Fan Fiction ❯ No Regrets ❯ Don't forget, no regrets ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: No Regrets

Author: I_nv_u50

Warnings: Eventual slash

Pairings: none yet. See if you can figure it out ^^;;

Claimer: All characters are mine, ask before you use them…. If you really want to O.o;

Chapter Rating: PG13 for a little blood…

Author's Note: Chapter 2! Surprising, really, I just sat at the computer and typed. Its not at all similar to how I usually do stories. Oh well. It seems to work for this one. Dunno when the next chapter will be up. Enjoy, and please review!! ^^

It wasn't perfect. It was bloody awful. Well, no, I suppose it wasn't, really, but the fact that Nicolai and Alexes seemed determined to ignore 'Vika did dampen my spirits somewhat.

And my back hurt.

We got to the university about forty-five minutes after leaving the apartment. Despite the fact that it seemed built for the students, it was rather far away.

We spent the car ride much like we had the previous night, except this time, Alexes drove his bigger car, with Nicolai sitting calmly in the passenger seat.

'Vika and I occupied the back, after Alexes had considerately taken out the back seat so I could get more legroom. My head was on 'Vika's chest as he lay down as well, and we talked quietly, our conversation going unheard by the two people in front.

"'Rica, what was he doing to you in the kitchen?"

I frowned. "Don't know. Don't talk about it, 'Vika. It was probably a once of time."

He lifted his head to scowl at my hair. "No. I don't like him, 'Rica, Are you sure we have to stay here?"

I sighed, frustrated. "'Vika, do you see any other choice?"

I didn't even have to look, and I knew he was pouting. "Well, no… but he mustn't do that do you."

"Do what? He was getting the salt!"

I could feel his incredulous glare. "You expect me to believe you think that?"

"Not really, but if it stops you worrying needlessly, I'm all for it!"

He chuckled reluctantly. "Oh, all right. But he's not to bother you again."

"Yes, oh wise, genius brother!"

Unceremoniously, he brought a hand up and slapped my head. The resulting "Ow!" brought the two front seaters attention to us.

"Everything ok back there?"

"Yes!" I called out. "Its all fine if you exclude my abusive twin!"

Alexes laughed, but Nicolai turned to look at us. I could feel his eyes burning into the top of my head, so I shifted the angle to look at him. He didn't avoid my gaze.

He mightn't have dropped his eyes if Alexes hadn't turned right, and loudly proclaimed that we had arrived.

Nicolai and Alexes got out of the car first, both my brother and I in no fit state to move.

Alexes pulled the door open and regarded us with amusement. "Oh, our classmates will love you."

I felt my brother's heartbeat speed up and squeezed his hand comfortingly, while pushing myself up reluctantly onto my hands and knees. "You know, 'Vika, we have to work on your relaxation techniques."

He blinked at me blankly for a second, and then flushed.

I smirked, and Alexes helped me out, casting a concerned glance at my back. I ignored his pity and turned to wait for 'Vika, who was firmly refusing Nicolai's help. Nicolai's eyes darkened, and he gave Alexes a look before ignoring my brother calmly.

Obviously, my twin was one to hold a grudge. Even if the offense hadn't been against him. But then, it really might have been. He had always been jealous of the girls he had deemed worthy enough for 'Rica to date, and … it suddenly all made sense.

I scowled, and dragged at his arm. "You are going to get over this morning, 'Vika."

He just gave me an innocent look. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I snorted, but let the subject drop so we could follow Nicolai and Alexes into the courtyard, where, apparently, the students were meeting.

There were only a handful of students there, and I had the sudden notion of why Alexes had joined. Most of them were girls. Of course, that might have been an underlying reason for Nicolai, but I doubted that.

They took us around to meet each one, Nicolai subtly ignoring to do more for 'Vika than introducing him. 'Vika's own capability with strangers ensured the distance the students put between themselves and him.

I knew what they were whispering to each other when 'Vika and I went apart to meet the professor in charge. It was most likely what everyone who met us said. How could one so friendly as me be so closely related to one so prim and … well, formal as 'Vika.

They just didn't care. How could they? They had only known him for a few minutes, and I guessed Nicolai to be quite popular with them, so his blunt introduction hadn't helped anymore than 'Vika's shy attitude towards strangers. Really, it quite annoyed me.

The professor, however, wasn't too bad. In fact, he actually seemed to sense a similar soul in 'Vika, and tried to draw him out a little. He had little more success than his predecessors, who all eventually gave up. He didn't, however, and 'Vika finally bestowed a shy, half smile on him.

I judged this enough left him with the professor, thinking it high time that 'Vika got to know some other people.

I went around a few more times, just being friendly, and found out that most of the girls had younger sisters that they thought I might like to meet. I, of course, was flattered, and invited them to introduce us sometime.

Then Alexes caught hold of my arm, and dragged me a little away from the main group.

"Cal, do you know where your brother is?"

I blinked, and scanned the courtyard. "No. He was with the professor when I last saw him."

Alexes frowned.

"What?" I asked him, starting to feel annoyed. "He's not in danger, or terrified, because I can't feel anything."

Alexes looked somewhat relieved. "Yes, that's what I thought. It's only that the professor's worried, and wants to leave now, but he can't unless we find Dev."

I blinked, a little shocked. "He left him?"

Alexes looked confused, I hadn't clarified whether I meant the professor or 'Vika. "No… Dev left him to look for you."

I snorted. "Crap. He should have found me."

A worried expression filled Alexes' eyes. "Yea. So you don't know where he is?"

I shook my head at him, and went to find the professor. "I'm so sorry sir, about the delay."

He smiled at me absently. "No worries, lad, no worries. Was just wondering where he got off to so fast."

I blinked, and turned, considering. "Is the university open now, sir?"
He glanced at me. "Yes…"

I shook my head again, more at 'Vika than anything else. "Then he'll be here again soon, sir. I hope you don't mind."

"No, no, of course not! Where, er, is he?"

"Well, it's quite obvious. He went inside to escape the crowd."

"Crowd? There's only fifteen people here!"

"Yes well, for him, that's a crowd. I have yet to introduce him to larger groups of strangers with whom he must get acquainted."

The professor blinked at me again, and I shrugged. "Here he comes, sir."

'Vika was stepping gingerly out of the huge double doors, glancing around quickly before making his way over to me.
"Hi." He said, a little breathlessly, and gave me a quick smile.

I couldn't wonder where he had been to make him so happy before the professor called everyone to gather around.

"I trust you have your own modes of transport!" There were agreeable murmurs. "We shall all meet at the front gate of the zoo in an hour. I hope you all brought the correct supplies." More agreeing murmurs, and my arm was grabbed by Nicolai, who twisted it slightly, though I'm sure it was unintentional.

All it took, however, was my hiss of pain, to make him let him go immediately and to set 'Vika's back up.

He bristled against Nicolai, in my defense, even as Nicolai apologized profusely. "Watch what you're doing with your clumsy hands! You could have hurt him worse! First this morning, and now this, what are you trying to do to him!?"

Fortunately, by this time, all but the four of us had left the courtyard. Alexes stared at 'Vika, not used to seeing that side, and Nicolai stared for a second before glowering at him. A glower which 'Vika returned enthusiastically.

I tugged 'Vika's arm. "Hush 'Vika, it's all right, he didn't mean it."

Nicolai included me in his scowl. "How do you know I didn't?"

I gaped at him, bewildered. He just scowled at me and shook off Alexes' hand before stalking towards the car park. Alexes gave us a warning glance and followed him.

We followed slowly, I was confused, and 'Vika was miserable, and we were both feeling the other's feelings. Not the reasons, just the feelings. All though I know we pretty much guessed correctly the reasons.

The car ride was spent in silence, Nicolai glaring out the window, Alexes frowning at the road, and 'Vika glowering somewhere on the car ceiling. I was left contemplating my brother's chest, still confused.

Fifty-five minutes later, we pulled up in the zoo parking lot. There were mounds of tourists, happy children running around, and I grinned at 'Vika. "Can you remember being that age?"
He just stared at me, and I shook my head, despairing again. We battled our way to where the other students and the professor were standing by the ticket booths.

The professor checked off an attendance list, and then smiled absently at everyone. "Well, there's no need for me to be here, I'm sure. You are all adults, well, most of you, and I trust you can look after yourself. I myself will be wandering around the zoo. If I happen to meet one of you, I hope you will pretend not to notice me!" Everyone grinned, and he continued. "If you should wish to meet somewhere specific for lunch, I shall happily arrange a table at the zoo restaurant. Would you like to?"

There were a few murmurs, some for, and some against. The professor smiled. "Well, I'll book a table for, let us say, one o clock. Anyone who wants to come, may. And we will all meet here at closing time, which, I believe, is six o clock."

Everyone smiled and nodded, and he waved us through. "See you at lunch!"

It had been agreed, since Keri had not sent us our money yet, that Nicolai and Alexes would split the cost for us, and we would pay them back when our money arrived. Nicolai paid for his grudgingly; Alexes had a tight smile on his face. The atmosphere was tense.

We wandered around for a while, Nicolai obviously ignoring 'Vika, and being only grudgingly friendly to me, and Alexes torn between sides.

Eventually I grew sick and tired of the treatment.

"Thank you, we will leave you now. Are you going to be at the restaurant for lunch?"

Alexes shared a look with Nicolai before nodding slowly.

I grinned at him, baring my teeth in a smile not quite pleasant. "Great! We'll see you there! C'mon, 'Vika!"

Before 'Vika or Alexes could protest, I grabbed 'Vika's sleeve and Alexes' map, and hurtled away as fast as my back would allow.

After that, the trip got quite fun. We visited the more boring animals, which no one would have thought of drawing, or so we hoped, keeping the more exotic animals until later in the afternoon.

'Vika and I bantered back and forth, drawing ourselves out of the bad moods that had settled in the courtyard, and teasing each other lightly on what animal we thought the other would be. Of course, we purposely said the most repulsive animal we could think of.

Then we got to the otter's pool. We hung over the railing, enjoying the graceful movement of two slim otters, when a yell suddenly pulled my attention away from the two sleek mammals. I tugged 'Vika's shirtsleeve in warning.

Two boys, well known to both of us, were approaching us. They had always been that one crucial step behind 'Vika in intellect, and resented him for it, while trying to suck up to me because I was in the more popular group of friends.

"Morning, Cal!" Ryan yelled out again, conveniently forgetting to see 'Vika.

I gave him an annoyed smile. "Morning Al. Excuse us, we need to get going."

Greg, the more stupid one, came up and slapped my back in greeting… right between my shoulder blades.

I cried out in pain and lurched forward, only avoiding falling on my face by 'Vika's quick hand grabbing hold of my flapping shirt. He glared at Greg, who blinked back, completely bewildered.

I staggered to maintain my balance, and glared at both Ryan and Greg, breathing a little fast with the effort it required to stay on my feet, even with 'Vika's help.

"Good morning." I hissed, and stumbled off, helped by 'Vika who was stumbling as well with the backlash of pain.

We sat on a vacated bench, ignoring all the curious stares we got, weaving about like a pair of drunken fools.

"You ok, 'Vika?"

"I should ask you the same question."

"Maybe. Don't change the subject."

He laughed at me. "I could say the same for you!"

I mock scowled at him. "Well don't. Seriously, are you ok?"

"I'm fine, are you?"

"I'll live. Leave them, 'Vika. You seem to be running rampant to protect me from imaginary hurts."

He pouted at me. "I am not!"

"Yes you are." I said flatly. "Come on, let's go get something to eat. It must be close on one o clock by now."

"Hmm." He mumbled, non-committal. I rolled my eyes and leaned a little on his arm.

"Do you know where the restaurant is?"

"Yes." He gave me another concerned glance. "Maybe we should wait until you feel better."

I shook my head. "No, I'm hungry now. Maybe the professor has some painkillers."

He didn't look like he agreed, but he didn't say anything, and after about ten minutes we reeled into through the doorway, giggling a little, because we knew how we must look.

The other students who had met there cast us slightly disapproving, reluctantly amused glances as we staggered to two empty places next to each other. For once, 'Vika didn't stop giggling in the company. He just giggled more, louder, and shot me a look with eyes that glittered with amusement. 'Let's play.' The eyes clearly said, and I was all too ready to agree. After, of course, some painkillers.

We were playing the parts of young drunks well enough, everyone who had met us earlier confused and perplexed, until Nicolai and Alexes walked in.

I nudged 'Vika, who had clammed up as soon as he saw them, and he carried on the game, although it was a bit more forced than it had been. I thought this normal, and strove to meet his level, but the pain was growing worse.

Suddenly 'Vika stopped in a rather raucous remark, and leant back in his chair, studying my back. I let him, smiling around innocuously, until he carefully pressed his hand straight against the wound.

The pressure was painful, it burnt and it froze, and it sent agony pulsing through my back. I cried out again and flinched away from his touch.

'Vika drew his hand away immediately, it came away red with fresh blood. He looked at his hand for a second, shocked, then at me, astonished.

"'Rica! Why didn't you tell me!"

I grinned at him guiltily, he was not amused. Everyone was looking at us now, but he didn't stop. "You moron! You stupid, idiotic prat!"

Nicolai stood up and came closer to see what was wrong, as we were, essentially, his responsibility.

His eyes widened, and he rushed forward. The professor, came immediately at his call, I could hear the gasp of everyone who hadn't known about my brand quite clearly. Then 'Vika was standing up, facing off against Nicolai who wanted to take me to a hospital, apparently.

"No! He doesn't want to go! He'll be fine in a bit!"

"How do you know that? You're not him, and you aren't a doctor! He's going to hospital."

"No I'm not." I sat up, and the world tilted dizzily, making me clutch at 'Vika until it steadied itself. "I'm not going to hospital!"

Nicolai regarded me calmly. "Why not?"

I stared at him. "Why should I tell you? I'm not going, that's all you need to know."

A flicker of hurt crossed his face before he turned sharply away. "Fine. I'll go get the medical care for the zoo."

Alexes pushed to the front of the crowd. "Come on 'Vika, help me get him out of here. This can't be helping him."

'Vika froze at the uninvited use of my nickname for him, but he ignored it for the minute, flushing and helping me stand up so I could lean on Alexes.

He dragged me to the nearest bench in the shade, making me lie down on my stomach and mopping up the blood that was soaking through my shirt with a few napkins he had taken from the restaurant.

'Vika silently sat on the floor by my head, I smiled at him weakly. He smiled back slowly, preoccupied, and I didn't push it. Nicolai came running down the path with an older man in doctor's uniform.

He was quick and methodical in his treatment, and I soon had my back and chest bound up in bandages, with general anesthetic so I couldn't feel it too bad. At my request, he gave 'Vika some painkillers as well, although he plainly disapproved.

The professor stopped by. "You should probably get home. Hand in what you've done already to me tomorrow, I'll take this into account." He told Nicolai and Alexes, both of whom just nodded. He turned to me. "How did you get that particular mark?"

"I don't know. I can't remember." I lied. I remembered perfectly well.

The professor watched me. "I have a colleague who studies old languages, you know? That looked like a marking very similar to another in a language he's been studying recently."

"Oh no, it couldn't be."

The professor eyed me. "Well, I'll ask him, just in case. I'll see you two tomorrow." He nodded at 'Vika and strode off, chatting negligently to another student who kept casting curious looks at me from over her shoulder.

'Vika stood up carefully, glowering at the crowd who still lingered, before moving to stand at my side, his hands carefully pressing my lower back. I groaned and arched as he relaxed my muscles, before Alexes pulled him away gently. 'Vika flushed.

"C'mon, Nic, we'd better go. Are you sure you wont go to a hospital?" he asked me.

"No!" I yelped, and flushed as he just stared at me.

"Well, alright then, I guess. I suppose your brother can do a good job." He smiled at 'Vika, who just looked away, turning pink again.

I struggled up. "Help?" I looked pleadingly at 'Vika, he grinned at me, and offered me his back.

"We haven't done this for ages." I told him dryly, looking over his shoulder.

"Yes. And you've gotten increasingly heavier!" 'Vika grunted.

I smirked at his cheek. "Well, it's your fault for giving me a piggyback ride."

He smirked back at me from the corner of his eye, the gleam in them obvious even from that angle. "Remember, you have to give me one when you're better. Pay back time, you know."

I snorted, enjoying the teasing. "Like you could ever weigh as much as I do."

'Vika grinned and turned to face the front again. "Well, I guess that means I have to eat a lot more, doesn't it? After all, it wouldn't be pay back unless I were heavier."

There was a chuckle behind us, and 'Vika's face immediately went solemn. I couldn't help resenting Alexes and Nicolai's presence, for disturbing our game.

'Vika lowered me gently onto my feet by the car, and Nicolai helped me stay on my feet until 'Vika was settled in. Then he helped me into the car, back in the original position, with my head in 'Vika's lap. 'Vika muttered a thank you, and Nicolai mumbled an answer.

Alexes sighed and looked at me. I rolled my eyes in agreement.

He grinned, and started the car. "Jump in quick, Nic, or we'll leave you to the mercies of Shauna!"

Nicolai hurriedly climbed into the car and glowered at Alexes, who merely grinned and put his foot down on the accelerator.

I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up to the vague feeling of terror in my twin, and a definite argument in the air.

"No! He'll never forgive me if I let you take him in there! And I'll never forgive me either!" 'Vika was shouting. His fingers tightened on my nape to let me know he knew I was awake, and to warn me to stay out of it.

"I don't see what the big deal is! All we're going to do is get a doctor to check him out! A professional one!" Nicolai shouted back.

'Vika suddenly went quiet. It was a dangerous point with him, the more quiet, the more dangerous, because then he really is furious. And the fury of a cornered, trapped soul is more perilous than a normal person.

I squeezed his knee comfortingly. "No, Nicolai. I will not go into a hospital, and you cannot force me, or my brother to go."

Nicolai turned his dark, brooding eyes to me angrily. "And why not?"

I thought quickly. "Because you're not our guardian, and they'll need Keri's signature."

He stared at me. "You're kidding, right? You're having hysterics because I'm not Keri?"

I refused to answer, avoiding his eyes.

He threw up his hands in defeat. "All right! Fine! I give up! Die, for all I care!"

Alexes broke in hesitatingly. "Nic, you wanna get back in the car?"

Nicolai glared at him. "No! They can stay with you tonight! Forever, for all I care! I don't! Just-just do whatever!" He stomped off.

Alexes sighed. "I hope, whatever your reason is, it's a bloody good one. It had better be, getting him all worked up like that."

The rest of the ride was in silence, 'Vika's hand in mine trembling slightly.

Alexes waited impatiently for us to get out of the car. "I'm going to look for Nic, here's the keys to my apartment. The doorman will tell you which one it is if you've forgotten. You can sleep anywhere." With that, he got into the car and drove off, the tires screeching.

We wove our way to the elevator, all previous fun dissipitated, and found our way into Alexes' small apartment with no trouble.

'Vika wandered hesitantly into the kitchen. "Want something to drink, 'Rica?"

"Is there a soda or something?"

"Yea. Can you get downstairs on your own?"

"I can try…"

"Call if you need help."

He was so helpful sometimes.

I staggered down the stairs, holding onto the railing tightly if the world tilted even slightly. Alexes' house was almost exactly like Nicolai's, except it didn't have the extra bed. In its place, it had a stereo system, with a big screened TV, and a foldout couch. I wandered into the main bedroom unsteadily, opposed to sleeping on a foldout couch. 'Vika found me flopped on my stomach there a little later.

He smiled at me softly, putting down a tray he was carrying.

"We didn't eat much this afternoon, and I suppose you're pretty hungry. I know I am. There are some painkillers I found in there as well."

I smiled my thanks. "Am I allowed to take them on an empty stomach?"

He shrugged. "Sure. They didn't say you couldn't."

I swallowed them quickly, washing them down with some soda, wincing as I did. "It's flat."

"Well, excuse me, mr grateful." 'Vika mumbled.

I immediately felt bad. "I'm sorry. It's just…"

He smiled at me again. "I know. It's ok. We're just tired."

"Yea. That's it. Tired." I mumbled, biting into a sandwich he had made.

"Do you think we did the right thing tonight though?"

I glanced up at him where he was sitting against the backboard. "Huh? You mean you actually wanted to go into the hospital?"

"What? No! Of course not! I'm just… You know. Wondering about Nicolai."

I smirked teasingly. "Of course. Worrying about the cute guy again, are we?"

He leant down. "You should. I think he likes you more."

I grinned, and, out of habit, would have rolled onto my back, but his hand on my shoulder prevented the foolish movement. "Nah. He confuses me."

"It's about time you were confused."

I leered at him. "No, really?"

He slapped my head, laughing. "Come on, finish up so I can go to sleep."

"By all means," I gestured to the rest of the bed with a little difficulty. "Sleep. Please do. It will provide the greatest entertainment."

'Vika grinned at me. "I'm sure it will. I'm still waiting for those ice cubes."

"Wait no more! Here they are!" I waved the soda glass at him, and he laughed.

"They're all melted, dumbass."

I glanced at the glass. "Oh. Damn. Oh, very well. You may take the tray and leave." I waved him off imperiously.

'Vika just rolled his eyes and climbed off the bed. "Be back in a jiffy." He murmured, picking up the tray. A second later, his footsteps were climbing up the stairs.

When he came down again, I had managed to kick off the heavy covers.

"Ready sweetheart?" I grinned at him.

He shuddered dramatically. "Ugh. Of course not. You're filthy!"

I giggled and my head fell forward onto the pillow. I really was exhausted, and the painkillers were obviously stronger than either of us had guessed.

I know he shook his head, but he climbed in beside me. I cuddled up immediately. "You don't think they know, do they?"

"About what? The hospital? Of course not. Though with you arguing like that, I can bet you they suspect something."

He snorted disdainfully. "Yea well, they'd be pretty stupid if they didn't. We all but spelled it out for them."

"No we didn't. You're doing it again."

"Doing what?" 'Vika's tone was deceivingly innocent.

"Acting superior. You know I can't stand it. Stop it, stupid."

He sniggered, and loosened his grip a little. "You know, I was thinking…"

"What about?"

"What are we going to do when we get to college? Or university?"

"God forbid I ever get there. I wouldn't last a day."

"You will if I'm there."

"And you will if I'm there."

'Vika smiled. "Don't ever leave me again, 'Rica. I was worried sick when you returned."

"I know. You told me."

"No, you don't know. I couldn't feel you, 'Rica. Only that it was terribly painful. Was it?"

I grunted, unwilling to talk about it. 'Vika sensed this, and dropped the subject.

"'Night, 'Rica."

"Goodnight 'Vika. Sleep well."

"You too."

"I'll try…"

When I woke up, 'Vika was drowsily talking to someone sitting at the foot of the bed. I squinted at the bedside clock. It read 10pm. I yawned, and 'Vika's hand squeezed my shoulder.

"Hello, Cal. See you finally woke up."

I blinked blearily at the figure, trying to see his face despite the almost impossible angle. It was Nicolai.

"Mmm." I mumbled incoherently.

"Sorry I blew up at you like that. I guess I was rather … tired by the whole episode this afternoon." Nicolai's voice was soothing; low, quiet and calm. I was still tired.

"Let him sleep, Nicolai. You can talk to him when he wakes up." Came Alexes' quiet voice from the doorway.

Nicolai looked at me; for once I was glad to be too asleep to feel his gaze, before he nodded and stood up.

"Alexes and I will be watching TV in the next room if you need anything. There's a glass of water and some painkiller's on the table if you need them."

'Vika lay down beside me again. I felt the pillow moved slightly as he nodded sleepily.

"Goodnight, you two. Sleep well."

Another nightmare woke me up.

This time though, I was flying. Flying with my precious wings, on the wind that I craved. Then there were rough hands everywhere, pulling out my feathers, ripping the wings from my back. They destroyed them in front of my wide, shocked eyes as I plummeted down. No one watched me go. No one cared to stop me. I screamed.

A shock of icy coldness startled me back into wakefulness, and I was left staring into the startled face of 'Vika again. It took me a few minutes to recognized him before his face crumpled and I had my arms full with comforting him, my own face painful and wet with sweat and tears.

There were two figures in the doorway that I didn't notice until one of them turned the light on.

The light flared down on us, to find us huddled in each other's arms, crying silently, shoulders shaking, backs throbbing. Alexes silently picked the glass out of 'Vika's trembling hand, and left to get some water.

Nicolai stared at us in bemusement.

I ignored him, rubbing slow circles on 'Vika's back as he clung to me, whispering soothing words in the calmest voice I could muster, but I was too shaken with the reality of the dream to help much.

I looked over his shaking shoulder at Nicolai. "Please help."

He watched me for a second, eyes shadowed despite the light, before nodding and stepping forward. "What do you want me to do?"

"Just talk to him. Calmly. He responds to voice tones."

Nicolai smiled a small smile. "You make him sound like an animal."

I glared at him, and he smiled a little more, before wrapping his arms around both of us, mindful of my bandages, and murmuring words.

His voice soothed me as well, and I could finally forget the sight of my wings being ripped apart before my eyes. His voice was dark and mysterious, it soothed and silenced like a warm confidential secret.

Alexes found us like that. He paused for a moment in the doorway, an unreadable expression on his usual open face. He called Nicolai softly, and Nicolai looked up, careful not to disturb 'Vika, who was now rocking slightly.

"I've got the water. Do you need the painkillers?"

I blinked, considering. "No. Not yet, I don't think." I beamed gratefully at Nicolai. "You work wonders!"

Nicolai flushed and carefully avoided both Alexes' and my eyes. He got up deliberately, scooting over to the bed's edge.

I missed his presence, but 'Vika leaned into me, still rocking a little, and I hugged him tighter. "Thank you. Could you put the water there please?"

Alexes flushed, but I didn't understand why. He carefully put the water down next the painkillers he had brought in.

"They're there if you need them."

"Thank you. I'm sorry."

Nicolai smiled at me then. "Don't worry about it. We can't help what horrors our subconscious makes up. Although yours has to be pretty scary."

"It is." I replied shortly. I had no wish to discuss it. He realized this, and smiled at me slowly, understandingly. I flushed.

Alexes smiled then too, a strange, incomprehensible smile. "Goodnight, Cal. Sleep well. Hope you don't get another one."

"Me too." I shuddered, and lay down, my arms still around 'Vika, who had stopped shaking.

"Good night you two." Nicolai spoke quietly; he was watching Alexes as he spoke.

"G'night." I yawned.

Then I closed my eyes, and we slept til morning.