Fan Fiction ❯ Horny Juice ❯ Chapter IX ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*Horny Juice*~

~*Chapter 9*~

Angelina woke up slowly from a deep peaceful sleep. She lay there for a few minutes looked around and saw her friend's beds, Alicia and Katie's, empty and made. She remembered she had an appointment with Madame Pomfrey `Still no morning sickness…..I hope everything is alright with the baby….. But I've got to be pregnant though, I've not had a period for at least six, nearly seven weeks!'. She heard the noisiness from down stairs in the common room, which incidentally happens every morning. So that meant that no one had left to eat breakfast yet, so the time had to be about quarter to eight. She had about an hour and fifteen minutes till she had to be at the hospital wing. So Angelina sat up and got out of bed, got her robe on and made her way down to the common room to see if Fred was still down there.

When she got to the bottom of the stairs she saw Fred sitting on the settee next to the fire and George sat next to him and Alicia was sitting on George's lap. Angelina giggled to herself, `Alicia is never one for tact…...'. She made her way to Fred and sat on the arm of the settee he was sitting at and draped one arm around his shoulders and the other hand was stroking his hair affectionately. "Good Morning Fred."

"'Morning Angel." Fred looked at her bathrobe, "Aren't you getting changed and joining us for the first class?"

"Nope." Angelina said simply. "I've got my appointment soon, I just see it as a waste of time to start a lesson, just to miss the middle and the end anyway. So I'll join you for Herbology, second class, ok?"

"K." The Gryffindors were slowly filing out the common room, Fred and Angelina hadn't really noticed till Alicia got up and let George up as well.

"Well Fred, you better get goin' before all the breakfast is gone. I know you're not fit for anything on an empty stomach." She said ruffling his flame red hair as he got up.

"Yeah," Fred replied. Not even attempting to straighten up his hair. "You know me so well."

"Well we've practically been living together for seven years, so it's hardly surprising."

They walked to the entrance of the Gryffindor common room and Fred kissed Angelina full on the lips and smiled lovingly at her.

"Good luck, Angel. Let me know what happens with you today, yeah?"

"Of course I will, you'll be the first to know. I'll tell you every little detail."

"Good. See you in a bit." Fred said as he gave her a strong meaningful hug and left.

"See you in a bit, Freddykins!" Angelina said as she laughed at herself. It's like they we're married already.

~*Roughly an hour later*~

Angelina was pacing up and down the corridor just out side the massive hospital door. She'd been there for awhile, just pacing and thinking. She was really nervous. The more she paced the more nervous she got. Until…..

"Miss Johnson! Will you stop pacing and get in here! You're upsetting the other patents."

Angelina poked her head through the large oak door to the hospital wing and saw Madame Pomfrey striding to the door and Angelina walked in, then shut the door behind her.

"I'm sorry, Madame Pomfrey. I was just nervous. `First day of the rest of my life' and all that."

Pomfrey's face softened with understanding. "Oh, come on in to this room, sweetheart. It's sound proof for confidentiality." Madame Pomfrey wrapped an arm around Angelina sympathetically.

They walked in to a small office-like room with a desk in the middle of the room and posters on the wall with all sorts of medical spells, potions and advice like "Be Sure To Get Your Flu Charm" and so on.

"Now dear, I understand your pregnant, is that right?" Madame Pomfrey said as she sat in a leather chair and indicated for Angelina to sit down in the chair facing her.

"Yes, that's right." Angelina replied crossing her legs at the ankle, wringing her hands together and not making eye contact.

"Oh, come on pet, you can look up at me, I'm not going to judge you or tell any one about what happens inside these four walls."

Angelina felt a little better knowing that Madame Pomfrey wasn't going to tell her how stupid she was.

"Now dear, how long has it been since your last period?" Madame Pomfrey continued.

"Errr, about 45 or 46 days ago."

"Alright, well that's a definite sign," Madame Pomfrey sat back in her chair and opened a draw next to her and got her wand out, shut the draw door and started to flick about in a large medical book which had been on the desk. "Ok… … Found it." She said as she pointed to a bit in the book. Her eyes were scrolling over the text and memorising it. "Right dear! Let's try this." Madame Pomfrey stood up. "Could you sit on the desk please?"

Angelina stood up and slid onto the table facing Madame Pomfrey.

The matron said some Latin spell, swished and flicked her wand to Angelina and a small light emitted from the wand then the light travelled to Angelina and engulfed her body like a visible aura.

"Now Angelina this could take a minute or two, but what will happen is that the aura will change to a colour saying how long you've been pregnant." Madame Pomfrey scanned the page again. Now if you are 20-40 days pregnant then you should emit a purple, going on indigo colour."

"Oh, ok." Angelina said in wonderment.

They waited…..

But she wasn't purple, or even indigo. Her aura emitted a blue to a green.

Madame Pomfrey pulled a face. "Strange."

Angelina picked up on it. "What's wrong, why am I bluey-green?"

"Hold on dear, I'm looking it up….." She flipped over the page in exasperation. "Ah! Here it is." She looked over it and her face fell.

"What? What is it? Is Something wrong with the baby??" Angelina said panic in her voice, putting a possessive hand over her abdomen.

"I don't know how to say this Angelina but blue-green means your five months pregnant."

"But… …That's impossible!" Angelina screamed.

"I know dear, I know." Madame Pomfrey said as she ended the spell that was currently on Angelina and looked for an explanation to why that would happen. "Well it vaguely says here that the spell reads on the hormone count in the blood……… So MAYBE you just have a higher amount of estrogen in your blood than normal."

"But twice as much?"

"Let me find another spell for you." Pomfrey flicked madly through the book. Truth be told, she didn't know what was going on. She'd not seen the like before. And she was worried for Angelina, but she couldn't show it otherwise Angelina would know something wasn't right. "Oh, this might work."

"What is it?" Angelina said as she strained forward on the desk to look at the book, even though from her vantage point the writing would be upside down.

"This spell monitors the growth and well being of the baby." Madame Pomfrey said with hope.

"Oh yeah, that'll work." Angelina said enthusiastically.

"Right dear, I'll need you to lay down on the desk," Angelina did as she said. "Now I lay my wand on your belly, tip facing your head and the handle facing your feet, place my finger on the wand and say this spell. Then, depending how pregnant you are the wand will float a certain distance from your belly. Then depending on growth, the wand will face a certain way, like a compass. North will be your head, South is your feet, East is your left hand and West is your right. If the baby is healthy the wand will point North-East in a clock-wise direction, but if something isn't going well it point South-West in an anti-clock-wise direction."

Angelina didn't get it entirely but she thought she'd see it in action and maybe it'll make more sense then. "Ok."

Madame Pomfrey said the spell with her finger on the wand and waited for it to levitate.

But it didn't.

She said the spell again trying to say it clearer, but the wand didn't levitate or even change direction.

Angelina was panicking now, she was really quite scared.

Madame Pomfrey didn't know what to think, but she carried on regardless and repeated the spell, willing the wand to move. She was relived when it did move, but the relief soon went when the wand was spinning about like it was possessed.

Neither one of them moved a muscle, they just watched the wand as it was still spinning as it levitated, but it done something else unexpected. It stopped spinning and the tip was touching her abdomen, with the handle in the air. This wasn't supposed to happen, it wasn't supposed to indicate like that.

"Mm- Madame Pomfrey? Does this mean my baby is ok?"

Pomfrey glanced at her and re-read the paragraph for the spell. "One moment, dear. I'm pretty sure that the wand wasn't supposed to do that." Pomfrey's face darkened. "I'm sorry, dear." Madame Pomfrey took the charm off the wand and put it back in the draw. "You can sit up now, I'll tell you what's going on."

Angelina had a surge of panic run through her. `Oh Merlin! Something's wrong! I know it is! How am I going to tell Fred that something is wrong with OUR first child!! Was this what Trelawney's cards meant?'

~*End Of Part 9*~

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A/N = Wow! Does this count as a cliff hanger? Hehehe I hope so!

Thank you for sticking with me and my silly story. And a special thank you to those who reviewed my last chapter.

Ashliegh (I hope you still feel fuzzy inside, but how's Fred and Angelina gonna take this news???)

Wheezes (Hey wheezes! Thanx for constantly supporting me and asking me for updates, you keep me going.)

naenae (Hey, thank you for reading, please continue reading this story)

Draco-luver (Hi again!!! We still have to see what the deal is with the baby before we see Fred's reaction, even though he accepts the baby)

Natasha (Granted you reviewed chapter 1, you were the last person to review so I'll thank you here. I hope you like this chapter.)