Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsukai no Yachiyo ❯ Winter's Awakening and Spring's Fall ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was an abnormally cold day. The trees were covered in frost and the chimneys blew smoke. Not only was it extremely rare for it ever to get so cold in Tokigeku, but it was also the middle of July! This put a whole new meaning on the saying, "Christmas in July".

Nevertheless, life carried on as if nothing was wrong. Parents went to work, and children went to school. The only thing different for anyone beside the frigid temperatures was the fact that all the students were allowed to finally wear their new winter uniforms months earlier than planned.

"Minami-chan!! Wait up for me!! Please, I can't run very well, my legs are numb!!" wailed a small high school girl as she ran towards another, taller, high school girl. As she ran the girl was attempting to hold a piece of toast in her mouth, and a can of orange juice/soda in her right hand, all while she was putting on her jacket.

"Need some help there Chia-chan?" asked the other high school girl named Minami, her last name being Toriyamo.

"Nope!" grinned the petite girl as she held her toast in one hand and her orange drink in the other, her jacket successfully on her.

"Ah ha ha." Laughed the older girl as she pointed at her friend. "Y-Your jacket…….on….upside down!!"

"Ah! No way!" gasped Chia Hanami as she turned to look at her back and seeing no collar.

"Ah…ha ha ha! Here….hee….let me help….hee…you!" giggled the girl as she helped her friend by holding her breakfast for her while she turned her jacket right-side-up and again put it on.

"Thanks a lot Minami-chan…I would never have noticed." Sighed Chia as she recounted the two's previous event.

"I know you would never have noticed, dork. That's why I told you…although it was worth it to see you like that…ah ha ha…it was priceless." Remarked Minami as the two made their way to their school. Tokigeku high. Since it was the only high school in the whole town it rightfully claimed the town's name as its own.

"Hey goalie! If ya' aren't gonna block, then don't be the goalie!!" commanded a boy's rough voice.

"Yah, if you are afraid of the ball then don't volunteer! Let someone else do it!!" stated another.

"You suck at goalying!" spat another, obviously making up his own word.

"I AM SORRY!!" cried Chia's voice, which echoed through the whole campus.

"Hey, Chia-chan. Are you okay?" asked Minami.

"Y-yah…" stammered Chia, rubbing her sore thigh, which hurt due to the impact of the soccer ball. Sadly, despite her ability to get in the way of the ball it always seemed to bounce off of her and back into the goal, thus earning the other team a point.

"Okay. But tell me if it gets too much. I will go in there for you." Said Minami as she walked out to the area in the middle of the field where she was part of the offensive team.

"I don't know what would be worse. Being a sucky goalie, or being a sucky offense." Thought Chia to herself as she considered Minami's offer. She had once been on the offense, since she thought it would have been fun and much more enjoyable. However, she was so wrong.


"Minami-chan…I did it! I kicked the ball for once!!" cheered Chia after her first offensive maneuver actually worked, sending the ball shooting forward towards the other team's goal.

"Chia-chan!! Watch out!!" screamed Minami as the ball came shooting towards the daydreaming girl.

[End Flashback]

"Huh? That's not what you sai-." choked Chia, but before she could finish her statement the soccer ball hit skin, making a large thwack sound.

"Oh my god, Chia-chan are you okay!?" cried Minami as she ran over to Chia.

"Minami-chan, help!" screamed Chia franticallly.

"Chia-chan!?" cried Minami as she raced to her friend. However, the other caring team mates decided to play with the other team and shot several goals into their net only from two feet away.

"It's not me that's hurt! I think this guy is really hurt!" spurted Chia as she pointed to the guy lying on top of her.

"Oh my! I can't lift him! Can you push him off?" asked Minami, going through all her options quickly.

"If I would I could. I mean if I could I would! But I can't! I'm stuck!" cried Chia in desperation.

"Hold tight…I'll be back. I'll get the coach." Stated Minami as she ran off.

"Please, Mr. Please wake up! I really thank you for all your sacrificial efforts, but I really am not comfortable," started Chia as she attempted to push the young man off of her with her arms, pushing him as hard as she could as she continued her sentence, "with you on top of me!!"

"Ugh, stupid ball…" grumbled the young man as he awoke from his slight concussion.

"Um…" stammered Chia as she thought of a way to tell the young man to get off of her, but in a polite way.

"Oh!! I am sorry!!" stammered the young man as he blushed and got off of Chia.

"That's okay. And thanks for saving me from that ball." Smiled Chia.

"Uh, whatever." Stated the young man curtly, looking away red smeared over his cheeks.

"Well, what a meanie! That was his cue to say, your welcome, or, it was my duty as a gentleman. Either one would've done wonders, but he could at least have said the foremost." Thought Chia to herself as she looked at the young hero through the corner of her eyes.

"Oh, thank god. He woke up! The coach was away for a while and didn't get my message!! He would never have come!! Anyway, we have to get him to the nurse's office!" spurted Minami rapidly. "Let's get going! He probably has a mild concussion! He might need ice or something!!"

"Okay…" stammered Chia as she hesitantly followed her friend, the young man trailing behind her.

"Hurry up Chia." Commanded Minami as they rounded the corner. Behind her rude and pushy demeanor she was scared and worried.

"Y-yes." Replied Chia. She too, was worried about their newfound hero.

"Okay, you two go to the office, I'll get the nurse." Stated Minami as she entered the office, soon to be followed by Chia, or so she thought.

"Wah! I can't touch the door!" wailed Chia. "Oh my god! I am going crazy!!! UWAHHH!!!"

"Shut up would you? You aren't going crazy, from my belief you already were. Anyway, it's a sapphire barrier. We can't open it so we might as well wait for it to dissimilate."

"Wha?" gaped Chia, half in shock of his rudeness, and half in shock of the nonsense he was talking. "What nonsense are you spurting now, a sapphire barrier? What kind of thing is that some sort of high tech technology, or some alien thing?"

"Only an idiot would come to a conclusion that those were the only two options. Of course it isn't an alien thing. Aliens don't exist on this planet." Spat the young man. "Anyway, all we can do is wait. And I usually prefer to wait in SILENCE."

"Urk. What do you mean by that? Is that your way of saying shut-up?" asked a mad Chia. For all she knew, she had done nothing to get him mad. And if he was mad about getting hit by that ball, he should be mad at himself! It was his decision to counter it! Not mine!

"Why, yes, it is. So why don't you, hmm? To afraid that you'll lose your voice without using it for more than a minute?" countered the boy effortlessly.

"No! And what do you think gives you the right to say something like that? You don't even know me!!" cried Chia, tears welling in her eyes from frustration.

"Ah. Whatever, sorry, just don't go making a river." Stated the young hero; Chia's tears taking him aback. Meanwhile Minami had made her way back to the nurse's office only to realize something.

"Chia-chan? Chia-chan? Where are you? Where did you go? Where is everyone? And why is there snow on the ground?!" wailed Minami as she found herself deserted in the nurse's office, a foot deep in snow. "CHIA-CHAN!?"

Minami quickly ran out of the office to find the whole administration building filled with feet of snow that was apparently falling from the ceiling! Immediately Minami came to the conclusion that she must be either, a hallucinating, or b dreaming. However, as she tried to get to a non-snow covered room she found it was rather difficult, because everyplace she went to had more snow than the previous. In the end she found herself locked in the principle's office with snow up to the ceiling.

"Uh,…how long do you think it will take us to get out? Just to be curious! Not to get you back for saying you wanted me to be quiet!" asked Chia hesitantly. She had so many questions, but she thought she could live with just knowing how long she would have to wait.

"It depends. It could take a minute or it could take hours. It all depends on what the purpose of this barrier is. But I would take a guess that it will be twenty more minutes. Why? You scared?" answered the young man.

"Not really. I was just wondering…" replied Chia.

"Is that it?" asked the young man.

"Is what it?" inquired Chia.

"Well, is that all the questions you want to ask?" asked the young man.

"N-no. But it's okay. I'm fine with it." replied Chia, thinking of how the young man just previously made it quite clear he wanted her to keep her trap shut.

"Well go ahead. I don't really care if you're quiet or not."

"Really? Okay. Uhm,… I make it only four. Okay, what is a sapphire barrier, how do you know about something like that, why am I involved in this, and what happened to Minami?"

"Okay." Sighed the young man. "I better start by introducing myself. I am Yoiru Kimasagi. Don't worry about introducing yourself Chiasaki Hinami. Anyway, I am a season protector, which means I protect the season angels, which is where you come in. You are a season angel. However, you don't know it. But you will soon. Your time is next. Despite this, you are still involved with the seasons, thus you are stuck in this barrier. A sapphire barrier is meant to keep certain individuals with certain powers away from other so that they can fight, or achieve something, i.e. us. We are being kept away because your friend is having to deal with something. I don't know what because I am not her guardian. But nonetheless I can pretty much say your friend will be fine. A little shaken but fine."

"Whoa. That's so cool, you managed to answer all the questions. They were quite odd answers, but you answered all my questions nonetheless." Remarked Chia. She would have never have remembered all the questions without having them be told to her again and again.

"So, do you believe me?" asked Yoiru.

"Uh,…well, I don't know. But I think there is some truth to what you say…I mean we are trapped inside an invisible barrier. But I want to know how you knew my name." Answered Chia.

"You said only four questions…" remarked Yoiru with a grin.

"Ah! No fair! No one knows my real name! Not even Minami! So tell me how you knew!! PUWEASE?"

"Ah. Baby talk wont work on me!" stammered Yoiru as he blushed.

"Ahem. Please. Por Favor. Uh,…Please-o?!!" pleaded Chia, trying to think up all possible languages and only drawing two, and another made up language.

"Truth is I can't tell you. But you'll find out a bit later. Okay? Now, let's try to break down this barrier. The other guardian hasn't arrived so we have to go save your friend before she hurts herself." Stated Yoiru.

"She is hurt?!" asked Chia loudly.

"She might. So come over here." Commanded Yoiru. Chia quickly came to stand in front of him where he had directed her. "Now, repeat after me."

"Ah! His hands are on my stomach!" wailed Chia in her mind.

"Now, repeat! HARU IMA MO!!"

"HARU IMA MO!!!" repeated Chia.

Just then a blinding light came out of the two, piercing the barrier's wall. Shocking Chia. However, Yoiru wasted no time. He picked up Chia by her waist and slung her over his shoulder as he proceeded into the office.

"Aiiie! Please put me down! I can walk!!" screamed Chia.

"Ugh, it doesn't matter. I can get there faster." Replied Yoiru, however he was lying. They could have both walked. The true reason was the fact that he didn't want Chia to walk through the snow with only her thin shoes.

"Ah!! My skirt!! It's pulling up!" screamed Chia in her mind as her skirt proceeded to rise due to the movement she was going through.

"Where the hell is that girl? I don't see her, do you?" asked Yoiru as he turned to look at Chia over his shoulder, only to find her skirt scrunched almost all the way up with Chia's hands keeping it in place.

"N-no." squeaked Chia; turning red at the fact her skirt was misbehaving. However, if that wasn't enough, she felt Yoiru's hand brush against her thigh as he pulled her skirt down. "EEP!"

"Uh…so anyway, where do you think your friend would've gone?" asked Yoiru.

"The principal's office maybe? Anyway, I can really walk by myself."

"It's fine."

"Chia-chan….where are you? I can't move…anymore." Moaned Minami lowly, her body encased in the snow.

"Minami-san? Where are you?" yelled Yoiru.

"Can I get down? Or at least turn around?" asked Chia, still facing the hallway.

"Fine. But if your feet freeze it isn't my fault." Snapped Yoiru.

"I swear I wont blame you…but I don't see why…OH my!!!" stated a startled Chia as she saw the snow that was filling the office to the ceiling. However, not only did she see it but she felt it because that instant Yoiru let go of her, it allowed her to plummet to the ground immediately.

"Minami-chan! Where are you?" screamed Chia.

"Chia-chan…I'm by the window…" murmured Minami.

"Okay! I'll save you!!!" stammered Chia as she started to claw through the snow, only to be consumed by it in an instant.

"Chiasaki!!" gasped Yoiru as Chia disappeared into the snow. Instantaneously Yoiru started to dig in the snow, hoping he would find Chia. He knew that the spring angel was no match for the Snow angel when spring was still un-awakened.

"Ah-Minami-chan…where are you?" gasped Chia as she tried to move through the snow to her friend.

"Chia-chan!" gasped Minami as she felt someone touch her leg.

"Chiasaki?" stammered Yoiru as he felt someone's leg.

"Eek!! Pervert!" squealed Minami.

"Minami-san?" asked Yoiru.

"Y-yes?" asked Minami.

"You have to tell the snow to go away. You have to use certain words though. You must find them." Commanded Yoiru.

"Uh, I can't!! Get me out of here!" screamed Minami, fear making her hard to be patient with.

"You're doing this all! You're creating the snow! You have to stop it! or else Chiasaki wont be able to breathe!!"

"Ah. Chia-chan? No! I can't let that happen, but I don't know what to do!! I can't think of anything!!"

"Come with me." Ordered Yoiru as he pulled Minami out of the Snow pile by her arm. Once out he stood her before the pile and told her to think of anything and say them all, then he went back into the snow to look for Chia. The snow soaked through his clothes, and his face was going numb.

"Ah" gasped Chia as she struggled for air.

"Chiasaki where are you?" cried Yoiru as he searched for the small girl. Finally, he found her. She was gasping for air, her hands were blue, and her body was shacking. "Ah, come here. I'll get you out."

"Minami-chan…" murmured Chia as she felt herself being pulled into some soft concentration of warmth, then nothing.