Fan Fiction ❯ Phoenix's Rise ❯ The Party Part II ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/n: I know that Robin's name is really Dick Grayson, but I made up my own name to make this a little more funny . . . no flames about my choice, okay?
Chapter 12
The Party Part II
“Elephant snot . . . run!” Everyone ran to either Raven or Phoenix, since they were the only ones who could make sheilds.
“Beast Boy, you moron! I told you the last time you did this . . . blow your nose first!” Robin yelled.
“Heh . . . sorry, I forgot.” Beast Boy appologized, and then made a face. “I think there's some stuck up my nose.”
GROSS! BEAST BOY, YOU GOT THE PRESENTS!” Cyborg groaned. “You get cleaning them off right now!”
“EWWWWWWWW . . . no way, that's gross!” Beast Boy whined.
“Chill, it's not like you don't know where it's been.” Whiteout chuckled.
“Yuck, c'mere Mr. Smarty!” Phoenix got Whiteout in a head-lock. “Atomic noogie!” A flaming hand came down on the boy's head and began to rub with her knuckles . . . hard.
“Ahhhhh . . . mercy, please!” Whiteout fought to get away. “Help me . . . please!”
“No way, I don't want to get her mad at me.” Robin laughed, lying through his teeth. I don't want my hair messed up.
“Okay, uncle . . . let me go!” Whiteout was twisting and turning . . . but never quite getting free.
“Oh fine. Anyone else want a piece of me?” What if I messed up your pretty little hair do, Robin? Phoenix smirked inwardly.
“All right, the presents are clean . . . wanna come open them now, Ashley?” Beast Boy asked, knowing that Phoenix didn't prefer her real name.
“If he's getting on your nerves, just call him by his real name.” Raven whispered to Phoenix. “It's Barthalomeu Bodega.”
“Rae . . . what did you just tell her?!” Beast Boy asked in a worried, squeaky voice as Phoenix turned red in the face from pent up laughter.
“Nothing . . . just an interesting triva bit.” Raven said with a grin so evil, you could see her demonic eyes forming.
“Pfff . . . Barthaomeu Bodega!” Phoenix burst out and fell to the floor in a fit of unprecedented laughter. Beast Boy got very pale.
“Who is that?” Starfire wondered outloud to herself.
“Him.” Phoenix gasped, pointing a shaking hand at Beast Boy, who had turned into a turtle and was hiding in his shell.
The entire tower was deathly silent, and then erupted with gigles, snorts, and chuckles . . . all at poor Beast Boy's expense. “Hahahahahahaha, ooooooh . . . make it stop . . . I'm gonna die!” Various items around the room began to burn, freeze, or explode while emotions ran unchecked.
“Yah, ha ha . . . very funny, but do you want to know Robin's name? It's Ronald McDougal!” Beast Boy crowed.
“BB, I'm going to get you for that!” With and enraged yell, chaos broke out. The Titans tried to prevent Robin from strangling Beast Boy . . . while laughing at their real names.
After everyone calmed down, Phoenix opened her gifts from the individual Titans. She recived 3 sets of new guitar strings, 2 packs of picks, and 5 books of music. All that was left of the once snot covered pile was a medium sized box with orange paper. The lable read: From all of us. Phoenix looked around, and then began to slowly open the package. Inside of the box were several smaller boxes.
In the first box were some orange hair bands. The second box held a bracelet with a phoenix charm. “That's your communicator, when when the alarm goes off here, the charm will start to blink on and off. You can also talk to any one of us by pressing this button here, and speaking into it.” Raven pointed to a lone, black jewel hanging from the phoenix's tallons.
Phoenix opened the third box, leaving only one unopened. Inside the third box was a pair of simple, orange and black tennis shoes. The fouth and final box contained a black, spaghetti strap tank-top with orange flames, and matching shorts.
“Whoa, did you guys have all of this made just for me?” Phoenix asked softly.
“No . . . it was all really cheap on eBay . . . ahhhhhhhhhh!” Beast Boy was sent flying into the wall by Raven, who was glaring.
“Don't listen to him . . . yes we did get it made for you. When you're asked if you helped lock Slade up, we don't want people to read your shirt and think that you didn't do it.” Raven joked. (this is a reference to chapter one . . . yes, she's still wearing the same outfit, but it has been washed)
“Dude, did she just make a joke? She made a joke!” Cyborg's face showed what could only be called pure shock.
“Get over it, Cy.” Raven replied, inwardly smilling to herself as she returned to her normal, neutral voice.