Fan Fiction ❯ The Adventures of Tristasusen ❯ The Beginning of Tristasusen ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

February, 1995

"I have it honey… I have the antidote. So you't have to worry. Our baby is gonna be fine…okay I have to go. If I don't make it home in time, make sure to still go to the train station and but don't stay there." Dr. Glinbert hang up the phone and grabs the gray briefcase next him and dashes out of his lab. Has he passes his lab's door he look at the clock and notices its 12:07am.

"Shit I never leave this early, there gonna suspect something."

Carefully, he head out the door and tries to act natural.

"So Bob your leaving early today." The secretary asks

"Yeah today is…is my wife birthday and you know you can't be late for stuff like that." He replied

"Well have a good drive home" the secretary says has he reaches deep in his pocket

"Ohh no he's gonna shot me" Dr. Glinbert thinks to himself and just slowly close his eyes.

"Bob, are you okay?" the secretary says with a confused tone of voice

"What…no pain…no bang" He says in his head. Them he open his eyes and see the secretary standing by the door with the keys in his hands. "Oh I'm fine" Then he rushes out the door and hold the briefcase tighter.

Has he get half way across the long, narrow, dark hallway. He stop…he take a breath and continues. He can see the front door and he grabs the keys out of his pocket and then he stop again. Without making a sound he listens has his echo footsteps end and then has he is about to start walking again he hear a faint but fast footsteps. He panics and runs to the front door, he picks a key out of a dozen and sticks it in the door. With sweat running down his face and dashes to his car, which is a couple of feet to the right in the parking lot, one of the first car to the door. He enter and puts the key in the ignition. Has he put his feet in the gas. Seven men crash though the door and start running towards the car but they are too slow because the car is already out the parking lot.

"Ohhh I'm safe. Only a couple of minutes away from home" Dr. Glinbert say relieved. "Dawn these stupid red lights"

Then suddenly a blue car crash to Dr. Glinbert car from behind.

"Fuck doesn't these guys ever quit" Then he pushes the gas and his car speed off. Even though the back is really busted. He look in the left hand mirror and notices that the blue car is nowhere in sight but he still keeps his speed. Then a couple a seconds later the blue car is right behind his back.

"I'm never gonna loses these guys" He grabs the briefcase and look outside his window. "a river" He makes a right turn and has he does he throw the briefcase to the left into the raging river water.

"Please let this be the right fucking river… Shit what the fuck did I just do?" He yells and picks up his cell phone.

While driving the car he dials a phone number

"Jenny…I don't think I'm gonna make it but don't worry. I did the most smartest move or the most dumbest thing ever. Your gonna have to go about a quarter mile behind the house and there you'll find a little river. But your gonna have to hurry cause im not far from the house and the briefcase should be there…I love you and whatever happens take care of yourself and our baby." Hangs up the phone before Jenny can say anything like…we don't have to do this or isn't there another way.

"Okay I have to get these basterds away from my house." He makes a 180 degree turn and charges straight at the car.


Jenny gets out of her house through the backdoor and run.

"Ohh my god, what's Bob gonna do? I hope he doesn't do something stupid"

She run and run, trying to get to that river. Getting cut along the way and then she see it.

"I hope this is the river he was talking about." She look around "No sign of any briefcase. I don't wanna wait the train leave at 1:15. Did I get here to early or too late. Is this the same river he was talking about." She think to herself,

Looking around she spots a gray looking box. "Is that it?" She walk a couple of feet and see the gray briefcase.

She grabs it and runs back to the house. After the long run she arrives at her house.

She goes around the house and toward the front and see two car parked in front of her house. "Who the fuck is that? That not Bob's car."

Then a man dressed in white steps out of the car and head toward the house.


He ring the door bell and he rings it again.

"Boys open this door, this bitch is not answering" He yell, then two men step out of the other car. The smash the door and he goes in "Boys check around the house"

"That fuck. How could he and we trusted him" she start to head toward a little shack. She open the door. She ties the briefcase on the back of the motorcycle and get on it.

"Since I can't take my car I have to take this passport to hell ride"

She starts the motorcycle and with full speed head down the road.

A couple of miles later…

"I better to hurry" She dashes in the train station and cut in front of line to a ticket booth.

"Hello, my husband reserved two train tickets to Los Angeles…Under the name Bob Gilbert and Jenny Gilbert."

"Ohh yes, Mrs. Gilbert I have your tickets right here but you better hurry cause the train leaves in five minutes and may I ask where is Mr.Gilbert?" The Ticket Booth Operator says has she hand Jenny the tickets

"You mean he's not here yet" She askes

"No, your husband hasn't arrived yet" She replied

"Okay thanks you" Jenny runs to the platform where she know what has happened. She know her husband has given up his life for her and their baby, well their soon to be born baby. She steps on the train still holding the gray briefcase.