Fan Fiction ❯ Prophecy ❯ Guardians v.s. Demons winner take all ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“Heh, you guys ready” Ryku said as he opened his portal “Let’s give ‘em Hell!”

With that everyone stepped through the portal and were transported to the Valley of Death. The sight that greeted them was what they had dreaded. 5,000 of Death’s strongest and most fearsome Demon’s were ready for battle, standing in front of them was Alex’s doppleganger, acting as general for this demon army.

“I’m glad to see you made it. Ahh, what do you know, the Archangel isn’t as big of a coward as I thought he was. Well, maybe this will be interesting after all, at least now I have a challenge.” Demon Alex said.

“Oh, you’ll have a challenge all right, but you won’t be fighting me.” Alex said with a smirk “ Lyle, Sasuka, Jamie you guys got this?”

“Yeah we’re ready.” Lyle said already tensed for battle. Before they were even able to advance on the enormous demon army, three gigantic demons blocked there path.

“These are the three demon generals. There claimed to be the strongest of the lower class demons.” Michael stated “Too bad for them, they won’t stand a chance against us.”

With that Michael, Ryku, and Aurora took on one of the demons. Sara, Ashley, and Jamie took on another. Alex, Sasuka, and Lyle took on the last one.

The demon lunged very quickly at Michael who disappeared quickly. While the demon was off guard Ryku teleported in and quickly launched an attack on the demon.

“Whirlwind Blade!” Ryku yelled as a huge vortex erupted form his sword tearing away at the demons body. Before the demon could recover Marie had used her power over gravity to magnify his weight tenfold. The enormous demons legs gave way to the weight and snapped in half! Michael then quickly came in with the final blow.

“INFERNO TEMPEST!” Michael yelled as he raised his hands high in the air. From beneath the battered demon flames of immeasurable intensity and heat erupted. Turning the demon to ashes.

Sara wasted no time getting in the first hit on their demon.

“Tears of the Ice Maiden.” exclaimed Sara as two oval orbs appeared in her hands. Sara launched herself towards the demon barely able to twist herself out of being hit by an oncoming attack and nailed the demon in the chest with the two orbs. Sara then back flipped away from demon in time to create a barrier of ice to protect her from an onslaught of physical attacks by the demon. Slowly the demon’s chest began to turn to ice from Sara’s attack. While the demon’s attention was focused on Sara, Ashley launched her attack.

“Flaming Arrow!” Ashley cried as she launched herself at the demon. Her daggers igniting on fire as she twirled through the air striking the demon numerous times before he had even realized that he’d been hit. Jamie then came in an summoned the ground to hold the demon still. With the demon at bay Jamie summoned her energy.

“Dance of Blades!” Jamie said as she launched her energized whip in several directions slicing the demons to bits.

Before the demon had any time to react Alex, Sasuka, and Lyle had all disappeared. Sasuka appeared in front of the demon and quickly launched several energized cards at the demon’s feet. Sasuka then sent the demon flying with an enormous gust of wind. Lyle at this time was flying above the demon he then sent a huge amount of lightning crashing down on the demon. After the lightning show ended Alex was behind the demon and ignited the demon of fire. Finally the demon gained his footing and extinguished the burning flames. The enraged demon lunged himself at Sasuka! Sasuka easily dodged the attack and with a quick motion cut off the demon’s left arm! Sasuka then flipped behind the demon and sent him flying towards Lyle with a gust of wind. Lyle then caught the demon with his taloned hands. His talons ripping into the demon’s flesh. While Lyle held the demon he sent lightning channeled thru his hand into the demon. He then launched the demon into the air. With Lyle’s enormous bat wings he easily caught up to the demon before he began to descend. Lyle then quickly sliced off the demon’s other arm and with a powerful kick sent him towards the waiting arms of Alex.

“Burning Celestial Slash!” Alex yelled as he swung his sword in a quick arc. Energy erupted from his sword slicing the demon in half. Flames erupted along the path that the energy traveled igniting the two pieces of the demon turning him to nothing but ashes. Before they could catch their breath an incredibly large amount of Demon’s came forth from the legion of demon’s.

“This can’t be good.” Aurora stated.

“You just figuring that out?” Lyle said sarcastically it was then that he was hit with a lightning bolt.

“Whoa, what the Hell was that?” Lyle yelled. Luckily since Lyle controlled the element of lightning it didn’t affect him.

The demon’s in front of them had elemental shields protecting them as they stood in front of the hero’s.

“ These must be those damned demon’s that wiped out all our friends!” Michael yelled.

“Whoa, so you mean these demon’s are not only getting a power bonus from Death but also have elemental powers.” Lyle asked.

“That would seem to be the case.” Sasuka calmly stated.

“Oh okay just making sure” Lyle commented getting ready for battle.

“Well, looks like we’re going to get a little sidetracked from the plan.” Alex said as the first line of demon’s charged them. “Everyone get ready.”

“You don’t have to tell us twice.” Jamie commented. Suddenly the demon’s were upon them. Fireballs, lightning bolts, ice spikes, boulders, blades of wind, blades of sound, void holes, metallic weapons of all sorts, and gravitational fluxes, along with other elements that you could only guess about flew past the hero’s heads as they dodged the attacks and decimated the first rank of the Elemental Demon Squad.

Glowing elemental orbs floated in front of them, but instead of going to the hero’s who killed their previous owners the orbs floated to a demon with red skin, white long hair, horns, and yellow eyes.

“Okay, now I’m pissed, I was about to get the power of fire!” Lyle yelled.

“Yeah, what just happened?” Ashley asked.

“That demon must be an energy Succubus. A very rare type of demon. This is going to make things very difficult.” Sara exclaimed.

“Why’s that?” Aurora asked.

“Because, every elemental demon we kill adds to his power.” Sasuka exclaimed as he launched several blades of wind at demon’s advancing upon him.

“Okay, look Lyle, Sasuka, Michael, Ryku and myself will go take out the Succubus. Girls, you’ll be left to destroy the elemental demons.” Alex said after quickly debating what to do.
“What, why do we get stuck fighting alone!” Jamie asked.

“Simple, we stand the best chance against the Succubus, plus your elements affect a wider range than ours, so it’ll be easier for you to take out more enemies faster than us. But regardless we’ve got to hurry before he gets any stronger.” Alex declared.

“Fine but be careful” Jamie said with a quick look in Alex’s direction.

“I was about to say the same thing to you. Take care, watch your back for teleporter’s.” Alex said as he suddenly vaporized a teleporting demon behind her.

“Thanks. Don’t you need to hurry?” Jamie said as she destroyed the demon’s in front of her with a quick flick of her whip. “We’ve got things under control here, now hurry and go kill the Succubus.”

“Heh, yes Ma’am.” Alex said as he, Michael, Lyle, Ryku, and Sasuka all headed towards the Succubus.

“Quickly, we must destroy him before he gains anymore power!” Sasuka said.

“Nah, ya think.” Ryku commented as he quickly teleported behind the demon and sliced the demon in half with his sword.

“See now wasn’t that easy.” Ryku said. Suddenly Lyle launched a lightning bolt past Ryku’s head.

“Hey what’s the big idea?” Ryku asked. He then turned around to see the Succubus standing behind him. Just as if Ryku hadn’t even attacked him. Even Lyle’s lightning bolt didn’t affect him.

“Okay we’ve got to take this sucker out quickly.” Michael said.

“Okay let me give it a try.” Lyle said. He then instantly teleported behind the demon and hacked and slashed at the demon’s back. Suddenly however, Lyle’s sword become stuck in the demon’s back.

“What the?”

“No way.” Michael exclaimed. All of Lyle’s attacks had already healed and Lyle’s sword had become stuck in the demon’s back!

“Oh fuck me!” Lyle yelled in exasperation as he tried to pull his sword out, only to have lightning be channeled through it. The lightning sent him flying backwards from the voltage.

Ryku teleported to break Lyle’s fall. Michael and Sasuka then charged the creature. Michael summoned a vast array of bladed whips around him as he launched one of his ultimate attacks.

“Blade of the Phoenix!” Michael yelled as the blades suddenly caught fire and began striking at the demon, tearing his skin to shreds.

Sasuka channeled the wind under his feet and he quickly zig and zagged around Michael’s attacks and dodging the beast, and at the same slashing at him with his energized weapons. He used his power over wind to propel him faster making himself near impossible to hit.

Alex then joined the fray. He launched himself at the beast and energized his sword with a great amount of energy. He dodged Michael’s and Sasuka’s attacks and launched his own assault.

“Celestial Blade” Alex cried as he swung his sword and energy erupted from it. The energy blast sliced off the demon’s right arm off.

“Hah, looks like we might be gaining the advantage after all.” Ryku said as he and Lyle rejoined the group.

“Hey don’t jinx us.” Michael said. As soon as he the last word escaped his mouth, the demon’s severed arm stopped in mid fall. Pieces of the demon’s upper arm had stretched down and caught the fallen arm. The arm then somehow healed and rejoined with the rest of the demon’s body.

“Now it’s my turn to show you my power!” The demon exclaimed as he started advancing on the hero’s.

“Sasuka! Let’s put this demon to sleep permanently!” Ryku said thru gritted teeth.

“True, Ryku let’s go.” Sasuka said. With that him and Ryku combined their powers over wind to generate an enormous tornado of wind. With it Alex combined his power over fire, Lyle his power over lightning, Michael his power over fire and metal. With these powers together formed a monstrosity that would surely kill anything in it’s wake. The tornado of flame, metal, lightning, and wind tore at the Succubus’s body. It was then that the hero’s realized that they were in for a long fight.

“Ah shit.” Alex declared as he saw the wounds on the demon heal instantly.

“His wounds heal before the cut even bleeds.” Ryku exclaimed in awe.

“No time to stand their in la-la land kid, we’ve got a serious problem on our hands.” Michael said.

“Here, let me handle this” Lyle said. With quick hand motions he drew a magic ring in front of him.

“Hmm, this might work. By drawing the magic ring he double’s his power for one attack. He might actually be able to pull this off.” Sasuka mused.

“God of Thunder Ultimate Attack Raigeki!” Lyle yelled as lightning ripped forth from his body and nailed the Succubus in the chest.

“Ha, fool, I control all the elements with a power far greater than yours. Do you really think this puny light show could hurt me.” The demon laughed. With a flick of his hand Lyle’s attack was redirected towards him. The attack sent Lyle flying backwards. Michael launched a metal chain at the beast trying to halt his progress. Suddenly, before the chain could connect it turned around and hit Michael in the chest ripping through his chest and pinning him to a wall. Ryku teleported towards the demon trying to launch another attack at the very least trying to distract him. When ryku exited his portal however it had changed directions and he ended up running into the canyon wall. The wall then collapsed on top of him pinning him under the weight of the rocks. Sasuka was sent flying backwards with hurricane force winds. Alex was all that was left.

“Ha, now you see you truly weak you are. Your friends have defeated all the elemental demon’s with ease, as our master predicted. Now, I am the most powerful demon here. Nothing you can do can stop me!”

*He’s right, we’re fucked if I don’t do something. I had planned on using this against Death, but it looks like I’ll have to come up with another idea, because I won’t have enough energy to use it twice today.*

“For such a big mouth you sure don’t have any power to back it up. Seems to me your all bark and no bite!” Alex said with a smirk.

“Insolent Fool! I will crush you with your very own powers!” the demon yelled.

“We’ll see about that.” Alex said. Alex brought his sword up to eye level and and held it across his chest. With his left hand he charged the blade with energy.

“Your about to really hate me” Alex said. “Heaven’s Secret Art Seal of the Self Righteous!”

Invisible energy emerged from the sword and attached itself to the demon. The energy took the form of solid chains binding his legs and feet.

“What! I’ll kill you no matter what!” The demon tried using his powers but to no avail. “No matter I’ll kill you with my bare hands. Especially since using that attacks drained your energy a good bit!”

The demon lunged at Alex but before he got close his left arm suddenly vanished in a portal. His right arm was then quickly sliced off by a blade of wind. Both his legs were chopped off by a blade that appeared out of no where. Before his limbless body hit the ground he was vaporized by a lightning bolt.

“Well, that was an interesting escapade now wasn’t it.” Ryku said calmly dusting off his clothes.

“If you mean it was Hell than yeah.” Micahel said the wound to his chest healing.

“ at least we killed him.” Sasuka said.

“Yeah, but who’s going to get the element orb?” Lyle asked.
“I’m not sure there’ll be an orb.” Alex said.

“Why not?”


Everyone looked at the place the creature had fallen. Instead of an elemental orb floating there, there was what looked like a golden crest of some kind. In the middle of the crest was a cross shaped orb that seemed lifeless.

“Okay, what is that?” Michael asked.

“That, is the Crest of the Guardian Elements.” Sara said.

“Really! That’s what it looks like” Michael exclaimed.

“Okay I’m lost what’s going on?” Ashley said.

“This crest is...used to be only a legend, but it says that it holds the power of over a hundred elemental’s, and that only the chosen one can use it. Also, the seal can only be activated when the time is right.” Aurora said.

“Wow, maybe this will help us now.” Jamie said.

“I don’t think so Jamo.” Alex said.

“Why not?”

“Look, it’s not active. I guess right now isn’t the time it’s needed.”

“Well it sure did pick a hell of a time to take a nap.”

Alex reaches towards the crest and picks it up gingerly. Suddenly the crest disappears.
“W-what happened?” Alex asked.

“Well, it looks like you’re the chosen one.” Ryku said.

“Gee that was a real shocker.” Lyle said sarcastically.

“True, but in all seriousness, what happened was that the crest has become bonded with you. It will activate when the time is right. Until then, that power will lay dormant inside of you.” Sara said.

“Alrighty then. Looks, like our demon friends are getting impatient. You guys know what you have to do. When you finish find me. I’ll need all the help I can get.” Alex quickly summoned his sword and charged forwards through the demon army. His actions caught the Demon’s off guard as he slaughtered a small number of demon’s as he flew past them, heading towards their true enemy. Before the demon’s could start heading after him, everyone else had started their attack.

“Sis, over here” Ryku yelled as him and his sister started fighting demons in every direction. Ryku couldn’t afford a mistake. Sword, talons, and energy blasts ripped at him from all sides. With each swing of his sword he killed two or three demons, but for every demon he killed three took it’s place. Ryku and Aurora used their combined powers of wind to knock most of the demon’s away long enough for their friends to come to their aid.

Ashley and Michael were working their way towards Ryku and his sister, but were moving at a snails past trying to counter and block attacks from everywhere. Ashley killed as many demons as she could with her sonic blades, and kept many at bay with her fire, but still many were getting way to close for comfort. Michael finally was able to clear a tiny path towards the brother and sister.

“This is ridiculous! I can’t even tell if we’re making a dent in their numbers!” Ryku yelled impatiently.

“Quick guys, if you can give me a few seconds of cover, I might be able to even the odds.” Michael said *I never thought it would come to me using this attack, but it might be the only way we can win*

“Okay, but a few seconds is all you’ll get” Aurora said as her and Ryku dropped their wind shield as they went on the offensive. Ashley, Ryku, and Aurora, created a triangle around Michael as he summoned his energy for a powerful attack. Ryku got slashed across the shoulder as a powerful demon got into close for him to block. Ryku was almost overrun by demons. Ashley and Aurora weren’t holding off any better.

*I still don’t have enough energy, but I don’t have a choice, it’s either now or never* Michael thought, suddenly he clasped his hands together and a strong shockwave knocked the demons back. *I still need a few more seconds.*

Suddenly, out of no where spikes of ice rained from the sky slaughtering many demons where the stood.

“Sara, I don’t think I’ve ever been gladder to see you than now” Aurora said as Sara joined their group. Sara wasn’t looking any better then the rest of them. She has a huge cut across her thigh, and looked like she was almost out of energy.

“Michael whatever you have planned you’d better do it now!” Ryku yelled as he killed three advancing demons, but was then slashed across the chest by a demon’s talons.

“Ryku!” Aurora yelled as she blasted a demon with her energy. She tried to get over to her brother but a big demons got in her way. When Aurora tried to slash at the demon she was hit by an energy attack from behind. Ashley was surround from all sides by demons, her fire attacks incinerated most of them but one was able to get through alive, and caught her by the neck. Sara was having a hard time dodging attacks with her hurt leg she, it was then that she got stabbed in the arm with a sword.

Michael saw his friends were falling all around him, he had to act.

“Now you guys are screwed” Michael said as he shoved his hands forward “Flaming Dragon of Destruction. Here my cry, come forth and obliterate all my enemies before me!”

A bright red energy appeared in the form of a seal behind Michael. From it came a tremendous fire dragon. It went through the demon ranks, burning everything in it’s path. Easily Destroying half of the demons army. Until it was stopped by Alex’s dopplegagner who used his ultimate attack to silence the beast.

“Lyle, Sasuka, Jamie where are you guys” Michael yelled. *They were supposed to keep him busy. Ah shit, more demons*

By this time Ryku and everyone else was back up and fighting, temporarily weakened but fighting none the less.

“Screw it we can’t save our energy, if we do we’ll die!” Ryku said as more and more demons came.

“But Alex said to conserve what energy we could.” Ashley pleaded.
“We won’t be much use to him dead”

“Okay lets do it” Sara yelled as she mustered the rest of her energy “Perma Frost!”
She yelled freezing at least 500 demons around her.

Ryku then summoned a tremendous amount of energy into his sword as he sliced it along the ground. It created an enormous portal in the earth. From it winds and hurricanes of unimaginable force erupted. Tearing demons to pieces leaving none in its wake.

Aurora used her power to lift the remaining demons into the air. It was then that Ashley picked them off. Ashley crossed her arms and summoned energy into them. She then threw them outwards towards the demons suspended in the air.

“Sonic Flame” Ashley exclaimed as an x-shaped blade of sonic air sliced the demons to shreds, followed by flaming blades in the form of an x.

The field was by that time completely destroyed. Mutilated bodies of demons were strewn all around. All that could be seen standing besides the five heroes, was the fighting forms of Alex’s doppleganger , Sasuka, Lyle, and Jamie.

Jamie had locked her whip around the demons sword, keeping him from striking the finishing blow upon Lyle. Sasuka launched both his blades at the demon, who backhanded them away from him, causing an explosion from the energized cards Sasuka had placed on them. Lyle jumped back from the attack the demon launched at him. The demon then swung his sword around with Jamie’s whip still attached causing her to fly into Sasuka knocking them both of their feet. The demon then charged up for another attack.

“Ultimate Trinity Attack” the demon screamed as the energy blast headed straight for Jamie and Sasuka. Before the attack hit them Jamie threw up a shield of earth, but that didn’t stand a chance against the energy attack. It disintegrated and knocked Jamie and Sasuka both back. Badly injuring both of them. The demon then turned his attention on Lyle. Who was still trying to catch his breath from when the demon had hit him with an energized punch in the chest.

*This is bad, Jamie and Sasuka are probably out for the count. And it looks like everyone else is out of energy. I have no other choice* Lyle thought, it was then that the demon flew towards him and tried to knock Lyle back with another punch. Lyle simple caught the demons fist in his hands.

“What how can you have this power?” the demon asked in astonishment. It was then that he noticed the symbols glowing on Lyle’s arms. As Lyle lifted his head up his eyes began to glow red. Lyle threw the demon back and quickly teleported behind him. Lyle slashed at the demons back, with his electrified sword. He then launched a electricity attack at the demon which momentarily paralyzed him. Lyle summoned up enough energy needed for his ultimate attack. But before he could the demon was back on his feet, he then teleported behind Lyle and knocked and back handed him into a rock. The demon the launched a flaming blades at Lyle, who could barely block the attacks. While the demon was occupied with Lyle, Sasuka prepared his ultimate attack along with Jamie. Jamie used her powers to have the earth come over the demons legs making him unable to move for a few seconds, she then launched her whip, which pierced through his chest. She then sent energy through it shocking him and paralyzing him. Sasuka then used his power over wind to create a small whirlwind which contained in it, his two blades. The whirlwind encircled the demon, the high winds and blades ripping at his flesh. Sasuka then launched his ultimate card... the card of Oblivion. It erupted with tremendous force. Lyle then summoned enough energy to summon forth once again “God of Thunder Ultimate Judgment Raigeki” Lyle yelled as a tremendous lightning blast nailed the demon full force. Jamie then pulled her whip out of the demon and used her ultimate attack.

“Dance of Blades” Jamie yelled as she spun around with her energized whip slicing the now incredibly weakened demon to ribbons.

“Well, that was easy.” Jamie said weakly as everyone regrouped. Everyone looked and felt like Hell. And everyone was about out of energy.

“Now we have to find Alex.” As soon as the words left Lyle’s mouth a huge explosion ripped through the ground signaling the battle for the fate of the earth, had begun.