Fan Fiction ❯ Pimp my Beast ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All right, long wait, I know. I guess I got bored with it all. I was confused on whether to show Beastboy going through his dramatic change, or make the next chapter appear a few days later. I think I will go with a few days later. I'm just, way too lazy. Not a good quality of an author I guess. What got me to get off my lazy behind was that I kept looking around the site and there aren't that many Raven/Beastboy couplings and the ones that are there aren't that good. There are some really great ones though, but now I'm mostly seeing Raven/Robin and Starfire/Robin. Come on, what about Beastboy? He's cool. Well its time to start the next chapter. I have no idea how this chapter is gonna end, I'm jus going wit the flow. I'm sorry if this story is turning out bad. Well brace yourselves for another chapter.

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Once again it was a Saturday morning. The birds were singing, people were relaxing, even the villains were taking a break. That run-in with H.I.V.E. was the last villian encounter they've had for a while. So the titans we're just hanging out in the tower. Raven was in her room, Cyborg, Starfire and Robin, were in the living room and Beastboy was… well no one knew where their green little friend was. It's been three weeks since Cyborg had left him with J and still there was no word. Anyway, let us focus on the titans in the living room.

"So then I say, that's no robot, that's my wife!" Cyborg said finishing his joke and leaving his friends in a state of uncontrollable laughter.

"Man that was a good joke Cy" Robin said wiping a tear from his eye.

"I got plenty of those" Cyborg said with a grin. "So you feeling better Starfire?"

"Yes, a little but I am still worried about the whereabouts of Beastboy" Starfire said leaving Robin a little jealous.

"I told you, he's with my friend J" Cyborg said.

"It's not normal for someone to be gone with someone they don't know for 3 weeks." Starfire said.

"I said this before, It takes time for the process to work, it could take months." Cyborg said.

"I don't like this too Star but Cyborg trusts the guy so it can't be that bad." Robin said.

"And remember, it's to help Beastboy and raven get back together, to help these two be happy as a wonderful couple. We're doing it for the good of Beastboy and Rav-"

"We know, we know, You've been saying that all week." Robin said cutting off Cyborg.

"Wait a minute, where is our friend Raven?" Starfire asked.

"Probably meditating." said Cyborg.

"Yeah or reading a book or something boring like that" Robin said while laughing.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*

"No no no no…. Come on ….. Jump ….. Shoot…Dammnit!!" Raven yelled as she threw down her video game controller.

"Stupid piece of crap" Raven menacingly said to the controller. It just wasn't her day. She just couldn't seem to get a shot in on her N.B.A. street. The truth was Raven didn't mind playing video games. No one probably even knew she had a PS2 in her room… or an X box… or GameCube.

"Hah look at me" Raven said to herself. "Yelling at a T.V. screen." She was surprised she had a thing for video games. She remembered the first time she played them like it was yesterday…… (Image gets all blurry and you hear weird space like noises. That's right folks, a flashback.)

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"I said no Beastboy" Raven said getting annoyed.

"But you have tooo… Cyborg is recharging, Robin is sparring and Starfire… well we all know what happened last she played, she thought it was real." Beastboy said sadly.

"Yea she still thinks mushrooms will make her bigger." Raven said saidly shaking her head.

"But no"

"Come on"


"Just one"


"You chicken?" Beastboy said grinning.

"What did you just call me" Raven said.

"You know, a chicken, scaredy-cat, wuss, yellow belly, coward, LITTLE GIRL" Beastboy said emphasizing the last part. While Beastboy was enjoying taunting Raven, he didn't notice that Raven's eyes seem to turn a bit red.

"Get your ass on in the living room now." Raven said menacingly with red eyes.

"Sure" Beastboy grinning still. Raven made her way towards the living room.

"There's no way I'm gonna lose, she probably doesn't know a thing about video games, she's gonna get her butt kicked" Beastboy thought to himself.

"I heard that" Raven said from the living room.

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"K-O!!!" The sound echoed from the t.v. screen. Beastboy stared at the screen at disbelief and watched helplessly at the screen as his fighter was knocked out for the 27th time. Sure at the beginning it was going as Beastboy planned. He kicked Raven's butt good for the first 5 games but then Raven got better. Way better.

"What was that about some one getting their butt kicked?" Raven asked with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, you know, I was just going easy on you, it would be wrong with someone with my skills to use it all on a beginner" Beastboy said.

"Yea sure whatever" Raven said as she placed her video game controller on the floor. Raven was actually surprised. She never played video games before. Now here she was kicking but AND having fun, with Beastboy of all people.

"I have to admit Rae. You are pretty good at this." Beastboy said.

"Pretty good?" Raven asked.

"Ok your awesome at it" Beastboy said. "You should play with me, Cyborg, and Robin sometime."

"I dunno…" Raven said

"Come on, you rock at this and your pretty cool hang out with." Beastboy said.

"Your just saying that so I'll play with you again." Raven said rolling her eyes.

"Nope, its all true, I love spending time with you." Beastboy said with a smile. Raven turned her head to blush.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go now" Raven said while getting up from the floor.

"Do you have to?" Beastboy whined like a 2yr old and made the cutest little face Raven had ever seen.

"Yes I do" Raven said while smiling. Beastboy began to rub his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Raven asked.

"You just smiled" Beastboy said in amazement.

"NO I didn't" Raven said turning around to hide her face.

"Yeah you did" Beastboy said.

"It was your imagination"

"NO it wasn't I saw you"

"Check your eyes"

"You so smiled"

"Fine I did." Raven said folding her arms. "Got a problem?"

"Nope, but you should smile more, you have a pretty smile" Beastboy said.

Once again Raven blushed, luckily her head was still turned. "Later Beastboy" She said while walking out of the room. (Once again with the space like noises and blurry images)

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Raven still smiled remembering the moment and how sweet Beastboy was to say something like that. It was then that she realized she had some feelings for the green little fur ball. She wouldn't let those feelings grow into anything more. It was amazing enough she like him to start with because she wasn't even her type. No one knew this about Raven but nothing attracted her more than a straight up thug. Everyone thought she was in to depressing music and rock but in actuality she loved rap. Some of her favorite artists were Eminem, 50 cent and Mase. She had a G-unit poster on her wall and in her collection of CDs she had Get Rich or die tryin' by 50 cent, The Eminem Show and Kamikaze by Twista. She also loved basketball and watched it all the time. She even went to the park and shot some hoops in her spare time. She giggled to herself. If any of the others knew about all this she knew they would faint. Anyway if only Beastboy was her type then maybe her feelings for him would grow more. As if by some magical story-like coincidence the doorbell rang.

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"Well guys, I'm gonna go and check on lunch" Cyborg said as he walked out of the living leaving Starfire and Robin by themselves. (Hey, Stop that!! Yea you!! I know what you're thinking.)

"Robin remember when we went in Raven's room?" Starfire asked.

"Yeah Star" Robin replied.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Starfire asked

"Well it's now or never Boy wonder" Robin said to himself. "Well Star you see, you're a good friend to me and your one of my best friends and lately I've those feel-"

At that moment the doorbell rang.

"That may be Beastboy!" Starfire said excitedly and ran over to the door.

"Ugh this is gonna be harder than I thought" Robin said quietly to himself.

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Yeah, I'm gonna end the story here. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's kind of short. I can't guarantee you a new chapter anytime soon though. I'm sorry. I also think this was a bad chapter. That's up to you to decide. Well, review, flame me if you must.