay? She orders Animerica even though she's not American. Don't ask me how…let's just say that Animerica is imported) She was finally relaxing…Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley were nowhere to be seen, and then…

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Kathy's eyes flew open, being the lighter sleeper of the two. Glancing over at Harry, she saw that he was still sleeping. She rolled over and buried her face into her pillow.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

With every tap, Kathy flinched. She reared back her head and looked around.

The same snowy owl with yet another letter was at her window.

"Harry." She shook him


"Harry!" she whispered sharply, shoving him.

"Wh-a-a-a-t?" he whined, burying his face in the pillow.

"It's that owl I told you about."

That woke Harry up in a second. "WHAT?!"

Kathy crawled over Harry to the port window and opened it. The snowy owl dropped the letter on the floor and flew away.

The two twins looked at each other.

Then they scrambled to get the letter first.

"Got it!" Harry said, waving the letter triumphantly.

Kathy stuck out her tongue.

Harry opened the letter and read it out loud.

Dear Katherine and Harold Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have been approved to enter the esteemed Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You shall be escorted by a chosen messenger to London Train Station and shall be picked up by the 9 ¾ train at precisely 11 o'clock on September 1st. We look forward to seeing you this semester.

Sincerely,The Ministry of Magic

"It's the same as before," Kathy said.

"I still think we should show this to Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia," Harry said.

"Oh, yes, and they'll just love it." Kathy rolled her eyes. "What a great idea, Harry Pothead!"


"I think we should wait until Monday when Hagrid comes," Kathy said. "He'll be able to tell us just what all this is about."

"Keep it down up there!" the twins heard Vernon shout.

Kathy shriveled up her face and mimicked Vernon. Harry held in a laugh.


The twins were almost alone in the house. Petunia was in the kitchen, cooking dinner. Vernon and Dudley were out on some context, and would be back soon.

"Why is he knocking?" Petunia muttered to herself, dropping her paring knife and walking to the door. "You, girl, get away from the door!" She pushed Kathy aside. "Probably scare Vernon off if he saw you first."

Kathy made another face, this time drawing back her lips and mimicking her aunt by making her top jaw hang over her lower one. Harry sent her a look of mixed scolding and amusement. Kathy grinned at him and went back to her Animerica magazine-which she'd had to save up for and buy herself, and was also very expensive, being an imported good. She was just reading an article on her favorite Anime, Dragonball Z, when she heard Petunia gasp.

She looked up to see a huge man. He was sturdily built and well over 6 feet tall. His brown hair and beard were long and shaggy, and his clothes were torn and old. He would've been frightening if it wasn't for his soft brown eyes and friendly expression.

"Good day to you, ma'am," he said amiably, bowing his head respectfully. "I've come to collect Kathy and Harry. I'm sure you've gotten our notice."

Petunia blocked the doorway, even though it was obvious that he could knock her over with a breath. "What notice?"

"We've sent letters. Dozens."

Kathy's hand went to her jeans pocket, and she could see Harry do the same to his. Kathy's job was to get the mail. She could easily take any letters sent to her and her brother and hide them. All of them were the same. She kept some and Harry kept some others.

"The train leaves tomorrow. I, Hagrid, as the Hogwarts Keeper of Grounds and Keys and Professor Dumbledore's messenger, have come to bring the young Potters with me, I have."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I must ask you to leave," Petunia said, making to shut the door.

"Aunty Petunia, dearest," Kathy said, her voice sickeningly sweet and dripping with sarcasm. "We have letters calling us to Hogwarts. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, to be precise."

"I know what Hogwarts is!" Petunia snapped, then clamped her hand over her mouth.

"Aunt Petunia?" Harry said, looking up at her.

Petunia scrunched up her face. She might as well. "Your mother, my sister, went to that freak show of a school. So did your father. I never approved…I despised Lily for it. You're not going."

"Aunt Petunia, you hate us, anyway," Kathy said. "You and Uncle Vernon would be glad to get rid of us."

"What's all this?" a voice said behind Hagrid. They all turned to see Vernon and Dudley behind them.

"It's a messenger from Hogwarts," Petunia said.

"Hogwarts?" Vernon's face went white. "Oh, no. You two will never go to that school."

"Begging your pardon, my good sir and ma'am," Hagrid said. "But Dumbledore is expecting them, and I don't aim to disappoint him. Mr. and Miss Potter will be coming with me."

"No, they will not!" Petunia blocked the door again.

"Ma'am, I don't wish to see you hurt…"

"I do!" Kathy said brightly.

"Kathy!" Harry hissed.

"Are you threatening me?" Petunia demanded.

"No, but I won't be responsible if anything happens to you for not letting the young twins here come with me."

"Sir, I bid you good day!" Petunia said stiffly.

"Oh, shut up!" Kathy said, annoyed. She pushed past Petunia. "Move, you little 6!tc#."

Petunia reached out and grabbed Kathy's hair. "You won't speak to me that way!" She gave Kathy a shove.

"Sorry to say so, ma'am, but I think you deserved that," Hagrid said. "Judging from her harried appearance, lack of muscle, and run-down clothes, I'd say she hasn't been well taken care of."

"Harry's the same," Kathy said, wishing that Hagrid wasn't just a messenger but also an officer of DIFUS. (A/N: Is that only in America? Oh, well, I'm just making this up, so it doesn't matter)

"Is he now?" Hagrid said. "Well, Harry, come with your sister and me, and we'll get you a bite to fatten you up."

Harry was already brushing past Petunia.

"Sir, we are their legal guardians, and they won't go anywhere unless we allow them!" Vernon said.

"Have you proof of guardianship?"

Vernon flustered at this. "No…"

"Well, then, off we go!" Hagrid said, turning, guiding the twins with him with his enormous hands on their shoulders.

"Come back!" Petunia yelled.

Hagrid threw a glance back. Everyone had his or her limit of patience, even the friendly Hagrid, and he had just reached his. Professor McGonagall had been right; the twins should've stayed in the wizarding world. Wordlessly, he pulled out a wand, shook it, and instantly, Dudley grew a pig's tail!

"Dudley!" Petunia screeched, while Hagrid, Harry, and Kathy proceeded.

"Oh, nearly forgot!" Hagrid said. He reached into his huge cloak and pulled out a white box. "It got kinda smooshed on the trip over, but it should still be pretty good." He opened it to reveal a round cake with pinking icing and writing scrawled in green letters. Hagrid grinned. "Happy birthday, Harry and Kathy."

Yes, I know I changed the scene, but I like my way better.