Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf ❯ An-der-oid ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own Teen Titans… just my oc!

Chapter 2--> An-der-oid


Run damn it, run, run, run.

`What the hell is chasing me?'

I turn around to look back as see a bunch of funny looking mortals following me. Their faces are too strange to describe, but they are fast and dressed all in tight black suits. Man they are strange looking. Wait, oh shit, the building's ending.

As I run towards the end of the building, I take an easy leap. Soaring over in my bare feet, I land on the next rooftop and keep running. Glancing back a smirk crosses my face, as I notice some of those strange people trying to make the same leap as I did. I laugh at them as a good half of them fall to the ground on their asses.

`Arrogant people. What makes them think that they could possibly keep up with me?'

Glancing back I run faster and leap off this building top and land in the middle of the wide pathway. As I land, my hand is pressed to the ground, my long silver hair wraps around me, touching the hard black ground.

Looking back up to the building, I notice a few of them pointing at me and backing up to run. But then another points again to something to my right. Looking into the darkness in front of me. A strange pair of lighting lit up on me, engulfing me. Some strange sound came from it: a loud booming, almost like one of the children in the village had set off some new contraption their parents bought from a wandering seller. My face fell [anime style], and my blue eyes shrunk until the white of my eyes were dominate.

The sound got louder and louder as the twin lights grew larger and larger. Snapping out of my trance at it, I sprung up from the hard black ground and jumped ten feet in the air. As I came down, I landed on something moving fast. My claws dug deep into whatever I was sitting on, and went through this cool material. I held on tight as this fast moving thing took me. Looking up, my ears twitched underneath my hat as I listened to the strange words of those people who were after me.

Soon, my ride stopped and I jumped off and landed in a dark alley between two large, solid huts. Running in there, I noticed as the sun was starting to some up, and the area around me was getting busier. A few more people passed by, and I hide back in the shadows. Sticking my head out, I walked into the crowd, and tried to blend in. But how? How could I blend in with a village that was so strange and so not me? No wait, I remembered. This isn't my village. This isn't anywhere near my home. I was far, far, far away. Damn it.

Walking over towards the end of the town, I listen to some of the comments that I was getting. I twitched with anger. I curled my claws; dying to strike at them, kill them. No one talks shit about me. No one. I growled, and walked quickly passed them.

"What is she wearing? Its like from Japan in the 1400's!" smirked a teenage girl to her friend. I rolled my eyes at them. Nothing was wrong with my outfit; my kimono fit me just fine. It fit just right. Plus, it was like the only thing I had. Not like we have a hundred different styles to try out like those two girls probably had.

Making my way out towards the beach area, I noticed the water. Sitting in the sand bar just as it appeared, I pressed my thighs to my chest. Resting my chin on top of my knees, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on the water, each wave bringing it closer to me. I sighed deeply, wanting to go home. This place was too different from home.

I hear a movement in the sand bar, and suddenly a pair of hands covered my mouth and nose. Screaming, I placed my hands over the person's hands. They dragged me up and tried to grab my legs. Kicking them in the chest, I sent my frontal assailants sailing. I dug my claws into the person's hand and flipped overtop of him, landing behind him. I jump kicked and sent him flying into the others. Spinning on my heel, I ran again.


The Titans headed to intercept the disturbance in the city. Running towards the beach, and the alleyways that lead out of it, Starfire made it there first. There was a girl with long silver hair running. She was dressed in a pale blue and white kimono and wore a white hat over her head and ears. She was running down the beach strip by a pair of blade androids. Robin and the others caught up and they couldn't believe what they had seen.

"No… it-it's impossible!" said Robin. Starfire flew forward and stopped after she soared over the running girl. She landed in between the girl and the army of androids that were dressed in black. They were Slade's minions. Her hands and eyes lit up, and she started throwing her starbolts at it. The others jumped into to help her.

The girl that was running turned her head to see the group of five. Sliding to a stop, she gasped in awe, wondering who these kids were. She almost fell over when she watched Beast Boy change from a bull to tiger to a T-Rex, when Raven picked up a bench and threw it at some of those people, when Cyborg's blasted a few more away, when Starfire also blasted at a few more, and when Robin started kicking them around. With the last one defeated quickly, they all clapped their hands clean and turned to look at the girl. Robin was the first to walk over.

"Hey, you OK?" he asked. The girl just nodded her head.

"Who are you guys?" she asked.

"We're the Teen Titans," said Beast Boy.

"I think we should be asking you that question," said Cyborg. The girl pointed at herself.

"Um. My name's Kai," she said. Starfire flew over to Kai and grasped her hand and shook it a bit harshly.

"Its wonderful to meet you, Kai. I am called Starfire. Would you care to be my friend?" she asked. Kai's jaw dropped and she almost looked a bit happy at the question. But as Starfire kept shaking her up and down, Kai started to get a bit dizzy.

"OK.I'" she said as her whole body went up and down. Starfire let go of her hand and embraced her in a big hug. Almost squeezing Kai's guts out, Star let go.

"Well, my friend, these are my other friends. That's Raven," said Starfire.

"You've got to be kidding me," said Raven, putting her hand to her head and shaking it.

"And Beast Boy, and Cyborg, and Robin."

"Kai, do you have any idea why those androids were after you?" asked Robin. Kai looked nervously back and forth from Teen Titan to Teen Titan.

"Um... what's an an-der-oid?" she asked. They all fell over anime style. Getting up, Beast Boy started to laugh. Kai's face blushed for a second, but then she realized he was laughing at her, and the blushed turned into an irate red face. She clenched her hands into a fist and started to twitch with anger. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?" Beast Boy stopped laughing and shrunk into a little mouse. Kai jumped back, flipping twice in the air, and landing about ten feet from them. Beast Boy changed back, and they all looked at her funny.

"What's the matter?" Robin asked. Kai pointed at them.

"What are you all exactly? How come he changes from creature to creature? Why does she pick up things without touching them? Why can she fly without wings? Why is his body half blue? And what are you?" she asked, pointing out towards Beast Boy, Raven, Star, Cyborg, and Robin. They all looked at each other and shrugged.

"Very impressive, Teen Titans," said a sly voice from behind them. Everyone turned around, and noticed one of the androids was still somewhat active. It was Slade's voice. All their faces dropped and they were speechless. "Surprised to hear from me? Well you should know Robin that I don't like to lose. And I don't die so easily. I must say, you did take down my androids pretty quickly. Quicker than usual I must say. And my dear Kai, I'll be seeing a lot more of you. After the show you put on last night, I definitely will be seeing more of you..." Then they heard a ticking noise.

"RUN!" shouted Cyborg. They all ran passed the frozen Kai. Robin grabbed her arm and tugged her after them. Kai ran away from the androids, and got her arm away from Robin. She ran passed all of them with ease, as there was a big explosion. The explosion's impulse out caught them all, sending them tumbling down towards the ocean's waves.

Landing in a heap, the Titans quickly untangled themselves and wiped their brows.

"I hope to never do that again," said Beast Boy. Robin stood up, and looked back at the explosion site. Starfire flew over towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We all thought he was dead too," she said. Robin nodded, spinning around.

"Kai, you need to come with us," he said. Kai was brushing off her kimono and fixing her hat when Robin spoke the words shortly. She almost gave him a dumbfounded look. She then proceeded to glare at him and cross her arms.

"I will none of the sort," she said. "I am trying to get home. And that is all I plan to do."

"I'm sorry, but we first need to get some things straight," said Robin, walking over towards the stubborn Kai. Beast Boy and Cyborg looked between themselves, Kai, and Robin. Kai turned to him, arms still crossed, her face twitching with anger.

"Yes. We do. Like first, I don't have to listen to a word that you say. All I want is to go home. And that is what I'm going to do," snapped Kai back at him.

"But if Slade wants you, then you need to come with us for a day or so, so we can sort all of this out," said Robin. Kai turned away from him, flicking her hair and preceded to walk off. Star flew in front of her, blocking her way out.

"Move." Twitch.

"But it will be so much fun, my friend Kai. We can have a staying-up-all-night party and you and I can share stories. Oh, I can tell you some of my traditions. Oh it will be much fun!" exclaimed Starfire, getting all anxious and built up over the idea. Kai stepped to the side and around Starfire.

"Thanks, but no thanks," she said. "If I don't find my way home, I'll... I don't know what I'll do, but it won't be something you would like."

"I have an idea," said Robin. Kai stopped and turned around to him. "We'll help you find your home, IF you come back to the T Tower with us." Kai pondered for a second, and finally nodded.

"What's a 'T Tower'?" Everyone fell down. Kai and Star made it back over towards the group.

"Hey, how hard could it be to find your home?" laughed Cyborg. Kai stood tentative and thoughtful.

`Wouldn't you care to know...'


kk, well there's the second chapter. Please r&r and lemme know if I should bother to continue this story!!!!