Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Angel Richardson stood at the side of the road, soaked to the bone, shivering, feeling slightly delirious. She cursed herself for the thousandth time for locking her keys in her old beat up Buick. She cursed her car for stalling on a semi-paved road in the middle of nowhere. She cursed the weather for deciding to rain. She cursed the world for being so cruel to her.

Angel pulled her arms around herself tighter, trying to keep the chill out. She was used to the cold, being born and raised in Wisconsin, but like a true Texan, she was wearing jeans, which she was grateful for and a white t-shirt. With a sigh, Angel thought over the events that had brought her to this point in her life.

Back in Texas, at McKinney Area High School, she had been taunted and teased for the last time. She had finally gotten fed up with it, and, in a sorrowful rush, ran away from her family. As she thought back, Angel realized that she had never regretted her decision, not even once. Even now, standing in the rain, she was happy with her decision. She just could not live with the pain anymore: the taunting, the teasing had turned into hate, and blame.

A searing flash of pain erupted between Angel's eyes, and as she held her head against the familiar pain, she put up the mental block back up that she had built against the memories.

As she stood, staring at the ground, holding her head that was now numb to the pain, Angel saw an enormous tire stop in front of her. As she slowly lifted her head, hoping that the pain would not return, she heard the release of an airtight door, and found herself looking into the face of a concerned stranger, standing on the steps of what looked like a tour bus. Then it hit her, this was no stranger, this was Taylor Hanson!

As this bit of information hit her already worn nerves, Angel overloaded, and with a feeling of freedom from emotions, she fainted.