Fan Fiction ❯ LJ's ❯ Cyborg ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

LJ post by: Boo-yahed
[1] First grade teacher's name: Ms. Sinclair…psycho bitch if you ask me.
[2] Last words you said: Robin that doesn't….just leave it.
[3] Last song you sang: Aw, man I sang like crazy last night…I think the last one was Back in the U.S.S.R with Star.
[4] Last person you hugged: Star hugged me when I explained she was holding the crossword puzzle upside down.
[5] Last thing you laughed at: BB when Raven first blew up…didn't get funny after there though.
[6] Last time you said I dont remember: When Raven asked what BB had done to me at dinner.
[7] Last time you cried: Aw man, I don't cry. Machine won't let me.
[8] What are you listening to right now: Chariot by Tim Growne I think.
[9] What color socks are you wearing: Don't wear socks.
[10] What's under your bed: I have some bolts underneat my plank.
[11] What time did you wake up today: Eight thirty and had to bust my ass not to be late for practice.
[12] Current taste: That damn tofu BB fed me.
[13] Current hair: Half bald, half computer.
[14] Current clothes: Don't wear clothes.
[15] Current annoyance: BB and Rae. Those two just can't get along, what the hell's their problem.
[16] Current boyfriend/girlfriend:  Well…since no one is seein' this…Jynx and I have been out a couple of times.
 [17] Current desktop picture: A pic of the new Mustang. That baby's hot.
[18] Current worry: That we're going to hear a screm from BB's room and find him just a spot on the wall when Rae gets done with him.
[19] Current hate:
Jynx's not willing to quite the bad guy biz.
[20] Current favorite article of clothing: This crazy skull cap BB got me.
[21] Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: I prefer the curves and we'll leave it at that.
[22] Last CD that you listened to: The CD's I mixed up for the gang.
[23] Favorite place to be: Out on the road.
[24] Least favorite place: Tofu Land. Yes that place does exist, and yes BB's dragged me there.
[25] Time you wake up in the morning: Eight thirty
[26] If you could play an instrument, what would you play: I plan on getting a chip for the drums next month.
[27] Favorite color: hehe…her pink hair.
[28] Do you believe in after life? Nope, when you're dead, you're dead.
[29] How tall are you: A whole lotta 6'1”.
[30] Current favorite word/saying: BOO-YAH!
[31] Favorite book: Well now the instruction manuels to my chips…
[32] Favorite season: Summer baby!
[33] One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: I wish I could go back and talk to that bastard who hit me.

          & nbsp;           &nbs p;            & nbsp;          
[35] Where do you want to go: Hawaii baby!
[36] What is your career going to be like: Haha, I'm going to Charlotte for the NASCAR pit man. They make mad cash too.
[37] How many kids do you want: Man, honestly, I just want one little girl.
[38] What kind of car will you have: My mustang.
[40] Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: Aw man, BB counts doesn't he?
[41] Been to New York: Just for the Statue of Liberty.
[42] Been to Florida: Just for the rollercoasters.
[43] Been to California: Just for the surfing.
[44] Been to Hawaii: Alright, I'm going there no matter what that pipsquek of a leader says.
[45] Been to Mexico: Just for the burritos.
[46] Been to China: Just for the great wall.
[47] Been to Canada: Just for the maple syrup.
[48] Danced naked: I guess every time I dance I'm technically naked.
[49] Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: Just once right before my crash. Of course BB would wreck my systems, shoulda listened to the dream.
[50] Wanted to be the opposite sex: Hell yeah.
[51] Had an imaginary friend: Nope, I had siblings when I was little.
[52] Do you have a crush on someone: Well I guess I'm crushin on Jynx.
[53] What book are you reading now?: Manuel to my sonic cannon.
[54] What is the worst feeling? Feelin inadequate
[55] What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: Where's the bacon?
[56] How many rings before you answer: Only once if I'm the only one in the room. Rob's eyes bug out if we don't get it before one ring. Usually Star answers it, but we may need to stop that.
[57] Future daughter's name: Annabeth like my mom.
[58] Future son's name: Don't really want a son.
[59] Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: haha, just my puppet!
[60] If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: NASCAR driver.
[61] Wish you were here: Wish I was in Hawaii!
[62] College plans: I don't think college would really work for me.
[63] Piercings: Well if you count all the machines pierced into me…
[65] Do you smoke: Nope, it'd ruin the systems.
[66] Who are your best friends: BB.
[67] What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Don't got any hair to wash!
[68] What are you most scared of: Major crash ruining my systems.
[69] What clothes do you sleep in: I guess I sleep naked like everything else I do.
[70] Who is the last person that called you: I phoned the pizza palace to let them know we did NOT want an all tofu pizza.
[71] Where do you want to get married: Where ever the chick wants.
[72] If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: Damn I wish I was normal.
[73] Who do you really hate: Brother Blood. Need I say more?
[74] Been In Love: Well I'm workin on that…
[75] Are You Timely Or Always Late: Usually pretty much on time.
[76] Do You Have A Job: hah, I think what I'm doin now counts.
[77] Do You Like Being Around People: Yeah except when I'm workin on my baby…then only Rae's allowed around.
[78] Best feeling in the world: Drivin' my baby.
[79] Are you for world peace: I think that's kinda the purpose of a superhero.
[80] Are you a health freak: Hell no.
[81] Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: I like the short ones.
[82] Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: Nope I got my girl!
[83] Are You Lonely Right Now: A little. Wish Jynx was free or that everyone wasn't shut up in their rooms.
[84] Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: Yeah. It'd be hard being married to me.
[85] Do You Want To Get Married: A little early to be thinking about that…but who doesn't want to get married at some point?
[86] Do You Want Kids: Just my one!

[87] Cried: Nope.
[88] Bought Something: Just the new nineteen chip processor for the Titan's computer!
[89] Gotten Sick: Can't get sick without infecting my computer
[90] Sang: Hah, course with Star!
[91] Said I Love You: Well…almost.
[92] Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: Well…we won't talk about that.
[93] Met Someone New: No.
[94] Moved On: Don't want to move on from her.
[95] Talked To Someone: Yep, just about everyone I know.
[96] Had A Serious Talk: no…can't scare the girl away.
[97] Missed Someone: Damn I must be in love…missing her already…just saw her yesterday.
[98] Hugged Someone: I hugged Jynx…and was hugged by Star.
[99] Kissed Someone: Yeah…damn that girl's good.
[100] Fought With Your Parents: No…don't speak with them.
[101] Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: I can be with my girl.
[102] Had a lot of sleep: Plenty of it!