Fan Fiction ❯ Twin Shadows, The Rise of The Blade ❯ A Midnight's Massacre ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The man laughed. “Man, Yamashiro!” said Yuichi. “You sure did a number on those two assassins.” “Yeah,” said Yamashiro. “Those two didn't know what hit them. I opened up the fight with my double roundhouse, and then into my aisu kick!” said Yamashiro. All the men in the room began to laugh. The door opened. “What is it Zetsumei?!?!” screamed Yamashiro. Zetsumei's upper half fell from his lower. Everyone in the room screamed in terror. “Do you think we're funny?” said a voice. Ying and Yang stepped out of the shadows.
“Well do you?!” Yang finished. Yamashiro shook his head no. “You have been a naughty boy Yamashiro.” said Yang. “Can I kill him now, Brother?” said Ying. “Fine, do as you wish.” Yang said with malevolence in his voice. Ying laughed maniacally as he drew his kasuri-gamas. “AHHHHHHHH!” screamed Yamashiro, as he tried to dodge the attack, only to lose his arm from the elbow down. Yamashiro looked at his now missing arm on the other side of the room. Blood poured from the stub he called his arm. Ying walked over to the arm, picked it up, and made it wave at Yamashiro. “Hi, hi!” said Ying as he waved the arm. Yamashiro bent over in pain.
Everyone in the room was panicking. They all ran for the door only to be stopped by Yang. “No one is going to leave here alive.” Yang said calmly. He slowly drew his gigantic blades. With one sweep of his tools of death everyone in front of him lay dead.
Ying began to laugh again. “Did you think we wouldn't know?” asked Ying. “Did you, a mere half-breed, think we wouldn't know you've been leaking info to the humans about our master's dealings?” “I am sorry, please forgive me, I beg of you!!” pleaded Yamashiro, as he bowed down at Ying's feet. “Poor, poor Yamashiro,” said Ying. “I can't say I know how you feel, though. After all, death doesn't scare me, you know, because I am death.” exclaimed Ying. “So you will spare me then?” asked Yamashiro. “NO!!!!!” screamed Ying as he lifted his blade to strike.
“Ying,” said Yang. “Come, we must report to the master!” “I know, hold on a second.” said Ying as he bent over to Yamashiro's severed head. “Yamashiro, you're coming with us.” he said as he picked up Yamashiro's head. “I think the master might like this for a trophy.” he said as he walked over to Yang. “Let's take the scenic route home, I feel like killing a few more people.” “Why are you so blood thirsty all the time?” said Yang. “I like killing things, you know that.” “Fine, but we can't be gone to long or the master will get very annoyed. And you know what happens when he gets annoyed.” But Ying had already jumped out the window.
Ying falling from the forty-second floor did seven front flips on the way down and landed on the concrete. There was a now rather large crater where he was standing from the force of the impact. He landed on his feet and launched forty feet into the air. In midair he drew his kasuri-gamas and stuck them in the side of a building, and began scaling the building. He reached the top with Yang close behind. He sheathed his weapons and broke into a sprint, then launched to the next roof top. He kept jumping from building to building until he reached the residential area.
Alexis was on the roof of her house, gazing at the stars. “There are so many. I wonder how many there are?” Alexis began to count. Just then, she heard a noise to her right. She looked. Five roof-tops down she thought she saw a figure standing on one. The figure launched into the air, and was now four roof tops away. “What on earth?” she said quietly to herself. The figure was now three roof-tops away. “Oh, my gosh!” she said to herself. She pulled back into the shadows of her roof. She looked he was now on the roof top next to her. She pulled herself tightly into a ball, and closed her eyes. She heard a thud. She opened her eyes. The figure was standing right in front of her. It was tall, wore a white blood stained robe, a bamboo hat, and demonic stone mask. It looked around. It just barely missed seeing her. She almost screamed, but stopped herself before she could. The figure then jumped to the next roof top, and disappeared into the darkness.
She began to scream and jumped back through her window into her room. She began to breathe heavily. She stood looking at the ground, and began to cry. She lay down on her bed and tried to go to sleep, but couldn't. When she finally fell asleep dreams of the figure plagued her sleep. When she woke up, she opened her door to find a trail of dead bodies leading from it. She screamed in terror. She followed the trail to her living room. There, standing on a pile of dead bodies was the figure. It looked at her, and then lunged for her.
Alexis woke up with a scream. Beads of sweat ran down her face. She was panting furiously. She lay down again and slowly drifted off into sleep.
Meanwhile, in the park five teenagers decided to take midnight stroll. “Dude, I hear that this park is supposed to have some weirdoes at night.” one said. “Hey, have you guys heard about that reporter girl.” said another. “No.” said another one. “Well, the news says that this reporter and everyone at her house that night were killed.” “What do you mean?” “I mean that everyone there was killed along with her.” “How?” one asked. “She was found dead with a blade implanted in her forehead, and the others were all missing body parts.” “Do they know who did it?” “No, but they say that whoever did it must have used swords or something.”
Just then, there was a rustling in a tree. “What the heck was that?”
“I don't know.” said another. “I'll go check it out.” The teenager walked over to the tree and was pulled up into. The other teenagers heard his screams and watched his mangled body fall from the tree. They stared in horror. Then another figure dropped from the tree onto his feet. It was Ying.
He flung his kasuri-gama, and it stuck in the side of one of there necks. He tugged on the chain, decapitating the kid. The others scattered. “I love it when they run.” Ying said as he jumped into the air crashing down on top of one of them. He grabbed the boy's head and snapped his neck. He stood up and looked at the remaining two girls. The girls immediately took off running. He flung his kasuri-gama at the first one. It caught her leg and ripped it off. She fell on the ground writhing in agony. He walked over to her and stabbed his blade into the back of her skull. There was only one left. He darted for her grabbed her by the hair and slammed her onto the ground. He lifted his blade implanted it right in between her eyes. He stood up and returned to the shadows from which he came.