Fan Fiction ❯ Reflections ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello! I love Teen Titans so much, so I thought I would try a fic using my favorite Titan…Starfire! And just so you know, before anyone yells at me, I know nothing about Starfire's past. I only know what I watch on the show. So… yeah. Please be gentle.

Now then, the disclaimer…. I do not own Teen Titans.

Reflections: a one-shot

Summary: Starfire is a Titan who's happy living on Earth. But what drove her to move to Earth in the first place?

As I sit atop the Titan Tower and stare at the moon and stars, I feel thankful and awed by

what I see. Thankful that I came to Earth so that I could this and awed by the glory that

I see. Earth is *full* of very beautiful and amazing that I have come to enjoy. I almost did

not have this chance to view all of this splendor. When I was a little girl I grew up on the

planet Tamaran. I lived there with my mother and father and my older sister, Blackfire.

Ahh… could any two sisters be any different? She was, and still is, loud, adventurous,

bossy, and always tried to be better than me. I, on the other hand, was not much different

than I am now. Only, I was much quieter. With Blackfire around, I was never able to

do much talking. Even with our differences, we did manage to get along sometimes.

She was the one who helped me realize my powers and helped me develop them. But

Then *she* found a way to develop her powers even farther just to beat me. That's

how it always was with her. She soon grew tired of our planet's small existence and left

to find a more exciting life. She did visit me once (after I was already on Earth) but…

you know that story. After Blackfire left it was much quieter, and things seemed

normal for the first time. But things were not normal at all. I was changing. To be

more honest, everything was changing. Things were not well on our planet,

but I was sure we could weather it and things would be fine. I was very wrong. Our

planet was attacked many times during this period, and it was beginning to look like

we would soon fall. Many people were leaving, and my family eventually decided

to leave as well. But in the hustle and bustle, I lost my parents, and have not seen them

since. I did not know what to do, or where to go. I traveled to many planets before

I found my way to Earth, and by the time I reached it, I was so disillusioned and tired.

I no longer wanted to search. I wanted… no needed, a home. I had hopes that this

planet was finally what I was searching for. And it was, and so much more…

Please review! ^_^