Fan Fiction ❯ Help the People of Niger ❯ Chapter 1

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This poem is about Niger, the second poorest country in the world. It was written to try to encourage donations to help the suffering people. Every day hundreds of Niger children, babies, and adults die of dehydration and starvation. Please help.
This poem is hereby copy-righted by Kitsuneluvuh.
Six long miles through the sand
Stumbling through the desert
Dragging on with the promise of food
The crops are gone, through locusts and drought,
The children are pencil-thin.
No rain has come for many moons
The sun steals what little is left.
Almost there… One more mile to go.
One more mile till we're saved.
The center's just ahead,
Hope dampened by the crowd.
Just enough food for several thousand,
Will it be too late?
The food stores reached, but instead of hope despair
The food has all run out.
The children cry, collapse in the dust.
One by one they begin to die.
Burying the bodies, eyes too dry for tears.