Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Objective Legend: The Unknown ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next morning, Mariku came wondering down the halls to see if Sibaru was up, to ask her some questions. He peered into the room after stopping, noticing Vincent reading a book. Vincent heard his footsteps and looked up, catching Mariku's glare. Mariku smiled slightly and waved. However, Valentine went back to reading. Curious, Mariku asked, "How long have you been up?

"Didn't go to bed, just watching her," Vincent answered with no hesitation, and not looking up.

"All night?!" Mariku asked again rather surprised. Vincent shook his head yes. "And you're not tired?!" Mariku added in. Vincent shook his head no. Quickly, Mariku changed the subject, "So is she still alive?"

"Well, she hasn't moved all night, but she's breathing fine," Vincent replied. He got up and put the book he was reading down on the table. "Watch her for while. I need to talk to Keovu about his attitude again." The statement was more demanding than a suggestion. Mariku nodded in agreement as Vincent left, soon taking Valentine's seat.

He watched Sibaru for awhile before he got bored to no end. Mariku got up and looked out the window. It took him awhile to realize the fact that they were moving, since the ground was moving and was very far away. After a few moments, he was bored once again. He began to walk around to keep himself occupied. Nonetheless, out of plain stupidity for not watching, he tripped over the foot of the bed and stumbled over onto the floor with a thud that happened to be very loud in the room.

Upon getting up onto his feet, Mariku noticed Sibaru tossing, soon waking and sitting up, staring straight into Mariku's eyes. "Sorry. My bad," he said smoothly with a small wave. Sibaru didn't respond, just looked off. She felt a lot better than yesterday. To start a conversation, he asked, "Your name's Sibaru right?" No answer was made. "Well is it?" Mariku tried again. Still no answer from Sibaru.

At this point, Keovu was standing at the door, trying to keep himself from laughing aloud. But he couldn't and ended up leaning against the frame for support. Both Sibaru and Mariku looked up at him with a confounded look. Keovu slowly stopped once he found himself amidst their attention. "Don't expect her to answer. The only way I got her to talk was to do things she hated," Keovu grinned slightly. Sibaru just sent a harsh glare as an answer, only thinking of possible things he could do. Keovu continued, "But, yes, that is her name. Ain't it, Siby?"

Sibaru laid back down and forcefully pulled the pillow over her head with a moan. Mariku looked at her and then to Keovu. "Have you talked to Vincent yet?" he asked.

"Huh?" Keovu answered back, clueless.

"Vincent was looking for you be-"

"Meh…I'll talk to him later then," Keovu interrupted, mumbling soon after, "Like when I'm dead." He obviously did not want to go through another one of Valentine's talks again. The previous one happened to be between him and Cloud, and that wasn't very thrilling. As well as listening to Vincent for about three hours or at least that's how long Keovu thought it was. "Take off, kid. I'll watch her for now," he finished, pushing Mariku gently out of the room. Knowing some detail on if he refused, Mariku left the room quickly and decided to head to wherever breakfast is to be at.

Waiting for Keovu to shut the door, Sibaru demanded as loud as she can through the pillow, "I go by Sibaru not by Siby. Call me by the right name next time." She hated when he began calling her that. Sibaru remembered that one of her old friends would always joke about her nickname that she preferred, and quite frankly Keovu was no different on that subject. Keovu sat down next to her on the bed and picked up the pillow, soon throwing it clear across the room. He smiled, but she did not smile back. Sibaru sat up and just looked at him. "Hey, I can call you any way I want to, hun," Keovu teased, "And Siby just happens to be the name I'm calling you. But to get off that subject…Now I'm pretty sure you want to know what's going on, right?"

"No, I want to know what color the grass is," Sibaru answered with a very sarcastic tone. "Yes, I want to know what the fuck is going on!"

"Wow, I'm not the only one with a cussing attitude," Keovu remarked, almost forgetting the fact on why she said that. "And I'm sure you do," he replied back, just to play around.

"Well am I going to be told on what the hell is going on?!"

"Yeah, yeah. Hold your tongue, Siby-"

"It's Sibaru!"

"Sorry…Sibaru…I'll tell you what's going on," Keovu replied, "But you might want to get comfortable, it's kinda a long type of story." He laid down on his back and forcefully grabbed Sibaru and pulled her until she laid parallel with him. "It all started when-" Keovu began, but was interrupted immediately by Sibaru, whom knew where this was going, "Get to the point, dammit."

"Fine…fine…basically some random people have been teleported here, I guess having some kind of connection with each other, because the Final Fantasy VII world and the Final Fantasy VIII world somehow collided. The person whom collided the worlds is named……um……hold on…"

"Forget that now. Just tell me how and why I got here. And who the hell you f'ing people are."

"You probably got here like everyone else from the same world as we did, and for the same reason: To separate the worlds that have collided. And as to who the fuck I am, my name's Keovu-'

"I could guess that much on who you are…"

"Let me finish! I'm not done!"

"Fine, nothing's stopping ya!"

"Geez, Keovu. You and her are worse than you and me. Never thought that day would come so soon," Kai interrupted with a laugh, standing at the door. "You two sound like an old couple, no offense or anything." He walked in and grabbed a chair, turned it around so the backed faced the other two and placed it next to the bed. As Kai sat down, Keovu only commented, "And your point is. Almost everyone I meet, I get in some sort of argument with. You of all people should know that, Yeritz. She's just the fun one to argue with." Sibaru only rolled her eyes. At the moment she'd rather have Kai explain everything than Keovu. She tried getting up, but as she did so, Keovu just pulled her back down. "Hey I'm not finished yet!" he remarked as he pulled her back down, "You wanted to know who the fuck we were, so I'm gonna tell you all that now."

"Well guess what, that's gonna have to wait," Sibaru answered back, forcing herself up with little trouble. She reached the door when Keovu got up and pulled her back into the room. Kai just watched, enjoying the entertainment and making little comments along the way. "Let go, dammit!" Sibaru yelled at Keovu, who had both of her arms behind her back and held her by her waist. Keovu rested Sibaru against himself and replied back, "No…I want to finish what I was saying to you." He threw her onto the bed and, before she was able to stand, Keovu sat on her legs to keep her from going anywhere. "Now…as I was saying. I'm Keovu," he started, "and that's Kai. The others from our world are Mariku and Athrin. As for the ones who actually come from here are Cloud, Vincent, Squall, Zell, Irvine, Yuffie, and I think that's all……right, Yeritz?"

"Heh, don't forget Cid. He's the one driving this thing," Kai answered.

"Can you get the hell off of me?!?!" Sibaru interrupted rudely.

"What do you say?" Kai teased with a laugh. Sibaru sent a hard, stoned glare in his direction. Keovu laughed as well.

"He has a point…what do you say, Siby," Keovu continued.

"……please……," Sibaru mumbled grimly.

"Please what?" Keovu asked.

"………please get off of me………," she answered back. With that, Keovu got off of her and stood up, holding out a hand to help her up as well. Only Sibaru refused his offer and got up herself. She then added in, "Out of plain curiosity, why do all your names sound familiar to me?"

"What do ya mean?" Kai asked back, though he knew what she meant, same with Keovu.

"I know I've heard them before, and if I have heard your names then I'm pretty sure you all have heard mine," she answered.

"Yup, you are absolutely correct on that statement, Sibaru," Keovu filled in, "I'm pretty sure you have heard of the site called Silent-Square before, haven't you?" He glanced at her with a smile.


"Well there you have it then," Kai replied back. "I'm the one who lives in the same state as ya…and Keovu…well…he's played those important parts for ya in some games."