Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning Tears ❯ The New Professors Arrive ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Mourning Tears

Chapter 1: The New Professors Arrive

Another summer had past, though this last summer had been a bit more pleasant for Harry, with the permission given to him by his godfather, Sirius Black, he had been able to go to Hogsmeade and get away from the Dursleys, at least once an a while. As summer had drifted by on its own, painstakingly slow pace, Harry kept counting down the days till he would be able to make his journey back to Hogwarts for another year of wizarding classes.

As fall drew near, Harry looked forward to going to Diagon Alley to meet up with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, two of his classmates as well as closest friends. When the three of them met with laughter and smiling faces within Diagon Alley they could hardly be separated as the went down their lists of supplies that would be needed for the new school year.

"I wonder what creature Hagrid is going to give us this year," Ron said, in a slightly unenthusiastic tone. It wasn't that he disliked Hagrid's classes but after the whole incident with the hippogriffs and working with flobberworms well, the class seemed less desirable.

"Well if it is anything like the flobberworms like last year, probably boring," Hermione replied. "Look at it this way, Ron at least we didn't have to buy one of those biting books again."

"Well we all know Hagrid, at least his heart is in the right place," Harry added as the three of them left the bookshop chatting happily away.

Once all of their supplies were bought, Ron, Hermione, and Harry met up with the rest of the Weasley family, who were more then happy to send them off at platform 9 3/4, on the Hogwarts express. After boarding the train, it was time for the three friends to meet up with familiar classmates of the Gryffindorr house as well as a few that were considered unsavory, such as Draco Malfoy of the Slytherin house. Members of the four Hogwarts houses mingled together and had a fun time upon the train as it drew nearer to the famed wizard school. There was also a rumor of a beautiful woman being onboard the Hogwarts express, who was mingling with the students as well. Some wondered if she was the new Defense against the Dark Arts instructor since Professor Lupin resigned last year.

The guess of the woman being a teacher would be correct but this, tawny haired woman with cream skin and stormy blue-violet eyes was not the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. But she decided to let the students think that way since so many were speculating that she was. The woman's name was Trystania Mourning; she was going to be the new Care of Magical Creatures professor. This did not mean that Hagrid was removed from the position as a professor, Trystania was brought in to work with Hagrid, or vice versa. The Defense of the Dark Arts instructor resided within the room next to her, his name was Professor Ignus Stratum.

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As it is normal for first years to experience the trip across the lake to Hogwarts, it was customary for the higher year students to be taken by carriage. All of the second through seventh year students talked excitedly on their rides to the school as well as, once they were seated at there respected house tables.

"Hey now, wait just a moment," Ron said as he looked up at the teachers' table. "The professor that we saw on the train's not here."

Ron's comment drew the curious gazes of Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley twins Fred and George to the front of the room.

'That's odd," Hermione said, she frowned slightly at the absence of Hagrid, though she said nothing more.

"Maybe she just isn't here yet," Harry replied as he saw a different professor who he assumed was the Defense against the Dark Arts instructor, he too was mildly disturbed at the absence of the burly man. "She might actually teach something else."

There was no time to continue on with their discussion, as the first year students were lead in by Professor McGonagall. Before the sorting of the first years, Professor Albus Dumbledore spoke, introducing the new Defense against the Dark Arts instructor, Ignus Stratum. Ignus Stratum was a willowy man who reddish brown hair and deep green eyes. There was something slightly off about him, as if something was out of place.

Smiles were alighting across the lips of first year students, as loud applause would be given to each of them by their respected housemates after being sorted. The sorting ceremony ended and still the woman professor had not entered the great hall to the slight confusion of Harry and the others when Professor Dumbledore rose to speak.

"Before we start in on the feasting I would like to say a few more words," Dumbledore started, smiling through his beard. "But it is a bit hard to continue, you see, when the person who needs introducing is not here. For I have already introduced the new Defense against the Dark Arts Professor, Ignus Stratum."

Not more then a few seconds passed when Hagrid opened the doors of the hall. His right hand held the door open while at his left rested against the back of woman who was seen on the Hogwarts express, Trystania Mourning.

"S'rry we're late Profser Dumbledore, sir," Hagrid said in a bit of a sheepish tone. "But M'ss Mourning, won' take no fer an answer, `bout seein' th' grounds."

"No need to apologize Hagrid, I figured as much might have happened," Dumbledore said, with a smile still.

The surprise that came to everyone who was paying attention was the reaction of Professor Snape, who had looked apparently bored and irritable as usual, now appeared as if he had been stung. For he sat straight up, his dark eyes focusing upon Trystania as she and Hagrid made their way up to the teachers table.

"I would like to introduce Professor Trystania Mourning, she will be your Care of Magical Creatures instructor along with Hagrid," Dumbledore explained. "Now everyone, happy feasting."

As Dumbledore sat down with a light wave of his hand the tables were laden full of food for the delight of the students. Though the teachers joined it, it took quite a few moments for Snape to tear his gaze away from Professor Mourning.

"It is nice to see you," Snape started as Trystania reached the teachers table, he then paused as he cocked his head slightly to the side. "Again, Trystania, I had no idea you were even coming."

"My coming was all Albus' idea," Trystania replied as she sat down next to Snape as Hagrid sat down on her other side. "You seem to be a bit surprised, Severus."

"I find this to be rather unexpected, you being here," Snape replied as he raised a brow slightly. "Especially when you're coming was not discussed with the rest of the us."

"Oh," Trystania replied as she turned her gaze to the elder wizard. "Master Dumbledore, had you forgotten something, hmm? For it seems as if no one knew of my coming. My, my you should have seen the look on Hagrid's face when I showed up upon his door step!"

Dumbledore turned his attention from Professor McGonagall, to look at Trystania. "Oh, dear me, it must have slipped my mind," the elder wizard spoke, giving the much younger professor a wink.

"Honestly, I believe that you we're going to give some of your colleagues a heart attack," Trystania said with light melodious laughter before she turned her attention back to Snape. Hagrid just coughed slightly at the mention of giving some one a heart attack, as he tried not to flush too much with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Severus, if I had know that Albus wasn't going to let everyone know that I was coming I would have sent an owl about my arrival," Trystania said before she fixed herself a plate.

"Really," Snape replied in a slightly bitter tone, obviously not seeing the humor in Trystania's coming to Hogwarts with out so much as a warning.

"Come now, no need to be sour," Trystania said softly, so as not to allow the students to hear what she had to say. Though it was less likely that the noisy house tables would hear a word the woman was saying anyway as soon as the house ghosts showed up to the startlement, fright and delight of many of the first year students. "It is not as if I am replacing any of the other professors here."

The conversation of the professors continued through out the rest of the feast as the students began to nod at the tables. Then slowly table by table the prefects of the classes led their sleepy housemates back to their respected dormitories. The professors would retire to another room for a bit longer, partially to discuss the new term ahead of all of them and part in just 'enjoying' one another's company, before everyone retired for the evening as well.

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Black robes billowed about the tall form of the Slytherin head master as Professor Severus Snape made his way back towards the dungeon entrance of the Slytherin house and to his room for the evening.

"Of all the foolish notions," Snape muttered to himself as he brushed past the house prefect who move out of man's way after taking one glance at the professor. The Prefect decided it was better to say out of the Head Master's way then face the consequences if he did not. The door to Professor Snape's room nearly slammed closed, as he stood there behind the heavy wooden portal, staring off into his room for but a moment before moving further inside.

"I do not find this amusing," he said barely above a whisper.