Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire's Play ❯ The Group's Decision ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: This is my first fan fiction which is not based on an anime. So, yes, I own the characters, and yes, this is my story and if you steal it I will get very cross...



The Chosen One


Chapter One: The Group's Decision

"Who's turn is it tonight?" The voice carried an amused hint coming from a tall, lanky male that leaned comfortably against the bricks of an alley located in the outskirts of town, swirling a silver chain around his fingers, the glimmering of a cross catching the dim light overhead of them.

"Maybe we can find someone." Another male, only a bit smaller from the first suggested, inhaling the tobacco from his cigarette he held in-between his fingers. A large smirk curved his lips, shaping them across the edge of the disappearing cigarette.

"I told you not to smoke, especially around me, Alecksandr." Vincent murmured evenly, his eyes dulled into light gray, once shining silver. He was the oldest of the group, twenty-one, to be exact. He watched as Alecksandr scowled at the other man, reluctantly pulling the stress lifting substance from his lips, throwing it to the ground and letting it burn away with a disgusted look in his eyes.

"Better?" Alecksandr retorted, resting one hand on his hip while the other curved into an unseen fist as he muttered under his breath.

"Back to the real matters, you guys." Vincent muttered, shifting his gaze over the other three men. "I don't think just finding another will do for them. You know how picky they are about who we give…" He reached over, flicking the glimmering cross, which still turned in circular motions in the air. "What do you think, Cage?" His eyes flickered onto the one male completely covered by the looming shadows of the night.

Cage slid down the brick, settling into a crouching position, his black pants digging into his stomach as he gave the other three a curt shrug, a small ruffle of his trench coat when he sat on the ground fully. His hair was a dark chestnut, almost black in color, reaching just enough to brush his shoulders. His eyes stood out from the rest of them, one a deep forest green, and the other an ocean blue. The group had learned, from the very beginning that early in Cage's life he had been traumatized into not talking, so they didn't push the matter with the male.

Saphire was the least cooperative of the group. He looked out of one blind eye, the other a light shade of green. Usually he hid his blind eye with his long black bangs. His attire was something simple; a pair of leather pants and the same fabric vest. The silver cross, which he dangled in the air, now settled down on his neck, glimmering against his pale chest. He had many scars, though where he received them all no body really knew, not that they wanted to, anyway.

Alecksandr only smoked when he was stressed out, or when someone called him Sasha, which was his old nickname in child hood. He was a thin boy, age nearly seventeen. He dyed his hair from a dark shade of brown to a stunning silver to match his piercing gold eyes. He wore long blue jeans, cut in various places with a black silken shirt, unbuttoned to show off his pale chest.

"Why not? We passed up a pretty blonde on the way here." Saphire smirked at Vincent, who rolled his eyes in response to the remark, pulling a strand of his purple hair from his eyes.

"You're hopeless." Alecksandr shook his head once, licking his lips to moisturize them from the frigid air, though the salt in spit only split his lips more after it dried. "Why don't we send Cage out?"

"Y'know he don't talk." Saphire slurred, chuckling a little in his own amusement. "He can't do shit."

"Cage could try. It'd be a new experience for him…" Vincent kneeled down next to the strange-eyed boy, brushing a few of his fingers over his cheeks to bring Cage's hair out of his face. Cage lifted his face up, letting Vincent do as he pleased while shuddering in anticipation.

"Won't you, Cage?" Alecksandr shook his head warily. Cage would do anything for Vincent, especially since he was his `pet'. Long ago Vincent found Cage in a small park, beaten and homeless to the fact he was almost dead. He had taken him in and cleaned him up, now Cage owes his life to Vincent.

Cage nodded, a soft, audible noise falling past his lips as Vincent drug his tongue over his throat. His hands had drifted down to the hem of Cage's shirt, tugging swiftly before slipping his fingers underneath the fabric, flicking his now hardened nipples with a soft purr.

"Damn. You two are making me horny! Stop it!" Saphire complained, his leather pants tightening around his hips. Leather got uncomfortable when you get a hard on…

"Oh!" Alecksandr tore his gaze away from Vincent and Cage, locked on Saphire, "Can I jump you!?" He smirked wickedly.

"How `bout I jump you?" Saphire advanced on Alecksandr, taking the front of his silken shirt into his fist and jerking him forward to press himself against his small body.

"Nng…! I was kidding!" Alecksandr squeaked, his breathing quickened as Saphire slid his tongue over the lobe of his ear in one small motion then dropped him abruptly.

"Kidding, huh? Too bad, I would'a fucked you hard." Saphire smirked, pleased with the wide-eyed reaction he received.

"Uh, where'd Cage go?" Alecksandr turned his attention to the clearly amused Vincent, scowling at him for a moment.

"Cage went to get the blonde…" Vincent's eyes lit up in approval of the situation, still crouched on the ground where Cage had once sat before.

"Damn, he's fast." Saphire mused.

"No, you're just slow." Alecksandr retorted.

"Say something again and I'll mutilate your body then rape it!"



A/N: So, is Alecksandr going to live through the torment of Saphire?

And who is this new blonde boy Cage went after?

-Smirks- Find out in the next chapter.