Fan Fiction ❯ The Four Elements ❯ The Huntress ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I disclaimed and claimed in Chapter Two and I don't really feel like repeatin' myself.


Author's Note: I am so sorry for talking soooo long. I had school. Anyway to make it up to you I'll try to do at least two chapters this week. Deal? This is part one of my apology. I forgot to mention thanks to my four friends, who made this story possible. So, thanks. And thanks to all who reviewed the fic. This chapter is special, for it introduces a new character. Now, story time! R+R!!


Chapter Four: The Huntress


Chandra's POV


Plague? Is Justin's power that uncontrollable? I noticed that the creep that called himself "Magneto" had already left when I looked back. I decided to step out of hiding when Justin's voice sounded,


"How long have you been there?"


I kept silent, hoping that he was talking to another eavesdropper. Thankfully, he was.


"You must not trust Magneto," a young woman clad in a scarlet and black ensemble stepped from the shadows.


"What is it to you?" Justin snapped.


This wasn't the Justin I knew. I wished Kia was here, she'd slap him back to reality. When I looked back, Justin was walking straight for my hiding spot. To my surprise, he walked past where I hid and walked out of the gym. Suddenly, a bluish aura surrounded the boxes I hid behind. I stood up, prepared to fight.


"Your friend is in danger," she said, dropping the boxes in a different location.


"What do you mean?" I asked, "In danger of what?"


"My father, I mean, Magneto can not be trusted," she said, the blue aura dissipating, "Whatever he is plannin', the outcome for your friend will not be good."


"Who are you? And why are you telling me this?"


"My name is Wanda Maximoff… Scarlet Witch and I'm telling you this, Undine, is so you can watch out for your arrogant friend. He must NOT ally himself with Magneto."


"O… kay," I said, apathetically.


Wanda… err, Scarlet Witch, turned around and left the gym the same way she entered, through the back. I decided to go back to my room and forget the entire thing ever happened. I mean, I'm an incarnation? Of the element of Water? Yeah, right.




Nef's POV


I sat on my bed, doing my homework when Chandra came into the room all preoccupied-


 "Chandra?" I called.

 Silence. She looked deep in thought, so I decided to leave her alone and finish Mr. Scheiller's Math homework. When I finished, Chandra had already retreated under her covers and was still in deep-thought.

 "Chandra, is there something on your mind?"

 She just looked at me with worried eyes, the same eyes she got the week before her family kicked her out the house. She sat up on her bed, her hair all nappy due to the pillow.

 "Neffy, I think something bad is gonna happen."

 "You always think something bad is gonna happen. Why can't you be happy about where we are, for once? We live in a place where we aren't discriminated against."

 "Discriminated against?! Did you not see what had happened to that toad-like boy?"

 "Chandra, we live in a mansion. How many times can you say you've lived in a mansion in your lifetime? This is a haven for people like us, for mutants."

 Soon after, my cell phone. It was Dominick. I spoke to him for about 5 minutes before hanging up due to upcoming footsteps. We instinctively turned out the lights and pretended to sleep I had glanced over at the clock; 12:00. As the footsteps came closer, I could hear Storm say to Beast (Henry McCoy, the Dr. Henry McCoy) that a new student who went by the alias "Huntress" had arrived.

 "What's her birth name?" Mr. McCoy asked in a hushed voice, footsteps still approaching.

 "Kia London. She's from Queens."


 Lubos' POV

 I woke up to nothing this morning, which was quite odd because Justin usually jumps on top of me as a wake-up call. I looked at my cell phone; Saturday. It was Saturday. It also looked as Justin's house number had called my cell. I wonder what was up with that? Before I had time to dwell on the thought, Justin stormed in, scaring me shitless.

 "Lubos! Are you up?"

 "Yeah, I'm up," I yawned.

 "Guess who's here?" he asked.

 "Um, your mom?" I asked, unsure of the response I would get.

 "No, why would she come?"

 "No reason," I lied, "So who's here?"

 "Kia. You remember her, right?"

 "Sorta, yeah."

 "Come down. Oh, and the professor convinced Principal Kelly not to expel me. I just got

detention for two weeks."

 "That's great!"

 "Now, hurry up and come downstairs."

 After that said, he left the room. I laid back down on my bed. I thought about two things: 1) Sleeping and 2) Why did Justin's family call? Why did I even still have his house number in my cell? I yawned as I forced myself to get out of bed. I trudged to my wardrobe and picked out some baggy cargo jeans, a red T-shirt and sandals.

 As I sleepily headed for the door, Justin came in again, scaring me half to death once more.

 "Hurry up, Lubos! You're missin' all the fun. Oh, and before you ask," he said as he grabbed my wrist, "Neffy told me to drag you downstairs regardless of whether you wanted to come or not."

 "I'm sure she didn't mean that literally."

 "Who knows? Maybe she did."

 After hours of catching up with old friends, the entire mansion went to sleep around midnight. I had a strange dream. In the dream, a blind woman who called herself "Destiny" appeared before me in a some city. On the outskirts of the city was a field of flowers. I looked around and when I asked her where I was, she simply responded,

 "In one of two indefinite futures."

 "Indefinite future?" I responded, "Why is it indefinite. I thought the future was inalterable."

 "Nothing you or anyone, for that matter, can change what will happen, but there is a chance to change the future's future... when the time comes."

 I had now noticed that people were living happily. I assumed three things: there were all normal people, all mutants, or that that war between norms and metas was over. I hope the latter.

 "What is the definite future. Will you show me?"

 She nodded and in a flash, all went black. I ended up in some sort of laboratory. As I looked around, I saw eight different people inside water chambers of some sort. As I crept closer, I began to recognize six of the people I knew so well: Neffy, Justin, Chandra, Bobby Drake, Ray Crisp, and myself. The other two were an old man and a young woman around my age.

 We had no clothes and tubes were going in and out of our bodies. The other me had opened his eyes and became terrified, He seemed to use his power, but it did not help in any way; it just made a mini-whirlpool.

 "What is this!" I asked Destiny, who just stared in dismay.

 "This is the definite future."


 Kia's POV


My name is Huntress or that is what I have gone by for nine months. My birth name Is Kia London. I came to the Xavier Mansion on a mission. I was surprised when my childhood friends ended up in the same place as me. But enough on that.


My abilities are those of a feline; agility, speed, sight, hearing, and strength. I am also a metamorph, which I have yet to rely on in order to survive.


It was the end of the day and I was ready to report to my superior. As I walked from the kitchen (I had a late night snack) to my room, I began hearing a faint chant. I perked my eyes and ears. As I walked towards the chant, I began to recognize the voice. I sprinted up the main stairs. I entered Justin and Lubos' room, who were asleep, and I saw a strange robed man with a painted face. He looked up at me, smiled smugly and continued to chant:


Excitate vow e somno, liberi mei

Cunae non sunt.

Excitate vow e somno, liberi fatali

Somnus non eat.


Invenite hortum veritatis.

Ardente veritate

Urite mala mundi

Ardente veritate

Incendite tenebras mundi.

Valete, liberi,

Diebus fatalibus.


At the conclusion of the mysterious chant, Justin and Lubos screamed in pain as fire and wind erupted from their bodies. I just stared in horror. Four more screams. I ran out the room. Down the hall, electricity zapped the air, while ice froze the floor. The water in the water bottle that was in Justin's room magically levitated and the floor began to crumble, little by little.


"Huntress!" Beast called my name, "What is going on?"


"I-I don't know. I heard chanting and I decided to check it out and this happened."


I couldn't believe I lied. I clearly knew who that robed man was: Mesmero. The students were scared, and started to gather around the room. The shaking grew worse. Wait! When did the floor start to shake?


It wasn't until a half hour later when the professor brought a young boy and his mother to the mansion. The boy used his power, which looked like a growing force field, to literally shut off the six mutants' power. As the powers died down, people noticed that the damage on the mansion was not great.


Everybody started to return to their quarters, as if anybody could go back to sleep after what happened tonight. I went to my room, which I was the only occupant, and sat on my bed. The chant I heard, ever so clearly, was in Latin. Magneto had not said anything about my long-lost friends being here, nor did he mention anything about Mesmero. Were my friends the ones that will lead us to the Garden of Evangeline, the legendary Paradise of Mutants? If so, this may complicate my mission.


Disclaimer: A fast disclaimer. The chant was not of my imagination. It is the opening song of the RPG Final Fantasy VIII, and belongs to the good people of Squaresoft… er, Square Enix.


Author's Note: Is this a better cliff-hanger? Anywho, it seems that I'm not getting enough reviews to satisfy my taste. I guess I won't continue until I get 7 more reviews. I think that's reasonable enough, don'tcha think? Oh, and school has been started, so don't expect the upcoming chapters to be on time. But I shall do my best. So, review. Go on. What'cha waitin' fo'?