Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Blood ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Moonlit Blood
Chapter 5

My thoughts swim in that I don't know how to get out of. Out of the blue my cheek begins to sting. They must have found me. The antidote is gone...why try? They need to save Cloud. Lying in my mind's void a ball of light radiates in the distance. Wrapping an arm around my chest I struggle to get to my feet. Only able to manage to get to my knees I wait for the sphere to approach me. Slowly taking form it comes to a stop in front of me. Features sharpen out of the blur to reveal a kneeling figure.

Squall smiles sadly at me, "Glad I found you."

"Where are we?"

"In the in-between realm. between life and death."

"Why are you here?"

"To save you."

He didn't hesitate to answer me. But would he really want to help if he knew about Cloud and I? I don't know if I would be able to do the same for him without stalling to think about it more.

"Fate has chosen this to happen. After I'm gone, Cloud is going to need someone. You were chosen. You both need each other to survive. Please take care of him."

"Yo, don't you dare die!"

"Shut up Reno." The seriousness in his voice makes me clamp my mouth close. Squall's expression softens as I follow his order. "Just let me do this Reno...please. It's the only way we can save Cloud. You're the only one who knows where to go. Plan with Ienzo and Myde and take Sephiroth down. If not for me...then for Cloud."

"O-Okay...I'll do it."

A wind whips around us from no where. Squall wraps his arm around me and places his other hand over mine that rests over my heart. He begins to speak softly in an unknown language. Probably that of the angels. Stopping, our eyes meet and I feel a slight regret at what he's going to do. Nonetheless I nod for him to continue. Squall flashes a smirk before pushes his lips to mine.

Fire erupts inside me but it's more comforting than a true flame. Pulling away I take the hint that he's leaving to the next life. Paler than normal he leans against me, head resting in the crook of my neck. Squall's breaths come uneven as he tries to hang on just a little longer. "Tell Cloud...I'm sorry..."

I let my arms hang around his lean frame, "I won't let you down Squall."

Everything around me and in my sight explodes in a light so bright I feel lightheaded. The next thing I know I feel something fall down on top of my chest. Carefully cracking my eyes open I meet the worried gazes of both Ienzo and Myde. Beneath my fingers are cloth and a face presses against my neck. I let the tears slide down my cheeks as my grip tightens on Squall's shirt.

Ienzo kneels down beside me, "Let go of him Reno. So we can help him."

"You can't! He's dead!" I spit back at him not meaning to be cruel in the least. "I-I'm sorry."

The slate haired male merely nods before backing away as I attempt to stand. I cradle Squall's lifeless form in my arms. Turning around Myde and Ienzo lead me back to the house.


Loungi ng against the couch in all black; slacks, shirt, trench coat, and boots, I await for Ienzo to return. Myde sits on the chair beside me and moves over for Ienzo to take a seat as he walks in, notebook in hand. Both wear jeans and blue tees with boots underneath. I take a deep breath, "All right we need to get there soon. Sephiroth has three minions; Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz. The problem is, there are three of us and five of them."

Myde blinks in confusion, "Five?"

"Yes...Cloud counts too. I'm sure...Sephiroth has done something."

Ienzo nods in agreement, "Then Myde and I will handle those fools while you go after him."

A knock resounds throughout the house and we all jump to our feet. After Riku and Squall, we're not sure how to feel now. I walk to the door and swing it open. In the doorway stands a muscular man that is almost as tall as me. Polished steel-toed boots adorn his feet while jet-black jeans fall over to obscure them. An ivory shirt hides beneath a thin ebony jacket. Pulling the hood down the soft sprinkle of rain drops into shoulder-length spiked raven hair with a single bundle of strands falling as one to the side of his face. Grinning grimly the man's vibrant sky orbs seem to be able to withstand any darkness compared against them.

"It looks like rain, do you mind if I come in?"