Fan Fiction ❯ The Lord of the Breakfast. ❯ bree ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ent-knife: But even if the dark lord wouldn't, the forc's would.

Frofood:: what are forcs?

Ent-knife: Mutated elves, whom stink of chip fat.

Frofood: I see, so what do we have to do?

Ent-knife: We must take the porridge to the fumes of the great oven…..of doom!

Frofood: I see.

Gammon wise gamgee: Stop saying I see!

Ent-knife: Whom goes there! (pulls gammon up)

Gammon: Ahh no please don't turn me into a cornflake or a rice crispie!

Ent-knife: I have better uses for you!

Gammon: Ahh no not that!

Ent-knife: no I'm going send you off with Frofood!

Gammon: to see elves, ti-di-di-di-di (does a little dance)

Frofood: You people are weird!

Ent-knife: wait till you see araknife!

Frofood: what!

Ent-knife: should not-a-said that!

Frofood: What!

Ent-knife: Never mind! Go to bree!

Frofood: Okay.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 day's later in Bree~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Frofood: Let's go into this inn!

Gammon: Why?

Fro food: Cause that's the script says duh!

Gammon: oh yeah!

(gammon and Frofood enter and see araknife sitting down on a chair)

Gammon: Eh look at sceff over there `e looks like just came out of a bush.

Frofood: he looks like he lives in a small wooden box.

Araknife: A: I heard that and B; I did just come out of a bush and I do happen to live inside a small wooden box!

Gammon: (laughs)

Araknife: Do find something funny with the way I live! (stands up and takes sword out)

Gammon: Uhh, no!

Araknife: good, now we must leave bree!

Gammon: Why, we only just got here and we don't know who you are, and you don't know who we are!

Araknife: Frofood and Gammon wise gamgee!

Frofood: Who are you `cough sceff cough'

Araknife: I am araknife son of Arafork!

Frofood: Yep, ent-knife was right about you!

Araknife: What did he say aboot me!?

Frofood: are you Canadian?

Araknife: yes!

Gammon: What is this about?

Araknife: This is aboot the dark riders who are chasing you, they are after the porridge!

Gammon and Frofood: (On the floor laughing )

Araknife: what?

Gammon: Nothing!

Araknife: Any way we must make haste to kippertop, the tower!

Frofood: Will ent-knife be there?

Araknife: May be, but we must not travel by night or the dark riders will get us!

Frofood: Intriging.