Fan Fiction ❯ Shapeshifting Pride ❯ More Romance ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Alright, here's another chapter dedicated to Super Super Holy Mango. She made up most of this, but I kind of edited it. SSHM, this is the explanation of Seyr's "curse". Yes, you did make this one up. I made up her actual curse curse. That one will be explained later in the story.


Later, when Raud had finally found Seyr, they star-gazed once again. This time, Seyr broke the silence that grew between the two. She asked, "So, do you want to hear about my curse?"

Raud didn't really want to admit that he was curious, so he replied, "Sure, I guess…"

"`I guess…' That's not really a response, but oh, well, I figure that that's the best I'm going to get out of you," Seyr responded. "It's really not a curse, but a promise that my father, King Nomedo, made."

Now, Raud was confused. He didn't know how someone could mistake a promise for a curse. Seyr continued, "By the law of Sluknuk, a demon princess is not allowed to rule alongside a human. Since I was named King Nomedo's heir, when he married me off to Lifo, my father promised me that one day my true consort would come. Unfortunately, I don't think he knows or cares."

Raud felt obliged to comfort Seyr in this moment of depression, so he said, "Whoever he is, I'm sure that he cares in his own way."

Seyr turned towards Raud to say, "You really think so?" when she realized that he had disappeared on her. `I wish that I wasn't the type of person to fall in love with the worst kind of guy.' She then stood up and whispered out loud, "Goodnight, my consort."

Unbeknownst to Seyr, Raud actually was nearby when he heard her whisper her goodnight. He responded quietly, "Goodnight, my princess."


Feith: Sorry that the chapter was short, but I really didn't want to spoil the moment created via SSHM. She is planning on redrawing SP, so you may or may not see it on the internet as a combination piece of work. I own SP, but SSHM basically owns the romance. I just make up the couples. So, Review or I won't update. For those of you who actually have read most of the story in its original form, I am now officially just going off the top of my head.