Fan Fiction ❯ Rain of Blood ❯ The Cursed Akatsuki of the Mist ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Rain of Blood
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 7: The Cursed Akatsuki of the Mist
Category: Crossover
Bill: Hello, and welcome to another exciting match of the Rain of Blood Tournament!!!
The crowd roared.
John: Yes, today's match is sure to be an excellent one! Another member of the Akatsuki organization, the member considered to have the most chakra of the bunch, Kisame, facing off against the Jounin leader of Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji, Asuma!
The crowd roared as a tall man in a black cloak with a wide neck and red clouds upon it walked out onto the arena. He had spiky, blue hair and blue white skin that seemed almost unnatural. Upon each of his cheeks were three thick, black markings that resembled the gill slits of a shark. Upon his back he wore a light brown, leather sheath which held his gigantic sword: Samehada.
On the other side of the arena, a man with semi-spiky, cobalt hair and a short beard to match made his way onto it. He wore the typical Leaf Village uniform. On each of his hands he wore specially made knives that slip onto his knuckles. He was smoking a cigarette.
Asuma: Ah, if it isn't the missing nin from the Hidden Mist Village: Kisame Hoshigaki.
Kisame: So, I see you have heard of me! Good! Since I don't have to introduce myself, let's get this thing started!
Asuma: Fine by me! *flicks his cigarette to the ground, crushes it under his foot, and gets in a defensive stance*
Kisame and Asuma charged each other. Asuma swung his knives at Kisame; however, Kisame merely dodged and landed three punches and two kicks to Asuma, sending him flying backwards. Asuma landed on his feet and threw a kunai at Kisame. To counter, Kisame threw a shuriken, and the kunai and shuriken bounced off each other and flew into the wall on the opposite side of each other.
Kisame: Not bad, not bad! This is sure to be an entertaining fight! *laughs and charges Asuma*
Asuma: That it will, Kisame. *charges as well*
Just as Asuma was about to strike, Kisame gripped Samehada's handle and unsheathed the bound sword. In doing so, some of its bindings on the end of it were torn away from the sword, revealing that the sword was actually made of a rough, blue material lined entirely with large spikes: shark skin. That is the reason it got the name “Samehada”, which literally means “Shark Skin”. Kisame swung forward and countered Asuma's attack.
Asuma: *gasps*
Kisame: *laughs wickedly* Hah! Is that all that you can do? Attack with knives?
Asuma pushed off Kisame's sword and landed on his feet several feet away from him, taking a defensive stance.
Kisame: *forms the necessary hand signs* Suiton:Bakusui Shoha!
Kisame suddenly starting spewing a large amount of water from his mouth, forming a deep pool that filled up a bit more than half of the entire arena. Asuma and Kisame were now balanced upon the surface of the water. Kisame charged Asuma, his sword at the ready.
Bill: This match is really heating up!
Taking swing after swing at Asuma, Kisame started a relentless assault on Asuma. Asuma was just barely able to guard against it.
Kisame: Ha ha! You can't defend forever, Asuma!
Kisame noticed an opening in Asuma's defense and took his chance to land a direct hit. Swinging Samehada towards Asuma's side, he landed a blow to Asuma's arm. When he did, he tore some of the skin forcefully and painfully off it. Several bloody, open wounds were now upon Asuma's arm. Kisame then used the butt of his sword to send Asuma under the surface. He then placed Samehada upright next to him. Surprisingly, it stood on top of the water instead of sinking.
Kisame: *forms the necessary hand signs, bends down, and touches the water with one hand* Suiton: Goshokuzame!
Suddenly, five fully sized, physical, light blue sharks made entirely of water and held together by chakra spewed from Kisame's hand. The five sharks sped towards Asuma, Kisame grinning all the while. Asuma looked up and gasped when he spotted the five sharks. Before he could do anything to defend himself, one of the sharks cut through him from his left.
Kisame: First meal.
Another shark cut through Asuma from the right.
Kisame: Second meal.
A third shark cut through Asuma's left side, sending him upwards and to the right.
Kisame: Fourth meal.
Before the final shark could attack, Asuma began to shoot upwards towards Kisame.
Kisame: Oh shit! *lifts his hand from the water, and the sharks vaporized* *forms the necessary hand signs* *mutters* Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu!
Kisame picked up Samehada and prepared to counter. When Asuma surfaced he cut through Kisame. However, when he did this, Kisame became merely water and dropped into the pool.
Asuma: *gasps* A water clone?!
The real Kisame suddenly shoots up from the water.
Kisame: Suiro no Jutsu!! *places his hand upon Asuma*
Suddenly, a barrier of water appears around Asuma. Asuma suddenly can't move.
John: Well, it looks like the match is over. Kisame is the winner, as Asuma can no longer fight!
The crowd went wild as Kisame pulled his hand from the water barrier, causing it to dissipate. Asuma was breathing heavily.
Kisame: You're lucky I didn't do worse to ya, Asuma. Next time, you might not be so lucky! *sheaths Samehada and walks off the arena, the arena having since been drained*
Bill: Well, until next time folks, see ya!
A/N: Well, what'd ya think?! I know it's been forever since I've done a match, but hey! At least I didn't forget about it. Also, check the matches, the match listings in my profile, as well as the list of contenders. Both have been updated. Please R&R, and I'll see ya later! ^^