Fan Fiction ❯ Life, Love, and Waiting ❯ I'll be there in five ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Life, Love, and Waiting
Author: Shadow Angel
Chapter: 3
Rating: PG-13

Disclaimers: I own this story, so ha :)

Author's Notes: I'm really sorry that this took so long. I've been busy, but I still feel bad. Hey, I'm the author though and
can get away with that. If you think I should work on this more and post sooner, however, ya need to tell me. It's always
nice to hear. And hey, if you think this totally sucks, you can still tell me. (I'll probably keep posting anyway, but at least
your opinion was heard.)
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Jeremy had taken me home and made sure I was comfortable. He kissed me on the forehead and promised to call me later.
When he had gone my mom came in to ask all those questions mothers ask when their children are sick.
"Hi honey, how are you?" Mom began while feeling my forehead to check for a fever.
"Not too bad, just a little nauseated," my response sounded like that of a child. 'Of course, I am her child,' I thought.
"Aw, well you can tell me what happened, I'm just gonna go make you some chicken noodle soup and get you some
saltines. How does that sound?"
"Great," I really couldn't argue. As fearful as I was of another attack I was starving. Besides, this was probably just a bug
that Mom's soup would cure.

The soup was delicious. She asked what had happened. Of course when I told her about my little episode first period she
lectured me on how I should have let Jeremy take me to the office so that I could come home. I was only half-listening,
and thinking that I was just tired my mom left me to get some rest, which wasn't hard to do.

* * * * * * * * *The phone was ringing. I couldn't find it. I was in the middle of the desert and it was raining. There were no visible
phones and yet the phone continued to ring. That's when I realized I had been dreaming.
"Hello...." my voice was groggy. The phone had indeed been ringing and I had been woken up by it.
"Hi, you sleep?" the caller responded to my phone greeting.
"Not anymore," I said with clear irritation. I hated being awoken by the phone or most anything else for that matter.
"I'm sorry, do you want me to call back later?" the voice was that of one of my best friends, Katie.
"You could, but I'm awake now."
"Are you really?" she knew me too well.
"No, but I will be, I don't be able to get back to sleep cuz I'll bay here wondering what it was you woke me up about....."
"Ok, ok, I didn't think you'd be asleep at three o'clock in the afternoon though!" she interrupted.
"It's three o'clock! I slept the whole day then!"
"Um, yeah, about that, were you even at school today?"
"Yeah, then Jeremy took me home at lunch because I wasn't feeling well."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Wanna tell me about it?"
"It's nothing serious, I just threw up a couple of times."
"Well that's still not good."
"Katie, it's probably just that flu bug that's going around. I stay home today, maybe tomorrow, and everything will be
Yeah, that's probably it. So, what did you do this weekend? I didn't see you, I thought you were supposed to come over."
"Oh yeah..." my thoughts drifted back to the events of the weekend. To Jeremy putting his arms around me and...
"Dinah! Ya there?!" Katie's yelling brought me back.
"Yeah, sorry about that."
"What were you thinking about girl? Ya kind of left me there."
"Umm..." I didn't really want to tell her. I could feel my cheeks going red, "... nothing..."
"Ah, so did something happen? With Jeremy?"
I didn't really want to talk about this over the phone, actually I wasn't sure I wanted anyone to know yet at all, but I said,
"Come over, I'll tell you the whole story if you promise not to tell anyone!"
"Oooo, I'll be over in about 5 minutes." I dropped the phone back on the base and layed down thinking there was no way
she could make it here in five minutes.
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There it is, the third chapter. What did ya think? I know I know, this is going really slow, but I'm hoping to speed things
up here a bit. I'm hoping to post sooner too, but who knows if that's going to happen. Grr... I'm so ready to be away from
school for a while. More soon, I hope.