Fan Fiction ❯ Love Powers All: Life or Death? ❯ The Bad News, A Goodbye ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Love Powers All: Life or Death?

A/N- Again, I'm really happy I'm not making this fanfic for nothing and that some of you like it. All of you encouraged me to keep working on my fanfics and I'd like to thank you for that, because then I wouldn't be working on my sixth fanfic, since the first one probably wouldn't be done. The reason I got five fanfics done and one being worked on is because on Love Powers All: Love Choice? You all supported me and the reason I finished the other fanfics is because some of you, if not all, wanted to read the sequel as much as I wanted to write it. Thankies again!!! I'm really happy even though I'm tired. It's Wednesday and it rained a lot yesterday because of the hurricane, so now I don't know if I have school or a two hour delay, but that's enough to type a chapter of a fic. Also I'll be writing three more fics, that I have planned, after this one!

j- I'm sorry if my fanfic was choppy. Also I know that the fanfic isn't realistic…I'm not trying to make it realistic since most of my fanfics are unrealistic and I'm sorry if you don't like that.

Brittany- Well…what I'm about to write, isn't only going to break the cliffy in the last chapter, bur it's probably all a lie because I don't think a one week old baby is going to survive a fall on concrete and starvation…so like I said this is an unrealistic story…and you can really tell by this chapter XD.

Kevin's Honey- When I sit down and do something I want to do, like fanfics, I can get imaginative.

Everyone- Thankies everyone for reviewing!

Disclaimer- I own: Jake, Melanie, Thomas, Samantha, Dr. Daniels (but I don't know if she'll be in it anymore), and Dr. Smith.

Summary- What's wrong with Samantha? What are Melanie's last words?

This chapter won't be that long since it's mainly only about Melanie and Samantha in the hospital and most of this, I don't think, can really happen…so deal with me if you don't like the fact that I have no idea what can and can't really happen XD.

Chapter 10- A Goodbye, A Bad Start

"Samantha should be what?!"

"Mrs. Kinkirk calm down." The doctor tried to reassure Lucy, "Samantha will hopefully be ok. She's just about a week old and we doubt she can survive since she hasn't eaten for a few days and she was dropped on concrete. She's currently in a coma and we don't think she'll come out of it since she's just a child. All we can do is have faith for now."

A tear rolled down Lucy's cheek as Kevin pulled her into a hug to comfort her. They both stood there for a while, not knowing what they'd do if they lost their only child. The doctor left them and a few minutes later Matt and Sarah came into the waiting room.

"Is something wrong with Samantha?" Lucy just sat quietly and watched Kevin explain what was going on.

"Well…she's in a coma, which I didn't know was possible and she's starving….they don't know if…if she'll survive…" Kevin looked at Lucy, "Just believe that she'll survive and she will. Why don't we stay overnight?"


"Sarah and I are going to go to the hotel, does anyone want to go with us?" Matt looked at the four that were sitting and then decided that they wanted to stay, "Alright, we'll check in for you two." He said nodding to Mary and Ben, "But we'll come back soon."


Lucy was sitting next to the small room Samantha was in a few hours after they heard the news. Kevin had asked the doctors if the two could stay overnight, Matt and Sarah were back in the hospital checking on Melanie, and Ben and Mary had just walked into Samantha's room.

Kevin walked into the room and sat down next as she put her hand on the child's hand. She rested her head on Kevin's' shoulder before a tear stained a her face. Ben and Mary slowly walked behind the couple.

"Everything's going to be ok, Luce," Mary tried to comfort her sister.

"Mary's right. Before you know it you'll be back in Glen Oak with Samantha right there with you." Ben managed to do the same.

The couple sitting in front of them just continued to sit silently, but Lucy nodded to show that she had heard.

After a few moments of silence a soft endless beep came from the distance.


Matt and Sarah were visiting Melanie. They talked to her for a few minutes, but as she told the couple to tell Jake she loved him her heavy eyelids drifted closed and then the long endless beep came.

Doctors and nurses ran into the room and tried to figure out what was wrong as Matt and Sarah got out of the room.

"I'll go call home, while you go to Samantha's room." Sarah nodded and went to Samantha's room as fast as possible.


Matt inserted some coins into the payphone and dialed the Camden's phone number. He waited a few seconds before someone picked up. It was Annie again.


"It's Matt."

"How are Melanie and Samantha right now?'

"Samantha is in a coma and starving…and I'm surprised she's still alive, but I'm also relieved…and Melanie…well she…she just…" Matt made a small gulp, "died…"

"Oh…" Oh was all that came out of Annie's mouth.

"I have to go, we'll call, and Lucy and Kevin will be home in a few days with Samantha. We just don't know how long this will take." He hung up the phone and headed towards Samantha's room, where Sarah was.


Sarah was now breathing heavily and trying to wait till she got some of her energy back to talk, "Melanie…just…Melanie just died…and her last words were…tell Jake I love him."

"You mean…" Lucy couldn't finish as Sarah nodded to answer her question.

She looked back at Samantha hoping that the same thing wouldn't happen to her, "Please let her get back to normal soon. Please don't let her slip away after she's only been in this world for one week. She's too young to die!"

A/N- I know this chapter is bad, but I'm tired and this was, like I said before the chapter actually started, that this chapter would be shorter than usual. I didn't think this chapter was very good, but then again that's my opinion. I think I could have done better, than that. I'll make the next chapter better and hopefully longer to make up for this one.