Fan Fiction ❯ The Adventures of Amanda Kerris ❯ The road to ? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next morning patrons to Kerris Gardens were stunned to find the doors locked up tight all around the house. Inside the house Amanda and Timothy ignored the anxious tapping of people on the windows trying to get in.

"Are you ready Timothy?" Amanda asked glancing at her younger companion.

"Um…yeah, I think so. No wait! I almost forgot something."

He ran to his bedroom and felt under his mattress. After a moment he pulled his hand out producing a small brown bag. Shaking it gently he listened to the tinkle of coins inside and grinned. Shoving the bag into his pocket he got up and ran out to meet Amanda.

"Now are you ready?"

He nodded.

"Let's go then."

Amanda locked the door as they left, stopping a moment to trace her finger along the familiar grooves and cracks of the wood.

"Um…you ok Amanda?"

"Yes of course. I'm fine." She rubbed gently at her eyes and turned. "Well then, we're off!"

The two walked for a few hours, stopping only when nature called. Finally though the two came to a fork in the main road, one path leading into Lark Valley and the other to Ri Mountain.

"Which way Mandy?" Timothy questioned, peering around his taller companion to look at the paths.

"Hm…well, both these paths lead out into the Urilian Plain if my memory serves me correctly. Either way we'll get there, but the mountain is far more treacherous and the going would be slower…however, the valley contains a few small colonies of ogres and I'm not quite sure how long my magic would be able to hold out against them. I'm afraid I haven't been working on my meditation lately and I'm not able to charge energy as quickly as I used to. I think the mountain would be the safer bet, but if you're scared…"

"Heck no, I'm not scared! But like you said, the mountains are more dangerous and in this time of year some pretty nasty creatures are likely to come out searching for food…Pieds, Roruns, Eos just to name a few. And worse thing about Roruns is they like to attack you ten, twelve at a time. I'd rather have an ogre attack me then twelve of those little buggers surrounding you on all sides."

Amanda sighed. "I suppose you're right. Valley it is. Just make sure to stay close to me and let me know if you see or smell anything so that I can gather a fireball. Ogres have a rather nasty stench to them, and you ought to be able to smell one of them from a mile away…however with that cute little nose of yours I'm not sure you'd be able to smell much of anything." Smirking she reached down and tweaked his nose then started toward into the thick forest forest.

"I do NOT have a pug nose!" Timothy remarked blushing furiously, then followed her into the woods.


"Is it too late to turn back?" Timothy whined as he hugged himself tightly.

The forest was alive with the sounds of things unseen. Squirrels tittering to each other from tree hollows, bushes rattling their leaves together, the wind howling through the trees and filling the woods with an eerie whistling tune. Timothy shivered and increased his step to match Amanda's.

"Scared?" She whispered cruelly.

"N-No! But you know these woods ARE a little creepy; I mean look at them. Everything is so dry and dead…the drought's sucked all the life from this place."

"Oh would you stop being such a ninny Timothy! It's just wood and leaves! There's nothing in this forest but a few ogres and a Fairies or two."


"Yes you ninny, Fairies. And I suggest you stop insulting their home before they get a mind to bother you." She glanced down at him and saw him looking nervously at his shoes. Rolling her eyes, she continued.

"Relax Timothy. Fairies don't usually bother you without a reason. And besides, there are things in the wood far more dangerous than a few little pixies."

"If you say so…" He muttered.

The two traveled on in silence. In the sky the wide arc of the sun slowly completed its rounds for the day, heading for rest in the west portion of the sky. Amanda looked to the side, frowning as she noted the darkening horizon.

"I think it's time we set up camp Timothy. We'll bear off the path a bit and see if we can't find a nice flat place to put up the tent."

Timothy allowed himself a mental sigh of relief and accompanied her into the darkening weald, limping slightly from a blister on his foot.

Amanda waved her hand and began to glow softly, chasing away the shadows of twilight. She stepped gingerly across the brush, taking great care to avoid the gnarled tree roots and tangled weeds that threatened to trip her. Timothy, already used to the hazards of the earth, tromped after her humming happily.

"What about over there?" Timothy asked suddenly. Amanda stopped and looked to where he was pointing. It was a narrow clearing in the trees, laced with rocks and fallen leaves from the dying oaks above. Somewhere far off the distinct bubbling of a brook could be heard.

"I suppose it will have to do." Amanda muttered after closer inspection. "We'll have to get the rocks away out before we do anything else."

"K. Let's get started!" Cracking his knuckles Timothy knelt down and began to gather rocks in his hands."

"Not that way you twit! I AM a magician after all. Move out of the way and I'll show you how to do it right."

"skcor tuo."

The ground opened up and swallowed the stones one by one until all that was left were the leaves and dirt.

"No THAT'S how you clear rocks." Amanda said smirking.

"It's the boring way to clear rocks." Timothy muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing!"

She frowned. "That's what I thought. Now, while I'm setting up camp go make yourself useful and get some water and firewood."

"Okay." Taking the water jugs out of his sack he departed on his quest for supplies.

After a few minutes of searching the sight of cool, clear water greeted him from the brook. Relieved he knelt down and pressed his lips to the water, allowing the refreshing liquid to soothe his dry throat. As he opened his eyes however, he became aware that a face was staring at him from beneath the ripples. Yelping he scrambled back, slipping on the slick moss of the bank. The face he'd seen raised its head out of the water, peering curiously at him from beneath slick brown fur.

Slick brown fur? Laughing at his foolishness, Timothy reached over and patted the beaver on the top of its head. The creature wiggled its nose at him and then slipped silently beneath the surface, the only sign of its appearance a few bubbles and it swam away to do whatever beavers did.

Smiling, Timothy grabbed the jugs and dipped them under the water till they were both filled. Screwing their caps back on he hefted them up and proceeded slowly back to camp. Behind him the otter listened silently to his receding footsteps, narrowing his eyes slightly as though making a mental note and then dunked underwater again, disappearing.


"Pass the ham please."

Amanda shoved the plate of ham over to Timothy who cut off a slab with his knife. Smacking his lips he chomped down tearing through the slightly crispy meat of the slab. Moving it down briefly he raised his heavy cup and took a deep swig of wine then immediately returned to eating. Glancing up though he caught sight of Amanda staring at him in disgust, her own food still untouched.

"Are you going to eat that?" He asked reaching for her plate.

"I was, but you can help yourself…" She scooted back a little as he reached down with a thick hand to snatch up the plate of meat. Turning her back to him she reached into the pocket of her backpack and pulled out a small golden box.

"Just because I missed dinner doesn't mean I can't have dessert…" Grinning she opened the box, raising it to her nose and relishing in the rich chocolate smell of the treats inside. Pulling out one candy she popped it into her mouth, chewing slowly and sighing in contentment.

"Hey Mandy, whatcha eatin'? Can I have some?" A voice shouted in her ear.


"Ouch! Sheesh, calm down Amanda I was just joshing ya…but really, can I have some?"


Yelping Timothy ran and hid in the safety of the tent.

"And you'd better stay there you little runt! I don't want to see your face again till morning!"

"What if I gotta go to the bathroom?"

"Pee in your blanket, Just don't sleep next to me!"

Timothy poked his head out from behind the tent flap and stuck out his tongue. Growling, Amanda picked up a stray stick from the fire and chucked it at him.

"Yikes!" He ducked his head back into the tent and the stick fell harmlessly to the ground.

"Night Mandy!"

"It's AMANDA."

He giggled and reached for the blanket at his feet, pulling it over his head and slowly drifting off to the sounds of Amanda's grumbling outside the tent.

"Stupid boy, always messing up everything…if it weren't for that damn little face of his I'd deck him right in the mouth…"

Snorting, she grabbed what was left of the ham and brought it to her mouth, nibbling delicately. After she was done she poured herself another glass of wine and sipped it, turning to look thoughtfully at the path behind her.

"Do I really want to do this? Isn't it wrong to just leave the farm and not pay all those debts? Maybe Timothy is right…perhaps I should go back home."

She scratched her chin and shrugged.


That decided she gulped down the last of her wine and reaching for one of the water jugs she tossed it onto the fire. The flames crackled and finally died down, bathing the camp in the inky black of the woods. Yawning she crawled over to the tent and clambered inside feeling around till she finally found the sleeping body of her companion. Climbing under the covers next to him she closed her eyes and gradually fell asleep.

A shadowy creature slithered across the floor of the clearing past the tent of the two sleeping adventurers. Raising its nose to the air it sniffed and dashed over to the bags, which had been hung from a branch in the tree. Chattering excitedly it stood on its hind legs and pawed open the side of the bag causing something heavy to fall with a thud. Turning over its paw and unlatching the box it lowered its head and began to stuff the contents into its cheeks. After its task was finished it closed the box and scampered back into the bushes, disappearing into the shadows.



"Wha…waz wrong?" Yawning he rubbed his eyes and pulled himself from the tent.

"You wretched little brat! How dare you go through my personal things!"

"What are you talking about? I haven't done anything." He climbed slowly to his feet glaring at her.

"Oh yeah? Then how do you explain THIS?" She thrust out a hand and produced an empty golden box.

"Your candy box? I didn't eat any of it."

"Like hell you didn't! I know you tend to get peckish during the night, but to go searching through my bag and steal my candy…are you really that greedy?"

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything!"

"Yeah right! I swear Timothy, If I EVER see you near my things again I'll personally rip your head off!"

Muttering to himself Timothy bent over and began to grab sticks to make a fire.

"Where's the ice box with the eggs and stuff in it?"

" I'm not speaking to you." Amanda pouted.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine then, I'll find them myself."

"You do that! Horrible little runt…"

He searched through the food pack and found four eggs and a mixing bowl and a spoon. Gently cracking them on the edge of the bowl he used the spoon to stir up the eggs and prepared them for cooking.

There was silence for a while. And then timidly Amanda called out. "So…what are we having for breakfast?"

"I thought you weren't talking to me anymore?"

"I'm not! I was just curious is all; if you want to be all PICKY about it then fine. But…are those omelets I smell?"

"If you're mad at me then why should I give you some of my food?"

She pouted and said nothing.

"You can have some if you really want it."

Mumbling something under her breath she turned her head indignantly to the side.

Timothy smiled. "Your welcome."


The two of them set off again an hour after breakfast with Amanda putting the rocks back into their proper places. "Don't want anyone to know we've been here…who knows who lives in these woods?"

Timothy trailed behind staring down at the path. How long would they have to be in these woods? He jumped slightly as a rat came scurrying out of the woods and ran across his foot. Amanda looked back and him and the corner of her mouth turned down.

"Pick it up kid. We haven't got all day you know."

He quickened his steps slightly and continued to stare at the ground. Above him the wind began to sing its song through the treetops, but in his own mind Timothy began to wonder if the cacophony of song wasn't fashioning itself into a tune…

"Timothy look!"

He raised his head and looked down the road to where Amanda was pointing. His imagination hadn't been playing tricks on him; in front of them was a tiny man no taller than a horse flank, and he was whistling to himself rather contentedly. On his shoulder was the otter from the river, beady black eyes staring straight ahead at the two.

"Be on your guard Timothy. We don't know who they are or what they want."

She whispered a few words to herself and a fireball materialized in her hands, which she quickly hid behind her back.

"Well hello there young lady, young man! My name is Hubble, Hubble the dwarf, and this little fellow on my shoulder is my pet otter Bok. May I inquire as to what your names are?"

"I'm Amanda Kerris and this is my friend Timothy Rockmorth."

"Really now? Lovely names both of them! I tell you what; why don't we all walk together, and I'll tell you a bit about these lovely woods! A tour guide, as it were!"

"But weren't you going the other way just now?"

"Aye, I was! But I'm in no big hurry to leave, and I was just on a stroll besides. Now come children, and I'll show you the proper way to get out of here!"

He turned and started down the road, humming the same nameless tune. Amanda and Timothy nodded at each other and hesitantly followed him down the path.