Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ A Release of Aggression ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: As I have said before, I don't own it. I just wish I did, that's for sure.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 13 - A Release of Aggression


Rain paced agitatedly back and forth on the balcony of her room, her mind spinning from the information the Elrond had given her a short while ago. She was the last living elf in her time and she had to make the decision whether to allow the elvin lineage continue or fade away. Growling heavily, she dug her fingers into her hair and stopped pacing.

~ I can't think about this right now. I need to do something before I drive myself insane. ~ she thought.

Turning back into her room, she spied her web belt and holster, she grinned suddenly. She knew what she could do to take her mind off her current dilemma. Striding across the room to her A-3 bag she dug out several clips and then snatched her web belt. Snapping the belt around her waist, she stowed the extra clips and bounced out her door. Lightly running down the stairs, she saw a familiar figure striding out the door carrying a bow and quiver.

"Elrohir wait." she called as she changed direction towards him.

"Lady Rain, a pleasure to see you this afternoon. What may I do for you?" he asked as she skidded to a halt next to him. He noticed that she was wearing elvin clothing, but the strange belt from before.

"I noticed that you were carrying your bow, are you going to practice." she asked, eyes sparkling in anticipation of his answer.

"Yes, would you like to join me." Elrohir replied indulgently.

"Yes, please. I was going to ask if you had a range here. I need some target practice myself." she said, a wicked grin spreading across her face as she patted the holster at her side. He frowned at her expression and looked questioningly at the holster she was patting fondly.

"Oh, you'll see. It may not be a bow, but it is much more powerful than you would imagine." she chuckled at his skeptical expression as she gestured for them to proceed.

He turned, shaking his head and led her down a long curving wooded path. Muted sounds of laughter and cheering drifted to her ears. Reaching a clearing, it became evident of the reason for the cheering. Legolas and Aragorn where standing next to each other both holding bows. It was apparent from the arrow-studded targets that they had been competing against each other.

She watched as Aragorn brought the bow up and pulled back. The release was clean and struck the center of the target. Legolas laughed and slapped Aragorn on the back as he stepped forward to the line. She smiled suddenly, aware that Aragorn hadn't a chance of beating the elf. Legolas's pull and release was so smooth and fast that she almost missed it. The thunk of the arrow striking the target was the only indication that he had fired. Cheers echoed the clearing, for his arrow had split Aragorn's neatly down the center.

"He is such a show off, Lady Rain." Elrohir's voice echoed in her ear. She turned to him, her smile taking on a challenging quality.

"Do you think you could do better, Lord Elrohir." she questioned, one of her eyebrows arching up, and a wicked twinkle to her eye.

Legolas, hearing Rain's voice, turned suddenly to see her standing at the edge of the clearing. Shoving his bow into Aragorn's hands, he bounded quickly over to her. Taking her hands in his, he looked down into her sparkling eyes.

"Rain, I am glad you are here." he said as he tried to see if she was still angry with him. He had run into Elenna this morning and she had told him to stay away from Rain for awhile that she had seemed very upset. Having nothing else to do, he had drafted Aragorn to keep himself busy.

Glancing up at the smiling Elrohir, Legolas pulled Rain away from him and down towards Aragorn. Aragorn handed Legolas's bow back to him as he turned and smiled down at Rain.

"Good day to you Lady Rain. I hope you do not have any hard feelings towards me from last night." he said as he took her hand in his, before bringing it to his lips. His gray eyes where twinkling mischievously as he glanced at the growling elf next to him. Laughing, he released Rain's hand as he smiled.

"No Aragorn, I have forgiven you. Please though, call me Rain." Rain chuckled at the antics of the two men. She knew that Aragorn was deliberately provoking the elf standing next to her. Feeling better than she had earlier, she turned to Legolas.

"Legolas, is there anyway that I could use the range for target practice." she said, ignoring the startled expression on his face. "But, I will need something for targets other than the archery bales." she gestured towards the targets down range.

"What do you need for targets, Rain." said Aragorn as he stepped forward next to her. She looked thoughtful for a moment, her eyes scanning the clearing for any suitable item. Her eyes coming to rest on the apple trees near the end of the clearing.

"Those will do." she said pointing to the apples, "I will need about twenty of the apples. If you could get them and place them on that log and then clear everyone behind me. I can then practice." she said as she gestured to the downed tree lying beyond the targets, before striding away from the two towards a table setup at the back of the clearing.

Aragorn and Legolas exchanged puzzled glances as they turned and worked to complete what she had asked. Rain ignored the stares of the other elves in the clearing as she pulled the extra clips from her belt and placed them on the table before pulling her gun out of its holster. With her thumb she flipped the selector switch to safe and pressed the clip release button, catching clip in her hand and laying next to the others. Grasping the slide she pulled and ejected the round setting in the chamber. Catching it in mid air, she laid the pistol, slide open, down onto the table before sliding the ejected round back into the clip.

Turning she leaned her hip against the table and watched as Legolas and Aragorn setup her targets. She watched as the pair finished and walked back towards her. Reaching the table the pair looked curiously at her weapon lying on the table. Smiling, she picked up the gun and pressed the slide release, with a loud snap the release shrugged forward. She held out the empty weapon to Aragorn.

"This is a 9mm Glock semi-automatic pistol, it can hold 16 rounds of ammunition. Fifteen in the clip and one in the chamber. Hey, don't point that thing at anyone, even unloaded." she said as she put her hand on the muzzle and pointed it away from her head. Taking the gun back from Aragorn, she picked up a clip and slapped it home into the magazine.

Walking forward ahead of them, she turned slightly looking back over her shoulder at them. "You may want to cover your ears, this can be loud." with that she turned and raised her arms, the gun cradled gently in her hands. Squeezing the trigger gently, she smiled as the gun leapt in her hands and the apple on the log disintegrated. Ignoring the cries behind her, she quickly fired off several more rounds, adrenaline pumping through her veins. She always got a rush off the power she controlled in her hands, the power to take life with the simple pull of her trigger. She could just feel the stress for earlier melting away, it was almost better than sex. ~ Well, maybe. But it had been so long since I had any, that I probably wouldn't remember which is better. ~ she though sarcastically, as she emptied her clip and turned back to the stunned Legolas, Aragorn and Elrohir.

"Man, I feel better now." she said as she walked past the trio to the table. The other elves in the clearing shrank back away from her as she passed, scared of her magic weapon. Flipping the safety on, she placed the weapon on the table and unhooked her web belt and laid it next to it. Turning back she eyed the trio staring, opened mouthed, at her, before walking over to Legolas and gently closing his mouth with her fingers on his chin.

Shaking his head, Legolas looked down into her laughing eyes. "How did you do that? Is it magic?" he stammered slightly.

"Legolas, it isn't magic. It is a weapon from my time, as common as swords and bows are in this time." she said as she took his hand in hers and led him back to the table. "See, it is just metal that has been formed into a weapon, not magic."

He looked down at the weapon lying on the table and her hand that was touching it. He reached out and felt the cool metal, confirming that it was indeed real and not magic. "But how does it work?" he asked looking back over his shoulder to the mess left of the apples.

"Much the same as your bow, but it is all self contained. The metal arrow travels through this barrel and then strikes the target." she tried to simplify the mechanical working of the gun so that he could understand. Sighing as she saw him frown, she picked up her belt and snapped it back on. Taking the gun, she automatically flipped the safety off as she slid it back into its holster, before snapping the cover shut.

"I will see you later." she sighed softly as she turned and left the clearing. ~ I think that I may have scared Legolas off. ~ she thought.

Walking back down the wooded path towards Rivendell manor, she suddenly wished that she was back home and not here faced with her current problems. Reaching a fork in the path, she looked up to see one led back to the manor and the other down the canyon. Not wanting to sit in her room and brood, she turned down the canyon path. Mind focused on her earlier conversation with Elrond, she became distracted of her surroundings until a strong arm came around her waist and pulled her back from a rocky outcropping that overlooked the river below.

Struggling wildly, she was pulled back from the edge and set on her feet. Turning, her elbow up, braced by her hand, she attempted to slam her attacker in the chest. He ducked and laughed, catching her around the waist and pulling her body close to him. Hearing the familiar laughter, she stopped struggling and looked up into the laughing blue eyes above her.

"Looks like I caught you this time." he said as his head dipped forward over hers. "Shall I get a reward for catching the impossible Rain." he murmured before his lips closed in over hers. Sighing she relaxed into his embrace and tried to bring her arms up around his neck, only to find them trapped against her body. Moaning lightly, she struggled softly wanting to be able to touch him.

Legolas raised his head and looked down at the mysterious woman in his arms. One minute she was as beautiful as the stars and the next as deadly as any warrior he knew. He wanted her; he felt a tie to her as if fate had decided that they were to meet. But she was mortal and he an immortal, it could not last and would end in sorrow.

She looked up into his eyes, aware of the turmoil raging within his soul, for it too raged within hers. But with a different passion, she had a choice to make and she needed to find out what he felt about her.

"Legolas, we need to talk." she said, looking sadly up into his eyes. He nodded as he set her back down onto her feet.


A/N: Uh Oh, what does Rain want to talk about? Talk about stress she must be going through, she has only been in Middle Earth for five days. Well, who know what's going to happen? <Oh, I should, shouldn't I. Sorry, not tellin' yet.> Keep tuned boys and girls, its going to get rough from here.

Let me know what you think. Thanks a bunch. . . . . . .DBZ Vegeta