Fan Fiction ❯ Summer w/ Snape :0) ❯ Severus, harry and Snape ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary: When 16 yr. old Harry Potter is thrown out of his aunt and uncles house with nothing but the clothes his wearing and his wand, he really doesn't know what to do, after deciding to go to London to see if he can get a room in the leaky cauldron. Only when he gets to London, he's taken in by someone who he had hopped not to see for at least a few more months... when school starts again.

Disclaimer 1: Harry, Sev and anybody/ anyplace else from the Harry Potter books does not belong to me. Lucy, tatty teddy, Korougu, Rush, Ares, Ashleigh, Miranda and Nathan are mine don't use them without permission.

Disclaimer 2: Katy and Michel belong to LuCiUs and I'm just nicking them for the occasion (thanx babs)

Disclaimer 3: The idea of Severus having a family comes from Silverfox1's story 'Runaway Dragon'.

Disclaimer 4: LuCiUs helped me make the design for Hannah, so I'm gonna credit her for it since she was her design. I don't know Katy and Mike well enough to know how a mother would handle them. Thanks LuCiUs.

Thank you Helene Jardon, Audrey Jardon, Sebastian Jardon and Madam Jardon for being the inspiration for this story. Sorry for doubting you Helene, never did believe you that Madam Jardon was actually nice until I saw her with you guys out of school!

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When Harry, woke up the next morning in an entirely too comfortable bed, he knew something was wrong. However it wasn't until he heard the potions masters voice coming from the kitchen-dinner that the memories of the previous night came back to him.

By the sound of it Severus was talking to Lucy, who seemed to be telling her 'daddy' all about what she planned to do today. It sounded like she was going to spend it with a friend.

Ignoring the two Snapes in the other room, Harry sat up with a yawn and peered around the bedroom. There was a white, cream and grey tabby cat sitting at the end of his bed, watching him with yellowy green eyes. He glared at it but it didn't seem to care. Ignoring the cat for the time being he pushed himself up out of bed and wrenched the faded black shirt from the night before over his head, running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to tame it and shoving his wand down the waistband of his shorts for safe keeping.

He yawned and stretched knocking the cat in the process, then following it out the room when it jumped off the bed and stalked out the door.

The cat jumped with a grace that could match the potion master's, up onto the window sill in the lounge and curled up into it's self in a tight furry ball, seemingly unfazed by the traffic racing by below. Harry paused to watch the cat for a moment before carrying on into the kitchen.

Ares bounced up when Harry entered the room, jumping up him to place golden paws on the young wizard's chest.

"Ares, sit. Leave Harry alone." The golden retriever whined softly but dropped to sit on the floor, his tail wagging behind him, by the table leg. Harry looked up at Severus and walked over to the table from the doorway, pulling out a chair and sitting down with a curt greeting directed to the older man.

"G'mornin' Severus, sleep well."

"Quite, and yourself?"

"I slept great, your son's bed is really comfy."

He ran a hand back through his rumpled hair and yawned loudly, pausing when Lucy giggled at his appearance.

"Good morning Lucy." The dark haired girl smiled at him and continued to dip her toast soldiers into the runny boiled egg that looked cold by now.

"Say good morning, Lucy." Severus, was standing behind her chair, nimble fingers, proving themselves useful for something other than potions as they quickly and efficiently weaved the dark curls into two plaits over her shoulders, tying green ribbons into the ends.

"Good mornin', Mr Harry Potter Sir. D'you sleep well?"

Harry blinked several times, and looked up at Severus who pointedly avoided his gaze, looking down at his hands working the end of the last plait, seemingly beaming with pride.

"I'm very well thank you Lucy. Where are you going to day that requires your daddy to do your hair so nicely?"

"Daddy said that he had to take you into Dia- Dia- Diagon alley so I'm gonna spend the day with Katy." She smiled up at him proudly, big blue eyes searching his for approval and he smiled back at her which seemed to please the black haired girl long enough for Severus to tell her to hurry up and eat her breakfast.

"But it's gone all cold and icky Daddy!"

"And whose fault is that for not eating it quickly enough!" He pulled out his wand and heated it up for her with one hand anyway, holding the end of her finished plait with the other. He put his wand on the table and held out a hand for the hair tie she was toying with.

"Ribbon please." She put the green ribbon across his palm and he thanked her before tying the end of her plait and pulling himself up a seat to sitting down next to Harry.

"I thought that we could get something to eat whilst we're out." He explained, in answer to the quick look Harry gave Lucy's egg.


They sat in silence for a while, the only sound being that of the dog panting and whining from his place on the kitchen floor and the occasional muffled thump as Lucy accidentally kicked the table leg with the pink slippers she was wearing.

After a while, she finished her breakfast and pushed her chair back, asking for permission to leave the table.

"Of course, but put your plate in the sink first." She nodded and jumped down from her seat, tucking her chair under and carrying her, glass, plate and cutlery across to the sink where she had to stand on tippy toes to get them in properly.

She bounced happily out the room, declaring that she was going to get changed and Severus turned to speak to Harry. However the boy who lived got in first.

"She's a beautiful little girl Severus, very polite for her age. Did you teach her her manners?"

"Miranda, Nathan and Ashleigh did too."

"Of course. You know, you're not exactly what I expected."

"You however are everything I expected, Harry Potter. I knew what you would be like even before you came to Hogwarts." He stood up as he spoke and pushing his and Lucy's chairs under the table he carted the little girls breakfast plate over to the sink and commenced washing up.


"Yes, just like your parents, people always say you're like your father, they're wrong you know, you may look like him but you definitely have Lily's soul. She would have been so proud of you." He shot Harry a smile over his shoulder and continued with the washing up.

They sat together in a comfortable silence until Lucy bounced back into the room, dressed up in a deep green pleated skirt and matching jacket over the top of black tights and a sleeveless top with little black sandals to finish the almost victorian look. Severus smiled and got up, walking over to her and picking her up into his arms.

"You ready to go?"


"Right, Harry, do you want to stay here whilst I take Lucy to Hannah's house or would you prefer to come with?"

"I'll come with if that's all right."

"Of course, get your shoes on and we'll go."

Harry stood up and stretched, shaking his head to dislodge the last dregs of sleep, he looked around for his shoes before coming quickly to his senses and realizing-

"Severus, I don't have any shoes. Not with me least ways." The black haired man sighed and nodded in the direction of metallic metal shoe basket in the corner of the room.

"Over there, Nat's probably got a spare pair of trainers in there that you can borrow." Harry crouched down by the basked and pushed the top open, shuffling about and moving the various shoes about until he found a pair of off white trainers that seemed to be about his size.

They were a little to big for him and he managed to pull them on without undoing the laces, but they would have to do.

"Right, ready to go." Severus smiled and put Lucy down. He called Ares over to him and the golden coated dog sat obediently at his heels, tail wagging slightly in unrestrained excitement.

Severus opened the door, finding the house key much quicker than the previous night. Once the three of them and the dog were standing out on the landing, Severus locked the door again and walked over to a grotty looking pair of electronic, double doors. A lift.

He pressed the button at the side of it to call the lift to their level and lent back against the wall, putting his hands in his pockets whilst he waited.

"If there's a lift here then why did we have to walk all the way up here yesterday?"

To Harry's surprise, Lucy answered in a matter of fact sort of tone. "Because the lift stops working 10 o'clock, to try and stop any drunks from passing out in it."

Severus nodded at her and turned to talk to Harry. "The lift is only open at certain times of day, vandals and drunks are usually only out at night and if they can't use the lift then it's less likely that they'll bother coming all the way up to the higher floors.

Harry nodded in comprehension and turned the the lift in question as a 'ping' announced it's arrival and the doors slid open with a grimy sound.

Walking inside, Harry noticed the way that even the dog avoided the left hand corned of the lift and guessed that that meant that he probably should too. Instead he stood next to Severus against the right hand wall and watched as elegant fingers more often used for potions brewing, pressed the glowing button for the ground floor. There was another 'ping' and the lift began moving down from penthouse floor 15 with a god awful lurch that made Harry's stomach turn with a jolt.

They made it after a few moment to the bottom floor and came out into the Lobby that Severus and himself had passed through the night before to get to the stairs. It didn't look half as bad as it had the day before, not now that the summer sun was streaming in through the open windows, and crisp morning air (or at least as crisp as the air in London could be in the middle of Summer) blew in in torrents through a break in a little window at the side of the lift to bite and nip at the back of his neck.

Once outside, the hustle and bustle of England's capital city, served as a soothing thrum in the back of Harry's head and with a sense of deep seated peacefulness he set off down the street with the Snapes, watching as the little girl and the dog chased pigeons on the side walk. The day was not entirely unpleasant, maybe a little cold for August, but the sun was shining bright and warm, against the bare skin of his arms and was guaranteed to only get warmer as the day progressed.

Harry and Severus walked side by side, not looking at each other nor speaking, just basking in an almost companionable silence. Ares and Lucy were running up ahead and occasionally Severus would call them back to his side only to have them run off into the crowds again a second later. The little girl and the golden retriever both seemed to know the way to go and so at last the four of them turned a corner down a small side street and ended up in front of yet another apartment house.

It was one of twelve other identical apartment house, clumped together along the dingy little London back street. The door had broken right off its hinges, hanging ruined at an odd angle, enabling that anyone could get in at any hour of the day or night. The walls were stained grey with the built up grime and over the top of that was layer upon layer of bright graffiti, reading rude messages or saying things like 'Ben waz here'.

Severus held the ruined door aside and Harry watched as Lucy darted past it and into the deserted lobby. He quickly did the same and helped hold it open from the inside as Severus squeezed passed. The walls were once again covered in graffiti although this time it was more pictures than writing, especially across the back wall.

Harry followed Severus across the room, noticing vaguely that somebody had thrown a stone or something of the sorts at the light and broken it. He tried to get a better look at the pictures as he passed by them on the way to the stairs but it was too dark in the room to see them properly with just a passing glance, he would have to ask Severus if they could stop and take a look at them on the way out.

They made their way up three flights of stairs before stopping in front of a door that Harry suspected was supposed to have been green under all the muck. Severus pressed the door bell and Harry could instantly hear commotion from inside.

A series of loud barks set Ares off, scrabbling at the door, howling and whining in answer to the dog in side.

"Oh for goodness- Michael! Michael, shut that bloody animal up or it's going to the pound! KATY! Get away you stupid cat, shoo! KATY, GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!"

They heard a strangled yowl like a cat whose tail had just been trod on and footsteps from the opposite side of the door, and still the barking did not stop.

"Michael, if I have to tell you one more time to shut that thing up then I'll throw you out with it. I'm I understood! KATY! Michael go get your sister!"

The door opened and a rather harassed looking women appeared. She had a cat under one arm and was bending down slightly to keep a hold on a large grey dogs collar. It was barking loudly and wagging its tail in excitement.

"Is Nat back from America yet?" A plain looking brown haired boy sitting indian style on the rug in the lounge called out practically the second the door oppened.

"No." Severus sighed and Harry got the idea that he had this conversation everytime he came here.

"When wil-"

"Some time next week." Severus cut the boy off.

"When his back wil-"

"Yes, I'll send him round."

"Thank you!"

The woman glared over her shoulder at the boy, then turned back to smile at the three of them.

"Good morning Severus, do come in." The woman stepped aside, still struggling with the two animals.

"Thank you Hannah. Do you need a bit of help their?" They stepped inside and Harry closed the door behind him, watching as Severus nodded his head at the dog she was holding.

"Oh no, I'm quite alright. MICHAEL, COME GET YOUR FLIPPIN' DOG, NOW!" Harry almost laughed at that, the woman, Hannah, reminded him almost of Molly Weasley, only Molly Weasley wouldn't have used such language in front of Lucy.

The boy sighed and paused the muggle video game he was playing. He pushed himself to his feet and walked over to take the dog from Hannah before turning his gaze on Harry.

"Who's the little kid?" He jerked his head at Harry and helped his mother set the cat only the floor where in immediately darted off between their legs.

"That's Harry."

Why, of all the cheek- "I'm *not* a little kid." He protested, glaring at the taller boy. It had no effect.

"You're littler than me, therefore- you're a little kid."

"I'm not! I'm 16, almost 17." The boy looked like he was going to say something else but Hannah cut him off.

"Mike, don't tease your guests, It's rude and discourteous and that's the last thing I want people thinking about my children, now go make yourself useful and go tell your sister that Katy's here.

MIke rolled his eyes and smiled at Harry before walking off. Harry smiled back and blinked when he noticed that Severus and Hannah had both walked off into what he guessed was the kitchen.

He followed the two of them looking back over his shoulder to where Mike was trying to coax his little sister out of her bedroom.

"Oh Harry dear, do sit down. Would you like a drink?" Hannah tucked a loose strand of mousy blonde hair from her pony tail behind her ear and smiled at him sweetly.

"Oh umm- no thanks. I'm good."

"You don't have to sit in here with us grown ups, I know that we must be awfully dull to a 16 year old boy, feel free to go and play with Mike if you want. I'm sure the two of you will get along just fine once he gets used to the fact that you're here in London and you're not going anywhere anytime soon."

Harry smiled and nodded but didn't leave, instead he pulled out a chair and sat down next to Severus.

For a little while Harry just sat and listened with half an ear to Severus and hannah talking about things he didn't understand, it was rather boring really. Lucy seemed to have come to the same conclusion as after a few minutes of sitting in silence waiting for her friend, she began to squirm in her seat, looking for something to do, or at least for someone's attention. She twisted around in her seat until she ended up facing Harry.

She allowed herself a predatory smirk.

She'd found a victim...

Harry jumped as something prodded momentarily into his side and twisted around in his seat with a frown to look at Lucy. She was sitting in her seat innocent as an angel, swinging her legs back and forth and trying to smooth out the pleats in her skirt with her thumbs. She stopped when she felt him looking at her and looked up. She smiled sweetly at the older boy.


He frowned slightly in confusion, shook his head at himself, then turned back to counting the cracks in the opposite wall. Her brother was never this fun, he always knew it was her straight away.

Harry had lost count. There was just too many cracks. He sighed. 'Guess I'll just start ov- "OW!"

He looked back at the little girl sitting next to him and frowned, frustrated. She lifted a delicate little hand and-

- poked him.

He grabbed her wrist crossly.

She used the other hand.

He poked her back.

She poked him again.

He let go of her wrist and poked her with both hands.

She did the same to him.

This meant war.

Well... at least he'd found something more fun to do than count cracks.

Severus smiled and watched his daughter playing with Harry. He guessed it was good for her to be able to play with an older boy, Mike and Nat would have just hit her if she'd started poking them like that. Hannah paused when she noticed the amused look in her friends eyes, she turned to follow his gaze and almost laughed aloud at what she saw.

Harry and Lucy, both in fits of laughter by this time, had escalated their little game into a full out poking war. God, why couldn't her children treat each other like that, she'd take a friendly poking war over a flat out argument any day.

"And I thought you said that you weren't a little kid, some way to prove your point."

The Harry paused and looked up, allowing Lucy the last poke before she jumped off her chair and raced over to the other little girl, standing by Mike.


"Hey Lucy!" The black haired girl pushed past Mike and hugged the blonde happily, Harry noticed that Mike rolled his eyes at the display.

"Come on, I got some new stuff for my birthday that you've just gotta see."


Lucy allowed herself to dragged out of the room and into what Harry guessed was Katy's bedroom. They heard the door slam closed and Mike turned around to go back to the lounge and his video game.

"Wanna come with kid?" Harry frowned at the comment thrown over Mike's shoulder and glared at his back, but slid off his chair anyway and followed the taller boy into the lounge.

Mike sat down cross legged on the floor, and surveyed harry through half closed brown eyes.

"You're a wizard, right? Like Nathan and Uncle Severus." Harry barley contained a snort of laughter, Uncle Severus. What on earth would the rest of Gryffindor house say about that!

"Hello. Earth to kid. Anybody home."

"Sorry, just wondering what everybody at Hogwarts would say if they heard you call him Uncle Severus. But, yeah I'm a wizard, aren't you?"

"No. Mum's a squib and we think that Katy might be a witch but I'm just normal... Like dad." Mike leant back on his elbows and stretched his legs out in front of him. "Anyways, what are you doing with Uncle Severus and what do you mean 'what everybody at Hogwarts would say'?" Harry got the impression that he didn't want to talk about his dad so he let the subject drop, deeming to ask Severus about it later.

"I'm with Severus because my aunt and uncle didn't want me anymore, they said that I bring nothing but bad luck and they threw me out. I came to London and Severus helped me. And the hogwarts thing, well, Severus isn't actually popular at Hogwarts, no one likes him."

"Why not?" The boy looked honestly confused and Harry had to remind himself several times that this Severus in order to stop himself from yelling out 'because he's a slimy, snarky, git'.

"Because, well- he acts differently at school than he does when it's just him and his family. At Hogwarts then he's kind of- mean."

"Mean? Harry, Uncle Severus is not mean. Who ever thinks he is has got to be completely and utterly off his rocker." Harry laughed slightly at that.

"You like him, don't you?"

"Well yeah- now!"


"Well at Hogwarts, he was just like a sarcastic, unfair, greasy, Slytherin."

"Greasy! Harry, don't you know that that's just the potion fumes. Aunt Miranda and Ashleigh have hair like that too when they first come back to London. I mean, think about it. If you work around and have constant exposure to potions then some of the fumes and smoke and stuff is going to go into your hair, and Uncle Sev is a Potions master, I guess that no matter how much he washes it, after the next lesson it's just gonna be as greasy as it was before he washed it, right!"

He'd never thought about it before, but he guessed it was about right, after all, his hair always needed a thorough wash after a potions lesson, and if the only lessons that you had were potions lessons then...

He looked up and smiled at the other boy with nod, indicating that he understood.

Mike visibly relaxed and Harry was amazed at how much the other boy seemed to want to protect the potion master's image. "Uncle Severus isn't a bad guy- just wait until you meet Aunt Miranda, she even makes Adolph Hitler seem like a respectable, kind, young man, who helps old ladies across busy roads, rescues kitties from trees and participates in rebellious acts all in the name of human rights, she's god awful. I swear!"

Harry burst out laughing at the comparison and Mike picked up the controller for the game he'd been playing. He offered it to Harry.

"Want a go?"

- - - - -

Severus finished his drink and got up to go.

"Thank you for the coffee Hannah, I really needed that, and for looking after Lucy, I'll be back to pick her up at six, just call me if she's any trouble, I've got my phone turned on."

"Oh you're welcome. And don't worry about Lucy, she's a good kid. I'm sure she won't be any trouble. Now you go and do what you need to do with this kid Harry and I'll see you at six."

Severus smiled at his long time friend, why was it that even with all the magic he possessed, he still needed such a silly little squib to be standing by his side.

Hannah ushered him out of the kitchen and into the lounge to get Harry. They paused in the doorway. Both boys were lying on their stomach's on the floor, each with a controller in his hand and each occasionally yelling things at the video game when he's losing. There was an open packet of strawberry laces (A/N- :0) yummy) and two cans of coke on the floor between them that Hannah and Severus knew that Mike had been saving for ages after spending a day washing windows to get the money for it.

Hannah was the first to brake the silence. "Having fun boys."

The two of them jumped and Mike paused the game and sat up.

"Hey mom, hey Uncle Severus. Is Harry going now."

"'Fraid so, but you'll see him again tonight when he comes to pick up Lucy and Ares, Right Severus."

The potions masted nodded and jerked his head in the direction of the front door.

"Come on Harry, we've been here for almost half an hour, we've really gotta get moving."

"Right." Harry finished the strawberry lace he was eating and pushed himself to his feet, watching as his new friend lay back down again.

He walked slowly over to the door to stand next to Severus, unwilling to go just yet when he could be sitting inside with Mike, eating sweets and playing games instead of going out shopping. Not that Diagon alley with Severus Snape was a bad thing of course...

"See ya Mike."

"Yeah, later Kid."

Harry mock glared at him and Mike graced him with a cocky smirk before rolling back over onto his stomach and choosing another strawberry lace.

"Lucy, we're going now."

"Oh wait, just a sec!"

The little girl raced out of her best friends bed room and flung her arms around her dad's waist for a moment until-

"Luce! Come look at this!"

- summoned her back into the overly pink bedroom that harry could see through the open door throwing a "bye daddy, bye Harry" back over her shoulder.

Severus chuckled to himself and shook his head lightly at his little girl and her best mate.

"Come on then Harry, we really better go now." Hannah opened the door for them and they both stepped out into the hallway.

"Goodbye Hannah, just call if you need me."

"See you, Uncle Severus!"

"Bye Severus, bye Harry."

Finally the door was closed and with a sigh the two of them began the careful journey back down the steps in the dark.

"Mike's really cool. Can you believe that he's a muggle who actually understands the wizarding world? Is he Nathan's best friend? What school does he go to? How old is he?"

"Harry slow down and shut up for a minute, you're talking so fast that I can barely hear you. Yes I can believe that he is a muggle who understands the wizarding world since Hannah is a squib and he has been bought up around Miranda and myself. Yes, he's one of Nathan's best friends. He got a scholarship for the West London Academy, he's a very smart young man and he's just turned 16, a year younger than you."

"Really, then why does he always call me kid?"

"Because, he can! He's a cocky little brat at times." Severus sighed and Harry could tell that their was something bad coming. "Look Harry, I understand that you like Mike, but- I just don't think that you should pay too much attention to him, he's a bad influence."

"What! You can't be serious! You let Nathan see him."

"Harry this isn't about Nathan, this is about you and I don't think that he's the sort of boy you should be making friends with okay!"

"What's wrong with him. I think he'd make a great friend!"

"What's wrong with him! Harry! What's right with him? He's a vandal, a thief, he can lie better than any Slytherin I've even known. He's tricky and untrustworthy! He's-"

"Just like you in other words!" Harry yelled cutting the potions master off furiously.

Severus' voice dropped to the low hiss that Harry easily recognized from the few times that he'd actually got into really deep trouble with Snape at school, like when he was caught looking at his memories in the penesieve.

"I do not do half of the things he does, nor have I ever. But yes, if you want me to put it into simpler terms for you, he's a slytherin. He always has been and always will be, so why don't you just be a good little Gryffindor and stay away from him."

After knowing Severus, the nice guy who took him in when he had no where else to go, then it was quite a sudden shook to Harry's system to suddenly be face to face with the attitude he normally associated with 'Snape'. He ended up having a momentary lapse, blanching out and unsure of what to do.

Maybe he'd pushed it too far...

Severus took the chance to grab Harry's wrist and literally drag him down the last flight of stairs and out of the broken front door into the sunny London street.

He was going to have bruises on his wrist tomorrow morning.

- - - - -

A/N- Gah! What will happen next! Aren't you all just desperate to know! Well, if you hit the pretty lil blue button and review then there's much more chance of you finding out!!! :0)

I hope you're enjoying this, I know some people are which is why I already have 4 reviews even though it's only 8 hours after I posted it so I'm trying super duped hard to get this next chapter up real quick for you and it's actually 2:10 and 42 seconds in the morning right now so...

Any way I now owe THANKS to-

Athena Dumbledore:- Thank you for all your kind words!

angel174:- Yup I know that they are both kinda ooc and I'm very, although their will be parts of the story where Sevy will go more cannon so don't worry bout it. I think he's just relaxed at home with his family, enjoying not having to look after his Slytherins and stuff I mean to be honest, spying for Dumbledore 24/7 would bring me down too, I think he's happy to be getting a break y'know. Or at least that's my excuse lol. Yeah, well It's sorta mentioned in passing this chapter, why he was kicked out, but it will be revisited later and the story will be told to us in a bit more detail. I wasn't actually thinking about whether Sev would take Harry to go get his stuff actually but it's a great idea for a chapter, i might just have to nick it thanks! Awww Sev knows that Harry isn't a spoiled brat really, he's just keeping up his evil slytherin git image lol! Thanks!

Prophetess of Hearts (rockin name btw):- Yup, I think it's cute too. I'm glad you adore. Of course i'll continue it, I think that this is one of my better stories. Harry and Lucy are sweet, I really liked the poking scene in this chapter, I wrote it after reading your review so i hope you liked it. Yeah, I think that they'll get along great although to be honest, Lucy's a right little Slytherin at times although you'll find that out later <ggl> thanks for reviewing.

ShadowedHand:- Awww, I'm sorry that you don't like my plot, I'll try better in future. Maybe if you keep reading you might think that it's getting better *hopeful smile* :0) I think that both Harry and Severus will gain a lot of in sight in to each others lives, or at least I hope they do, It'd be a right waist of their time if i dragged them through the whole story and they didn't! Anyways Thanx for reviewing!

Thanx v. v. much ppl! I hope ur all enjoying my story (I know I am)! Plz keep reviewin, It makes my day!

VegetandAru :0)