Fan Fiction ❯ Senken ❯ Secrets best forgotten ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A dark cloud covered the branches trailing slowly over each leaf . A small crackle erupted from a shattering leaf as a solid mass moved over and unto it. Each tiny piece fell to the ground and unto the shoulders of a resting man.

A spark followed by a trail of smoke rose from the bottom of the tree and within seconds mixed with the dark cloud. The resting man disappeared replaced instead with a statue of a racoon. More shattered leaf's struck the ground moved against their will from a higher perch.

"I'm afraid you lose" A light hearted voice whispered in the ear of the intruder perched upon the tree.

"If the old man wants me dead he's going to have to send more than just one."

A scream echoed through the field the grains of wheat stained red within seconds.


Chapter one: Secret's Best Forgotten.

"" Spoken

`' Thoughts

"So I guess Kinanto Wasn't enough for him" The elder at the head of the table spoke aloud motioning to the others towards the sheets of paper towards the centre of the table.

"Kinanto left a son behind his wife died earlier this year what are we to do with the boy." Another elder younger than the first seated 3rd from his left spoke up.

"What can we do about it. No one will take in his child." Another voice came from opposite.

"At least not after the incident." The elder at the head spoke again then sighed. "I'm afraid he might not have a home."

Singular drops of heated water left the skin upon the arm and headed towards the tiny amount left swirling around the drain. The prone form of boy sat upright arms clutched around his knees. Water continually dripping onto the floor of the bath and sliding towards the blackness and emptiness of the drain.

"Fathers not Home yet." The empty words echoed from tile to tile as he wrapped a towel around his waist.

The Birds outside chirped a cheerful tune to nowhere and no one in particular as to figures walked underneath stopping beneath a particular tree and looking upwards.

"Hoi Jamuzu Hurry up." The feminine voice entered and exited the house.

(Note…. Jamuzu although a name means successor in Japanese)

Jamuzu appeared upon the wooden balcony clinging to the building barely above the tree below.

"Hai I will be right down ok… don't go anywhere." The figure rushed off back into the house leaving behind a small imitation of rain. `I guess I should but on my happy attitude I don't want to show any weakness least not to him.'

Small squeals were the result as the water struck both figures outside. "Aw man this always happens." The male figure spoke out in disgust.

"What always happens" The door was open now and Jamuzu stood towards the entrance a towel rubbing against his head as he made a desperate attempt to dry his hair Uttering a few swear words under his breath he threw the towel back into the house and locked the door.

"Wont your father mind you throwing it onto the floor like that. I mean he is the one that will end up cleaning it up." The male figure spoke again.

"Nah he wont mind" Jamuzu spoke with mild amusement a laugh begun to escape his mouth.

"Your hopeless Jamuzu." He spoke again as his female companion nodded in agreement.

Defeated Jamuzu slumped his shoulders forward and resumed walking with his head facing the ground.