Fan Fiction ❯ Rain of Blood ❯ Brother against Brother! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Rain of Blood
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 1: Brother against Brother!
Category: Crossover
John: Hello; I'm John!
Bill: And I'm Bill! Welcome to the Rain of Blood Deathmatch Arena!!!
The crowd erupts in applause.
Bill: Settle down, settle down! This first match is a must-see for Nintendo fans everywhere! It's Mario vs. Luigi!!!
The entire stadium shook with applause as Mario and Luigi came out on opposite ends of the open-ceiling arena. It was a circular arena with 100-foot-high stone walls. The ground was not covered in any way. It was the Earth itself.
Mario: Now brother, don't hold back just `cause we're brothers. Give it your all!
Luigi: Same goes for you, Mario.
Bill: Ready…
John: …Fight!!!
Mario and Luigi charged each other. Mario sent several fireballs flying toward Luigi. Just as they were about to hit Luigi, he jumped up and fired a barrage of his own green fireballs at his brother. They smashed into Mario in a green, fiery explosion. Mario went sprawling out of the smoke. He struggled to his feet and turned to Luigi.
Mario: Man, brother! That was some attack. Who would have guessed it?!
Luigi: Yeah well, there's more where that came from. *Grins widely*
Without warning, Mario jumps high into the air and fires 33 fireballs at Luigi. Luigi goes down hard. As the smoke clears, he struggles to his feet. He's all blackened and charred.
Mario: How do you like that one, brother!?
Luigi: Not…*huff*…bad...
Mario: Why thank you, Luigi!
Mario charges Luigi. He grabs Luigi's arm and slings him at the wall on the other end of the arena. Luigi slams hard into it. He slowly slides to the ground. He slowly stands up. He is badly hurt.
Luigi: …Damn…you…Mario…*coughs, then clenches his fists and screams*
Luigi charges at Mario.
Bill: Wow! This is sure turning into a doozy of a match!
John: Bill, who the hell says doozy anymore?
Bill: Shut up, John!
Luigi slams into Mario, who goes flying to the ground. Luigi jumps onto Mario's chest and starts hammering his fists into Mario.
John: Wow! Luigi's pissed!
Bill: That is absolutely correct, John!
Mario finally has the sense to push Luigi off of him. He takes no time jumping to his feet.
Mario: Luigi, you will pay for that, you bastard!
Mario runs at Luigi and starts landing blow after blow after blow to Luigi, sending him eventually slamming hard into the wall. Mario shoves Luigi into the wall again. He then takes Luigi by the collar and chucks him away from the wall. There is a large imprint where Luigi had been slammed into it.
Mario: Take that, Luigi!!!
Luigi slams into the ground. He doesn't move.
Luigi: …
Bill: Luigi is out cold! This match goes to Mario!!!
The crowd erupts as the Mario is claimed the winner.
Bill: Thank you for attending this deathmatch. Until next time folks, good night!
John: Bill, who…oh forget it. You're hopeless.
A/N: Well, what did you think of this first deathmatch?! I will be posting a list of the deathmatch contenders on my profile page. You can then send me deathmatch requests via review or email! Sorry it was a bit short. Later!