Fan Fiction ❯ Magic And The Hippogriff ❯ Dementors Make The Sadness Come ( Chapter 3 )

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Uma: Okay, now this is weird, I am actually bored on Christmas. I am almost never bored on Christmas!
Amu: Here she goes again, every five minutes on the dot, she says, `I'm bored' even when a party is going on. Jeez how bored can you get!
Uma: I can get very bored, very easily, so now, I must either write or do homework, I think I'll go with write.
Amu: just start the chapter
Uma: only if you get someone to do the disclaimer.
F&G: what?
Do the disclaimer, Miss I'm-Bored-So-I'm-Going-To-Torture-Us-All-With-My-Lousy-Writing doesn't want to do the disclaimer, so it is now up to you to do it.
F&G: Okay, Sugar High Water Uma does not own anyone/thing that you may recognize, it either belongs to J.K. Rowling or somebody else who she doesn't know the name to, or forgot.
`thinking' “speaking” `mind talk' “letters” change of scene
Chapter 3:
Make The Sadness Come
Finally, we have left The Leaky Calderon, and are now in Kings Cross Station. Yesterday was very boring, so far I have read at least