Fan Fiction ❯ Red Crow ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1

She felt so trapped in her human form, but what choice did she have? Crows were hunted down and killed mercilessly by humans nowadays. They had become the hunted, rather than the hunter. This girl was just 18 and would be graduating from her High School soon. She was beautiful, but mysteriously dark. She held electric blue eyes, black hair, and a light complexion. Yet she was an outcast at her school, she trusted no one. She had been very social when she was younger, but her family's disappearance had changed all that. They had trusted the wrong person with their secret and had not been seen in four years. She would not make the same mistake.

She sat at her desk, silently chewing on the end of her pencil. She stared idly out the window at the cloudy sky; it looked as though at any moment the clouds would break open and dump their rain on the small town. A few birds fluttered by the window and she followed them with her eyes, a scowl crossing her features. `It's not fair', she thought to herself, `it really isn't.' Her back tingled, but she pushed the feeling away. It had been doing that for the past six months or so, and she knew why. She hadn't been on a flight in nearly a year, and her beautiful wings had been forced to hide within her, they were sore. As she watched the birds soar on the updrafts she felt something well inside her. She was jealous and angry that these birds, these simple little birds were getting the best of her frustrations. She felt another twinge in her back and her fangs elongated. She jumped to her feet and ran out the classroom door, mumbling something about being sick to the teacher on her way out.

Bursting through the side doors she yelled in agony as her wings forced themselves through her skin and then her clothing. Her fangs extended and her eyes flashed red before becoming dark pools of black. She shuddered and breathed in the moist air around her. Her wings flexed behind her, clearly stiff and sore, one would think they had minds of their own. She could feel the blood pulsing through her veins, an adrenaline rush flowing through her that she always felt in this form. Her eyes began to bleed red and she blinked a few times to clear them. She needed to stay in control; this was no time to lose it. She sniffed the air again and stiffened, someone was headed her way. Her mind told her to leave, but her body would not listen. She sunk into the shadows as he came around the corner.

He was short, lanky, and with his thick glasses, most defiantly the school geek. He walked quickly around the corner and towards the blue truck parked at the back of the parking lot. The car itself was half covered with old willow branches. The school gardener had quit that summer and they had not found anyone to replace him, the grounds had therefore gone unattended. Reaching the tree he pulled the branches aside and moved towards the side door. He suddenly found himself trapped in the arms of something strong and frightening. He screamed and it growled in response, sinking its teeth into his neck. Pain exploded from the wound and he collapsed before he registered what was happening.

Hot tears flowed from her eyes as she relinquished her hold on the boy's body. His body slid to the ground, his glasses askew, his eyes still open in horror. She bent down and examined his face carefully; crinkling her nose at the putrid smell of death that settled over him. She had not taken much, but she had only fed like that once before, she lost more of his blood than she drank. She licked her lips slowly, the coppery flavor still lingered and she glanced at her blood soaked shirt in disgust. It had to go. Stripping herself of the item she peeked out between the swaying willow branches that concealed her. There was no one. Carefully she stepped out and spread her wings to their full length. With a deep breath she ran forward, leaped onto the hood of another car and jumped off the back, to never touch the ground. She pushed herself higher and higher, into the deep gray clouds. She felt the first prickle of rain on her face and wiped it away with the back of her hand. She pushed higher still and set a southern course, she had a long journey ahead of her now.

*hummm…I don't know. Kind of dark, but I like it. Tell me if I should continue it. I think it could really go somewhere but I want to know what you all think. Please leave a review and let me know.