Fan Fiction ❯ Red Crow ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

They boy was breathless, but pushed onward. He turned to look behind him and saw that his companion no longer followed. He paused, his eyes searching the jungle for his red-eyed savior. He could hear the jets overhead as they turned to bombard the island again. He was still in danger and once again he turned to run. The explosions continued and he could feel the heat from them on his back. And then he heard it, the whistling, before he felt it pierce the ground. Time slowed as the explosion ripped through the earth around him. He was propelled into the air, but he did not continue his course toward the ground again. Instead, he was jerked to the side, the trees becoming farther and farther away.
He risked a glance upward and gasped. Dark, raven hair blew in the wind while two equally black wings spread outwards before coming down again. The pattern repeated itself; out, down, up, out, down, up again. The wings beat against the air, lifting them even higher. Feeling his eyes on her, Atsumi looked down at the boy. His eyes widened and a shiver ran down his spine, her eyes were no longer red. They were pitch black and the most frightening things he had seen. They looked empty and devoid of life.
The air around them began to thin and, slowly, the boy lost consciousness. Atsumi sighed lightly and continued toward the direction she knew land would be. She dropped lower in the sky, for the air had begun to be too thin for even her to breathe properly. She looked down at the boy again. What had prompted her to save him? She cared not for this human. But then, why did his life mean something to her? She scowled, a low growl emitting from her.
The islands began appearing on the horizon just before nightfall. As the sun began to set, Atsumi lowered her flight closer to the water. The ocean was mere feet below her, rising and falling with the tide. She looked thoughtfully out at the sunset, it was truly beautiful. It betrayed everything that had happened to her that day. The sky was a hazy gold, mixing with the reds and oranges. Purple descended slowly from the night sky, swallowing the fiery glow; as stars began poking out of the black curtain that covered the sky above her. The boy below her groaned and rolled his head as he slowly regained his consciousness.
The cool breeze caressed his cheek and stirred his hair. The ground below him was soft and warm, shifting under his weight. He could smell the ocean and hear the leaves above him blowing in the wind. The waves crashed softly against the shore and a seagull cried into the early morning. His neck was sore and his limbs stiff; protesting his movements as he made to sit up. He opened his eyes slowly, letting his eyes adjust to the newly risen sun, as he scanned the area around him. Looking out on the horizon he could make out the mainland and a few shrimp boats that dotted the waters. He ran his hand carelessly through his dark hair as he glanced down to his right. Laying just next to him was the girl that had saved him, the one that he had tried to kill the night before.
* YAY! Another chapter finished! Sorry it took so long. I had a small writers block ^^ But just for the record, this is the best story I've worked on in my life…which hasn't been very long. Lol. Love you all! Now please review!