Fan Fiction ❯ The Story of Ray and Katie ❯ I Met Him... ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Story of Katie And Ray.

[Lyrics by Avril Lavigne!]

"Tyson!" Kenny screamed. "Get up. We have that competition at Kilner Park today, remember?" "" "Yes." "I'm up, I'm up. I hope there's some competition at the competition." "Let's go, Kai, Ray, Max. Leave him here." "No!" Tyson got up and dressed. "I'm awake. "Now come." They left the hotel and walked to Kilner Park. Tyson, Max, Ray and Kai easily passed the first few rounds, but they didn't stop to see the others. Tyson was in the last round with a pretty girl he had never seen before. "At this side of the ring, we have the beautiful, Katie!" Katie smiled happily. "And at this side of the ring we have..a guy called Tyson." Katie smirked. "3! 2! 1! Let it rip!" Katie launched her Beyblade and then Tyson launched his. Katie's purple Beyblade dodged Dragoon when he aimed for her. "Drazera! Attack!" There was a flash of blinding light and a cat like bit-beast appeared. "Keira Scratch Attack!" Her bit-beast lashed out and slashed Dragoon into pieces. "The winner is Katie!" Katie smiled at everyone, and tossed her shoulder-length blonde hair over shoulder. "See ya later, boys!" Katie winked at the Bladebreakers. Kai had a disgusted look on his face, Tyson was fretting over his Beyblade, Max was grinning, Kenny was typing on his laptop, and Ray was blushing. Katie walked behind the slide and Tyson ran over to her. "That is some bit-beast you've got there!" "Thanks." Kenny rushed over. "Hey, Katie, would you like to join our team, the Bladebreakers?" "Alright! I don't have a team, so that would be great!" "Kenny, what did you just ask her?" Ray asked him. "To join our team." "Oh.. okay." Ray smiled at her. She smiled at him. Kai walked over quietly and Max followed.

"Hey! I'm Max." "I'm Tyson, as you know." "Kenny!" "My name is Ray." "The name is Kai." "And I'm Katie." Her emerald green eyes flashed with excitement. "Come with us." The chief said. "Right." Katie said as she straightened her pink skirt. "Where are we going anyway?" Katie asked Kenny, with a look of confusion on her face. "Ray! RAY!" Ray and the rest of his team turned around. A girl with pink hair was running towards them. "Mariah!" "Ray!" She ran over and hugged him. Ray looked surprised and he blushed. How am I supposed to tell Mariah? I love her and all, but Katie.. She's something else. She stands out from the crowd. Ray thought. "Is the rest of the White Tigers here?" "No. Hello Max, Tyson, Kenny, Kai. oh? Who's this?" Mariah greeted them all. "This is Katie." Ray smiled at her as Katie stepped forward and stuck out her hand. Mariah shook it but seemed quite displeased at the fact of a girl on an all boys' team. "Hello Mariah." Katie said smoothly. Ray loves her and she obviously feels the same. Just why is Ray backing off? Oh no.. Katie thought to herself. "Hello Katie." Mariah glared at her. Katie glared back. "I think we should be going now." Kenny hurriedly said, noticing the girl's faces. "Oh so soon? Well see you later, Mariah." Katie said sarcastically. "Bye Mariah." "Buh bye!" See ya!" Later!"

"So, where are we staying exactly?" Katie asked, her British Accent coming over. "You're from England?" "Yes, I am." Katie smiled at them. She spun around and began walking backwards. Katie looked and sized each of them up. Tyson, wearing red, white, blue and yellow, Max, green and orange, Kenny, white and purple, Kai, black, red and blue and Ray, red, white, blue and yellow. "Where are we staying, Tyson?" She demanded to know. "A snazzy hotel. It's got the best food. Turkey, chicken, vegetables, fruit, ketchup, chips, pancakes and.." Ray put his hand over Tyson's mouth. "I hate to saying him liking food is an understatement." He grinned at her. "So, what is the hotel called?" "Mmmphphh!" came from Tyson's muffled mouth. A second later, an OW rang out. "He bit me!" Ray cried out. Katie started giggling and Kai smirked a smile. Ray was laughing, but staring at his hand, which had a horrible teeth mark on it. "Why don't we get Mariah to kiss it better?" Katie teased him, which made the boys howl with laughter, and Ray blush so hard he looked like a tomato with hair. When everyone stopped laughing, they kept on walking to the hotel. When they reached it, they entered and travelled in the elevator until they got to their floor. The Bladebreakers lived in Room 203. "So, what do you guys wanna do?" Katie asked them. "Watch TV." Said Max as he plopped himself down in a chair. "Let me pick the channel. I know just the one." She keyed in 11 and the WWE Wrestling popped up on the screen! "You like the WWE Wrestling?" Tyson, who sounded very amused, asked her. "Of course! It's, like, one of the best shows on TV." "We think along the same lines, sista!" Tyson sat down on the couch. Katie smirked as Ray and Kenny sat down too. Kai just stayed leaning against the wall, arms crossed, eyes closed. "Oh my god! It's Bubba Ray Dudley versus Brock Lesnar!" Max's voice shrieked out. Katie's attention was soon fixed on the screen.

When, it was time to sleep, there was a problem. "Alright, team-mates, Kenny, Tyson over there! Me and Max here! Kai, you take that one and Katie, you can have this one!" Ray barked out orders. "Yes sir!" Katie saluted him, and marched over to her bed and sat down. No sooner than she had sat down, she had sprung up again and ran over to the phone. Katie pushed a few numbers. "Yes, hello, mom? Can you send a lot of clothes, shoes, and necessary things to the La Kante Hotel? To Room 203? Okay. See ya!" She hung up. "Done and done." Katie dusted off her hands. "I had a little travel bad with me. I might need a few more things you know?" Katie explained to the boys. "Heh, we know, we've had to do it before." Tyson's voice spoke up, trailing off. He was already in bed, sleeping. "Stuff you, Tyson, you're no help!" Katie said playfully, as she pegged a pillow at him. "You are so dead!" A pillow came flying her way. "No!" Katie ducked and it hit Kai who was still on the wall. He glared at Tyson who was now sitting up in bed next to Kenny. Kai smiled, something he rarely did, and a pillow hit Kenny in the head, and knocked him over. Soon, pillows were flying everywhere..and so were feathers. When, they got tired of the game, Katie spoke up. "Excuse me for swearing, but, shit, how are we gonna explain this to the maids? Chickens came here in the middle of the night and plucked themselves?" "I have no idea." Tyson said as he plopped on his bed. "I haven't had that much fun in ages." Every head turned to look at Kai. "Well, maybe you would, if you loosened up a bit." Tyson's voice spoke up again. "You should be in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! As the dwarf, Grumpy!" Katie chimed in. Kai opened one and then the other. He glared and her and shut his eyes again.


"Room service!" A man's voice called out. Katie sighed and opened the door. "Pizza's are here." The delivery boy said and he shoved the pizzas into her hands. "Whatever." Katie switched to holding the pizza on one hand, while she struggled to grab money out of her skirt pocket. "Here." "Thanks. Bye." Katie shut the door and walked over to Tyson's bed. She put the pizza's down on his lap. Tyson grinned and handed some boxes out. "Eeeeeeeeew! Anchovies! Yuck Tyson!" Max faked sick. "Oh. Thanks Max." Suddenly, a hand swooped down and took a piece. "Ha ha, Tyson, you'll have to share." Katie poked her tongue out at him. Kenny pretended to throw up and faint. "Smell!" Katie shoved it under his nose. Kenny clutched his throat and ran to the bathroom. Ray and the others cracked up laughing. After they enjoyed their pizzas, they all went to sleep. Except Katie who was still in her clothes. She walked over to the sliding door and opened it. Katie shut the door and found a little piece of paper on the balcony. To Ray. It read. She walked inside again and woke Ray up. "Come outside." She handed him piece of paper.

Slipping down a slide

I did enjoy the ride

Don't know what to decide

You lied to me

You looked me in the eye

It took me by surprise

Now are you gratified

You cried to me

La, la, la, la, la

Don't turn around

I'm sick and I'm tired of your face

Don't make this worse

You've already gone and got me mad

It's too bad I'm not sad

It's casting over

It's just one of those things

You'll have to get over it

When I was feeling down

You'd start to hang around

And then I found your hands all over me

And that was out of bounds

You filthy rotten hound

It's better than it sounds, believe me

La, la, la, la, la

Don't turn around

I'm sick and I'm tired of your face

Don't make this worse

You've already gone and got me mad

It's too bad I'm not sad

It's casting over

It's just one of those things

You'll have to get over it

Hey, you gotta get over it

Hey, you gotta get over it

It's too bad I'm not sad

It's casting over

It's just one of those things

You'll have to get over it

Don't turn around

I'm sick and I'm tired of your face

Don't make this worse

You've already gone and got me mad

Don't turn around

I'm sick and I'm tired of your face

Don't make this worse

You've already gone and got me mad

It's too bad I'm not sad

It's casting over

It's just one of those things

You'll have to get over it

You'll have to get over it

"Mariah.." "Pardon?" "Mariah sent this." "Why?" "Because she thought I Because you joined our team." "Oh..well, it's not true is it? You don't love me, hey?" "Actually, it is true. I do like you." "She meant love." "I do love you, Katie. A lot." "Ray..I love you too. I loved since I first saw you." Katie confessed and Ray silenced her with a kiss. "Ray!" She squealed. Katie hit him playfully. He growled and chased her around. She leaned on the balcony rail and almost fell. "Help me!" "No. I think I'll just push you off." "You wouldn't dare." "I wouldn't, would I?" Ray smiled and helped her up. Katie whacked him. "Idiot." He gave her the puppy dog face. "Don't! Don't you dare!" He put more into it. "Rayyyyy! Alright, alright." She kissed him. "Happy?" "I'm satisfied." He picked her up and put her in her bed. But he was so tired he fell asleep too.

In the morning, Tyson was teasing Ray, who was faking being asleep. Katie opened one of her eyes a crack, and looked. "So, what did you do with Katie last night, hmmm?" "Nothing." Ray waved his arms. "She found something on the balcony, and I said I liked her, which I do, and she said she liked me, and we..kissed.. and I told her to go to sleep. I picked her up piggy-back style and put her in bed, and I fell asleep next to her." He had his arms around her. "Right, Ray, whatever." "It's the truth." Kai said. "I saw it. I was awake." "It is the truth!" Katie piped up. "Katie! I thought you were asleep." Tyson cried. "No, and I heard everything you just said. That's what happened. I like Ray. I don't mind where he sleeps. Do I Ray?" She smiled innocently at him. Katie had him under control. "No, Kat!" She poked her tongue out at him. "Okay, Ray." She got up, after taking Ray's arms off her and began cooking breakfast in the miniature kitchen. "There's a kitchen in here, and I never knew?!" Tyson screamed. "We didn't want you to eat everything." Kenny mumbled as he ran off, with Tyson chasing him. Death threat's of "I'll kill you!" were heard. Ray got up and walked over to the kitchen, and wrapped his arms around Katie. "Ray! What do you want?" "To help." She shrugged an okay. He began cooking pancakes, eggs and bacon. They cooked a lot at set the table. When Tyson came back, Katie was eating the last pancake. "No! Not pancakes.." He sniffed the air. "And eggs and bacon!" "Hehehe. I guess we forgot?" Katie smiled. "You did! Argh!" He ran to kill her but Ray shielded her. "You sure are protective of her." Max stated the obvious. "She's mine now, so I gotta." Ray shrugged. "True." Tyson panted and sat down. "Water." He fetched himself a glass.

"I guess, I'm a Bladebreaker?" "Yes. Don't do that lovey-dovey stuff though?" "What you mean this?" Katie asked him innocently, as she kissed Ray. "Yes, I mean that!" Ray was hugging her. "Oh we won't, right Ray?" She winked. "No." He smiled at Tyson, sweetly. "You guys!" Katie walked outside on the balcony after eating and Ray followed. "Where we got together." "Yeah." "I love you. For the rest of my life, we'll be together, right?" "Right." Ray kissed her longer, and sweeter than he ever had before.

And so our story ends, with a cute guy called Ray, kissing our heroine, who is based on me. Katie and Ray forever!