Fan Fiction ❯ Liberated ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


At the age of five Kris could speak fluently in four languages. At the age of seven she could do grade twelve math, science, English, and socials. At the age of eight she passed University. At the age of eight and a half, she was still baby-sat.

She never wanted a babysitter. She was probably smarter than them anyway. Her parents ignored her reason and continued hiring Marie.

At the age of nine Kris snapped. She had been walking around the playground with her parents sitting on the bench 'watching' her. A boy around twelve came up to her and hit her. She never knew why, didn't ever need to know why, the only thing that went processed through her brain was that someone had touched her.

She hit him back. Kicked him, punched him, bit him, scratched him, and even prodded him with an unnaturally pointy stick.

Kris was terrified.

The boy was laying on the ground beat within an inch of his life. And she had done it.

Her parents sent her to a psychiatrist but never found out why their precious daughter had done this. Why their little Kristine Grace Smith had done such a horrifying act of injustice.

They had asked countless times and always received the same answer.

(I don't know mother and father, I just don't know!)

After a few weeks 'they' determined it was probably just reflexes and gave her some drugs to help calm her down.

She never took the meds.

And why should she? She had done it in an act of self-defense (so they told her) and she wouldn't be bothered with pointless medicine.

When Kris was nine and a half they let her stay home.


Her parents were going to some party thing for a friend. It was by no means a fancy party, just a go-hang-at-the-local-club kind of thing. So they trusted Kris to be by herself. They left a list of emergency numbers, a frozen dinner, everything to be prepared in case of anything.

Kris had no friends. How could she? Her parents had hired tutors for her for her whole life. Anything she wanted (which wasn't much, she was only nine and a half).

What she hadn't anticipated was someone coming to her house. She had locked all of the doors she was pretty sure of that, she was after all a child prodigy.

It was a quarter after ten when se heard noises coming from the back door. It was seventeen after ten when she heard footsteps. It was twenty after ten when she ran into the front hall where there was a secret passage. It was half past ten when she could hear scratching noises along the wall in her spot. It was three quarters after ten when the first door slid open. It was eleven o'clock when he left.

Her parents arrived home shortly after and found their daughter to be a bundle of nerves scared out of her wits.

They never found out what had happened, Kris wouldn't say anything about why she was in there. They had strictly told her it was for emergencies and by no means a hiding place. They grounded her for disobeying their orders.

The next week there was a party for a friend who was moving. A fancy party as well. Kris tried everything for them to get her a babysitter, but they just said it was short notice and that they had to go. So they left her alone, again.

This time she made extra sure she had locked all of the doors and windows. This time she hid in a very secret hiding spot that not even her parents knew about. This time she locked herself form the inside in her spot. That way it couldn't find her.

She waited for hours it seemed when she heard noises. She wasn't sure whether it was her parents or not so she stayed in her spot. One thought was running through her mind, 'how could I have forgotten a watch?' She never knew the answer because it started to try and pry open the door to her secret spot.

How had it known about her spot? Maybe it had seen it last time and thought she could be hiding there. 'Or, or… I just don't know! How could he get through? HOW!?' Kris was terrified. She didn't know what to do, she didn't even have anything to defend herself with!

A spot of light could be seen through the door of her spot. She couldn't, no wouldn't believe that it got through the door. When it was covered, she let out a deep sigh.

"I got you." She heard. "I'm going to get you Kris. And when I do… you won't know what happened."

Kris was petrified. It had found her. She wasn't safe anymore.

"What do you want with me?"

"Don't you know…? I suppose not. Your parents wouldn't have told you, although they did make a great treat."

"What did you do to them?"

"First I cut them multiple times, even cutting off some limbs. Then I slowly pealed off all of their skin. Oh did they make a tasty treat. Afterwards I boiled them in their own blood. Oh it was scrumptious!  I didn't allow them to get too cooked; I love the taste of rare meat. Especially human."

"You ate my parents? You twisted thing!"

"Now… What was that you said to your savior?"

"You're not my savior! Only the person who saves me from you can be my savior!"

"Now how can you say that? I'm going to save you from life. Let me be your liberator."

The door slowly creaked open and the face in front of her mad her heart race. It was a man, she could tell that from his voice and features, his face was covered in the shadows but she could tell that if light were to be shone upon his face, you'd have to shield your eyes from the terror. His hands were bloody and torn, bandages covered most of his body, but some 'skin' could be seen, and what was there was scarred from cuts and burns, he wore old rags over his bandages and his movements were jerky and slow.

Only one thing could be heard, and that was a long piercing scream.

"Now, now love, don't be scared. Once you're gone, you can always come back. You'll be free."

"I just want to live my life as a normal girl!"

"You're not normal though. You're smarter than most people in this age, you act differently, and you try to stand out, like that incident at the park. You are different in every way from a normal girl."

"I don't care! I just want to live!"

"Don't worry, it'll only hurt for a minute, then your spirit will come out. You have the choice to go or stay, but with me you have one choice: stay. Now be prepared, Kris."


It was three days after the Kris's encounter with the man and it was three days too late.

Kris's insides were stuck to the walls, her fingers and toes were flung across the living room, her arms and legs were chopped in to multiple pieces and were strategically placed in the kitchen to spell 'Kristine', her torso was mutilated and ribs ripped out in her room, her head stood proudly in her parents room of pristine white, her mouth formed in a permanent silent scream and her eyes were wide open in horror. The stench made many people nauseous and it made several people throw up that night's dinner.

No one could figure out what happened to the parents, no one could figure out who had done this.

After everyone left, a piece of white bandage could be seen fluttering in the wind, if anyone had bothered to notice.


This might be a one-shot… I might add more… Well, dead people. But the same old evil guy whom I have yet to name. I hope you enjoyed! ~Unknown Shadow