Fan Fiction ❯ Harry is my name, Many times reincarnated... ❯ Nadia is my name... ( Prologue )

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Somewhere in the midst of the Sahara desert, a girl is standing tall, her bare back turned against the boiling wind as the harsh sun burns her skin and the desert gale throws sand on her exposed skin, with a grating, stinging pain. She's lived here all her life, she's used to it. As is the rest of her tribe. As was her brother, for whom she now sings, reciting the poem he gave to her before he left.

"Nadia is my name,

I with life life eternal,

Ten times ten score years and nine,

Since my cradle first rocked merrily

beside the river Rhine.

Jaffa was my homeland

When the devil took my soul.

At a tender age of twenty three,

And near as black as coal can be.

I twist and hustle through the woodlands,

Within the dead of night.

With nothing else to guide me,

But the Devil with his light.

He has no horns upon his head,

But his flesh is deep and crimson red.

His eyes are evil beyond belief,

And round his waist he wears a sheaf.

He has no fork, no fire, no flame,

But from his lips all evil came.

Believe me when I tell you this,

He can slay you with his kiss.

He's hard, he's cold, he's ruthless,

And really so uncouth.

Especially the day I sold him my soul

For life and eternal youth..."

As the poem comes to an end the sky darkens quickly as if a cloud has passed in front of the sun, though when she looks up not a cloud is in the sky and the tormenting heat has not been blocked.

Before she can think on it, the darkness rises from the sky above and with a slight widening of mahogany eyes and a parting of almost black lips, the girl collapses into a pile on the dry ground, unsettling the sand, which falls back down to cover her prone form.