Fan Fiction ❯ Kisa's poetry ❯ Chapter 9

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Happy Mother's Day
You are the bright light
I am the dark night
You sing a song of sweet content
I paint a melody of bitter fright
You are alive
I am the dead
You birthed me
And I birthed your pain
I know I am dark, a raven
I know you are bright, a dove
So I offer you my words
Though I have nothing else
Just me
And my words
Elaborate plays of color and love
Emit from you hands as swift as if treading water
Your wings spread wide in newfound glory
You live to bring life
The words flow out from me,
Collect in your arms
Then spill out again and you deceive the child
To make her laugh
You smile back
And hold your pain
You are my mother
And you change my world
You change my words
You are my guardian angel
Who holds me tight?
Why the one who raised me
The one who sees me
Who wants to understand me
And I wish for that to
And so I say I love you
My mommy
And of course
Keep on flying
Happy Mother's Day
And Thank you
My Mommy!!
---Megan Yingling