Fan Fiction ❯ The HAC Unit ❯ Too Close! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter Two - Too Close!

Lor came home from tennis practice sweaty and tired. She walked into her room, set her racket down and plopped herself on the ground without a second thought.

Oh man, Lor thought to herself as she closed her eyes. Maybe I should have practiced more last winter.

“Your back! Does this mean we can play now?” Kite asked Lor excitedly.

Lor opened her eyes to find Kite in her face.

“I’m to tired to play,” Lor said as she arose. “Give me some time to rest and then–

“We can play right?” Kite asked with hope.

“Are you ever serious?”

“Only when I need to be,” Kite replied with a smile.

Lor only sighed as she got up and stretched.

“Ah yes. A good day always deserves a good stretch,” Kite said examining Lor. “And I see your starting late with your stretch.”

“Nah, I already stretched before my tennis class,” Lor said as she finished stretching and sat down at her chair near her desk. “I just felt like stretching again.”

Kite sat down on the ground and looked up at Lor with pleading eyes.

“What is it now?” Lor asked as she stared down at him.

“Can we play now?” Kite pleaded.

Lor smiled and rubbed him on his head. Kite smiled and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling. Lor moved her hand down under Kite’s chin and began rubbing as she smiled.

“No,” She replied to the question. And Kite became a cat once again. “There, now at least I don’t have to hear him whine in my language.”

Lor left her chair and fell onto her bed as she closed her eyes to take a nap.

Kite followed her idea and laid next to her to take the nap with her.

I think I like you better as a cat, Lor thought to herself as she began to doze off. At least I don’t have to tell you to stay away. I can just push you away.

Lor awoke to a loud meow in her ear. Kite began nudging her with his cheek and placed his paw on her nose as if telling her to wake up.

“Alright, Kite,” Lor said as she got off the bed. “I’ll play with you.”

Lor lead Kite to the woods in the back of her house and once they arrived at a clearing in the woods Lor turned Kite into a human.

“I’ve never been in this part of the woods before,” Kite said as he looked around at his surrounds. “Of course all of these pine trees look the same so what do I know.”

“Well, it’s a good spot to sit back and relax,” Lor said as the wind blew past and her light brown hair swirled in it. “Aw, the breeze feels so good on this hot day.”

“Tell me about it,” Kite said as he smiled. “Try wearing all that fur I have to wear as a cat. Even though sometimes these clothes you humans wear can be like fur.”

“Yeah, but you’ll get used to it.”

“Huh,” Kite rushed to where Lor was seated on a stump and got extremely close causing Lor to almost fall off. “Does that mean you’ll let me stay in human form?”

“Ah,” Lor grabbed a hold of Kite’s shirt to keep from falling over. “I didn’t say that.” She struggled to regain her balance on the stump, but unfortunately for her, Kite lost his balance as well and both tumbled to the forest floor.

Lor looked up at Kite with embarrassment in her face as he looked down at her with his large blue eyes.

Wow, I never realized it before, but Kite has beautiful blue eyes, Lor thought to herself. Wait a second! Lor came back to her senses. This is a cat I’m talking about! And he’s on top of me!

“Kite,” Lor began firmly. But a loud roar interrupted her and suddenly a large cat-like beast came out from the deep forest.

“What’s that?” Kite asked as he looked at the creature.

“I think it’s a cougar!” Lor exclaimed. “And it looks like it’s about to attack!”

“Don’t worry,” Kite said as he stood up and held out a hand to Lor. “I’ll protect you from this cougar!”

Kite headed for the creature and stood his ground with a stern look on his face.

“No Kite!” Lor yelled.

Wait, I can transform this cougar into a human and then Kite won’t be in danger, Lor thought. I just need to find a way to get to that cougar and transform it before it attacks.

The cougar growled loudly and ran towards Kite with tremendous force. Kite tried his hardest to hold back the cougar with his full strength to protect Lor from being attacked.

Now is my chance, Lor rushed towards the cougar and placed her hand under it’s chin.

“What are you doing, Lor?” Kite asked as he struggled to keep the cougar from attacking.

Suddenly the transformation began to take place and the cougar was immediately changed into a human.

“Get off of me human!” The cougar yelled.

“Hey, I was a cat ya know!” Kite exclaimed as he released the now blonde haired female human.

“The cougars a woman,” Lor said as she looked at the cougar who was not only female, but a very beautiful full grown woman.

“And she’s really pretty,” Kite said. Lor could of sworn she saw him drool.

“Hey!” Lor yelled as Kite began to greet the cougar.

“What’s your name?”

“I am Shira,” The cougar said aloud. “And you two are standing near my den.”

“Your den?” Kite and Lor looked behind them and saw a cave just a ways back.

“That’s where my cubs are,” Shira said proudly.

“Cubs! Aw man, then your already taken.” Kite said with a sigh. Lor just ignored his remark.