Fan Fiction ❯ The Town of GotenDooke ❯ The Never-Ending Dungeon ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

GotenDooke Town of Mystery

`Chapter Two - Never Ending Dungeon`

"Your magic might help." The lupine whispered.

"No, if it fails we'll just be in worse trouble." She whispered back to her.

"True." The coyote sighed gently, looking to his foot paws.

"Here we are!" The gruff voice of the tiger broke the band form their thoughts.

"Hurry up, inside!" The elder badger growled, kicking dirt at the young weres. The wolf growled to her, and flattened his ears. "Stupid hound, scary ye' not when ye' on a rope!"

"You'll like your new dungeon home anyway." The tiger cackled, yanking upon the rope to make the band move faster as the king approached.

"What have we here?" He asked, looking over to them.

The rope whipped once more and they fell to their knees before the king. "We have a witch and a wizard. The others came with the two devils." He explained, nodding his head and grinning.

"I see." He said gravely, frowning down upon the young ones. "Then by all means, take them away."

"Right sire." The two guards said obediently and trotted over to claim the rope that binded the weres together. They then began to lead them off, yanking them to move faster.

"Off ta' hell worthless scum!" The badger snarled, laughing up the angered response.


They found themselves climbing down a spiraled staircase. The path getting colder, causing them to moves closer together for warmth. "…C-Cold." Mistina whined, clinging best she could without paws to Twister.

"We need a plan." Twister sighed, flicking an ear in annoyance.

"Ya' think?" Nimca replied sarcastically.

"This is no time to snap at eachother." Tharis looked over his shoulder at the two.

"We're here." The guard stated simply and tossed the small group into a cell. They landed in a heap upon the icy cobblestone floor. Then, slamming the door shut with a defining crack he locked it. Made way once more up the spiraled steps, leaving the second guard at the top, in case something was to happen.

"Argh!" They exclaimed, as they were stuck under each other. One upon the bottom the new coyote, Tania. She wriggled beneath the one up top her, Tharis. A large dog pile it seemed to be.

"Roll over!" Tharis commanded, but not having the affect he wanted it to. They all, rolling opposite ways, were merely tangled now in the ropes.

"Wahhhhh!!!!" Mistina wailed, rolling back and forth out of frustration.

"Well, at least we're not stacked up anymore." The mix stated, looking upon the only bright side.

"Now we can't move at all!" Pacu snarled, kicking at the ropes, and hitting Tharis in the side. "Great idea, stupid!" He growled.

"I didn't force you to move." He said, keeping an angered glare to him.

"Please stop crying, Mistina! I have no paws to bind my ears…" Nimca shouted to her.

She sniffled, "I-I'm sorry, Nimmy."

"Any ideas?" Twister asked no one in particular.

"I got one, why don't we use the blade from Pacu, to cut the ropes." Nimca suggested, pointing with her muzzle to his belt.

"We have no paws." He grumbled, glancing over to her.

"Here." Mistina grabbed the dragger hilt in her large front teeth. And began to saw at the ropes that bound her friends and herself. "There!" She giggled, dropping the blade now. Pacu went to pick it up.

"…Good thinking, Mistina." Tharis smiled, rubbing his wrists where the ropes bore in.

"Now we need a way out." Nimca stated, glancing around the small dungeon room.

"…Feel about the walls." The white coyote said, as she began to track the cold stone of the left wall. Each took a side, checking the floor and the ceiling (With the occasional boost of another).

"Hey you guys!" The vixen shouted, though tried to keep her voice down, remembering the guard up the stairs.

"Hm?" Tania blinked, and walked over, as well as the rest of the group.

"The stone here is weak, maybe we could break it?" She suggested getting nods from the others.

"Let's use Tharis's head. Help me lift him." Twister, being a mindless follower tried to lift up the backing up Tharis. He yelped, being hoisted by his legs and arms.

"I-I would like it greatly if you didn't!" He blinked, looking upside-down at the fastly approaching wall.

Before the males could make Tharis's head hit the rocks exploded, "…No need."

The girls raised their head high and began to filter through the hole before the guard could come running down the stairs. Immediately they dropped Tharis whom scrambled to get inside the hole before the guard showed up. The shrill voice of, "They've escaped!" Reigned behind, but at least Tharis's skull was intact.

They crawled through the dark path, the leader now Nimca followed by Tania, Mistina, Twister, Pacu, and Tharis. "I think accusing someone of using magic and threateningly death is stupid." She said softly, trying to break that silence that threatened to engulf the pack.

"I as well." He mumbled from the back of the group.

"Yeah, but at least we have a way out now." The lupine said hopeful.

"Or, we think this is a way out." Twister added, receiving unknown glares.

"Will all of you pipe down, I need to listen… I hear something." Pacu growled, twitching his auds forward.

"Hear what?" The mix asked, oblivious to his first statement.

"TWISTER!" They shouted to him, and he crouched low again, everyone's ears perked and ready. And soon enough the noise grew louder. A soft screeching… And soon a flame-engulfed bat flew over their head, barely missing as they bended down low.

"…Since he came from the way we're headed, there must be an exit soon. Though, assuming it was a Fire Bat, it's probably just a hot cave." The wolf said half-heartily.

"Yes, but remember what Fire Bats live by?" Tania asked, looking ahead trying to filter through the darkness.

"What?" The fox asked, looking over her shoulder briefly.

"Lava, or Lord Fire Bat or Fire Dragon." She pointed out grimly, causing all eyes to widen.

"Dragon, fire huge thing?! I don't wanna go!" The lupine yelped, trying to back up, only to trample over Twister.

"OW! Watch it Cotton Tail." He spat, shoving her back forward so she'd crawl again.

"I don't wanna go!" She wailed.

"It's either this or die in the dungeon." Tharis stated simply, keeping the slow crawl.

"…But…" She whimpered, her bottom lip trembling.

"Pick, otherwise pipe down." The wolven snarled, clearly annoyed.

"…Ok…" She said softly, and traveled on once more.

"Hey, I think I see light." The leader pointed out, causing all to try and peer over another.

"Be careful then!" Mistina said in a hushed whisper.

Pacu nodded as Nimca inched forward. He had taken out a dagger, in case… "Alright, one at a time through." The vixen said softly, leaping from their sight. Soon to know where she went, the others leaped from the cramped crawl space. Now, they were in a large room, the only form of light a single flickering torch in the middle.

"Yes, no dragon or bat!" The bunny giggling, hopping up and down as she usually did when excited.

"Yes, Mistina, but now we are in a maze." Tharis pointed out; a paw gesturing towards the six tunnels echoed out along g the walls of the room.

"Six hall ways… Seems like they were expecting us." The wolven said gruffly.

"I doubt it, I mean this room has to be older than that." The white coyote said, adjusting her glasses and nodding.

"…It still seems odd." He growled.

"Stop it both of you, I'm already scared enough!" The young bunny squealed, shaking her head back and forth and shutting her eyes.

"…Don't worry, Mist." Twister said, trying to comfort his friend. He placed his hand paws upon her shoulders, "You'll be fine, and we have Pacu on our side."

"I feel loads better." The male coyote said sarcastically and received and annoyed glare from the wolf.

"Well, we should split up…" He said simply, glancing to the halls and then to the group.

"Together would be the safest." Tharis pointed out.

"But we're looking for a way out." He growled back to him.

"But, each could be a way out." He stated back.

"…Come on you two, we should just stick together." The vixen chimed in, causing the elder boys to break up their verbal battle.

"I don't wanna split up anyway!" The bunny said a bit too loud, her voice echoing off the walls of the structure.

"Misty, Quiet!" The fox said quickly running to calm the bunny. But it was too late… A thick, rumbling was heard.

"Uh…Oh…" The mix said to himself, looking up to where the noise came from. Meeting the eyes of blood red he coward with the lupine. The high pitched shrieking filled the area, causing rocks to reining from the ceiling, and the group to flatten back their ears. Heavy gusts of wind hit them, saying that it had taken flight. The rumble upon the ground also stated the unknown creature had now landed, away from its ceiling perch. Slowly it stepped into the flickering light of the flame, the fire dancing of fit's crimson-scaled body. The dragon looked agile do to its lithe figure. It toward over the group, snorting up their scents and glaring down to them with manacling eyes. "W-What do we do now?" Twister asked in panic.

"We either fight or split." Pacu stated numbly.

The dragon's ears flared open as it shrieked once more, eyeing the small ones curiously. "RUN!" The mix yelped as he grabbed the paw of the bunny and ran into the first hall passage. The rest followed as the dragon became in hot pursuit. It opened its jaws wide, and out swirled a fireball. It was gaining as the group dived into a small pit, allowing the ball to pass. The dragon's shriek was heard as it began to run down the narrow passage again. "Run, run, run!" He chanted to himself, but no one budged as the dragon appeared just over their hole.

The rumble of a low growl shook the walls of the hall. His slitted eyes looked down to those in the hole below him. It reared up, and came crashing back down, trying to hit away the safe haven of the weres. Mistina whimpered and clung onto Twister who was just as scared as she was. Opening his mouth once more they saw the soft flicker of light inside, ready to shoot when… His head made contact with the ceiling. "Tania?" Tharis blinked, looking to her still glowing hands.

"C'mon let's go!" She turned and ran down the hall, the glowing light burning out from her paws. The group nodded and followed close after the girl. The dragon's front feet hit the ground once more, causing the whole place to rumble with anger. Then, he began the chase once more.

"I'm…Getting tired you guys." Mistina huffed, falling behind and dragging Twister with her, for she had grip upon his hand paw.

"C'mon." He said pleadingly, trying to pick her up, to no avail. His eyes grew wide as the dragon approached faster than ever.

Another blinding light hit the dragon across the muzzle, he shook his head and growled, shrieking to the girl that now stood a ways from him. "Twister, Mistina, get up!" She commanded without turning around.

Pacu by now had lifted the exhausted Mistina over his shoulder and they began a pace once more. Shooting another blast she bought enough time and she too began to run along with the group. Catching up once again when the noticed the dragon halt. "Oh No!" Tania screeched, looking behind once again. He dug his fore claws into the rock. Planting himself firmly, his eyes dancing with energy. Opening his jaws wide, a fireball emitted, bigger than any before.

"Against the wall!" Pacu shouted, and they did as he said in a heartbeat. The fireball had barely missed the group as they clung close to the stone walls. The dragon tried once more, aiming for Twister and Nimca. The two barely missed again, diving upon the ground as the ball slammed against the cold stone wall.

"I'm tired of this." She growled, her eyes flashing beneath her glasses as she firmly planted her hands together. She then aimed another blast of her own and shot it at the dragon's skull. It hit, as the last, and he shook out his head once more. Growling as he slammed his tail against the sides of the hall, causing rubble to fall from the ceiling. "Run you guys, I'll catch up!" Tania shouted to the group as she again fired another blast.

"Lady Tania?" Tharis said reluctantly, but she casted him a glance, telling without words for him to go. And so, he urged the group on and they ran down the narrow hallway. She looked behind, a soft smile upon her lips, 'All I need tot do is buy time' She then shot three blasts, one to his head, the others to the walls around him. The dust and rocks filled the air, causing him to be blinded for a brief moment. She took this chance now, and sprinted with all the energy she had and made it around the corner. As the dust settled the dragon saw nothing but an empty hall. He growled, slitted eyes looking to everything cautiously. He began to make a pace down the hall. His heavy breathing heard as she pleaded for him not to find her. She quickly shot down the pathway right when the beast turned the corner. He saw the girl running and shot a fireball. She didn't know where any cover was. And she was out of breath… She was pulled upwards by another's paw. "What?" She blinked in confusion looking to a familiar face.

"Close wasn't it?" Tharis said with a nervous smile.

She nodded, "Thanks." She tried to catch her breath as he led her through the rooftop it would seem.

"We found a cavern up here, I'll show you." He mumbled, taking her paw and showing her the secret way in, in case the dragon would find them.

"Finally you two got here." Pacu said, his arms folding in front of his chest.

"I'm so glad you didn't get eaten!" The bunny exclaimed clapping her hand paws together.

Tharis nodded, "Sorry to have worried you."

"How'd you guys stumble upon this place?" Tania said amazed. She looked around the huge cavern, noticing the large lake in the middle; the light having a light of it's own, casting the whole place in eerie light.

"Mistina found it, she looked up and saw a hole in the roof. Seeing how we didn't think we'd make it to the other side of the path before the dragon came he went in here. And this will be a good place to stay, for the hole to get here is too small for the dragon to fit." Tharis explained smiling as he watched her profile examine the lakeside.

"If only there was sun light, or a way out though." She said softly, looking up to the dome-like ceiling.

"…I wish I was outside as well, but we'll just hafta camp out here tonight." Pacu said gruffly.

Mistina watched as he curled up by the lakeside, ready to sleep. "But, what if we never find a way out of here?"

"Let's not think that way… We'll figure something out in the morning." The fox said, reassuring her friend and gesturing her to follow to the other side of the lake.

The group finally fell asleep at the water's side. The whole cavern was silent beside the soft 'glomp' of rocks hitting the clear surface of water. Twister seemed to be the only one awake; he then tossed another rounded stone into the lake. 'I wanna get out of this place… It's too creepy.' He thought to himself, looking around the area briefly before another rock made contact. He soon yawned and gaze up the battle of sleep. Leaning back he fell asleep at the cavern entrance.


Someone began poking his cold wet nose, "Twister wake up!" Came a familiar voice.

"…" He slowly opened his drowsy eyes to see the lupine bending over him, "Yes, what Mistina?"

"We're seeing where to go, any ideas?" Nimca asked, glancing over.

"Ugh, don't ask him, we'll get lost." The wolf snorted.


End of Chapter Two. All right all I have typed up at the moment. Leave a review and there may be more. ^.^ Thank you and G'bye!