Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction / Devil May Cry - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knights of the Realms ❯ Part One - Unending Possibilities ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Part One
Unending Possibilities
Ever since my departure from Menzoberranzen and the Underdark, I have discovered joys and wonders I had not even hoped to imagine. Among my favorites of these surface wonders is stargazing.
Every night, I would like to tear myself away from whatever I'm doing, to find a spot outside that offers an unrivaled view of the heavens. Just the mere thought of those celestial bodies, so much a part of my own world, and yet so distant, is enough to lift my spirits exponentially. Each twinkling point is capable of seizing my attention, and the combined effect of a clear, starry sky is nigh on overwhelming.
Stargazing is the only activity I've been able to partake in that can compare to time I spend in the Reverie, the special state of consciousness that I as an elf am lucky enough to experience. The intoxication comes from the unending possibilities that my mind puts forth when looking at the stars. The point I most often find myself wondering about is the most basic question: just what are the stars?
Are they lights put there by some collaboration of gods to keep the night from becoming like the Underdark? Are they some form of natural magic to grace the skies with no more purpose than to shed light and beauty upon the world? Is there a star for each soul that has departed this realm of existence? Perhaps, but then again, perhaps not.
The explanation I find myself most attracted to is one that I have no reason to believe other than that I choose to. It could be that each star is actually another world.
Each light in the sky could indeed be another world in which there are other beings, sentient or not, that exist and live their lives possibly like ours. Maybe there are more species in this material plane than anyone has imagined. Without any proof of this, I am limited only by my imagination on how different those worlds might be like form this one. There could be a world where the air might be different, poisonous even, for a visiting alien such as I would be. Perhaps there's a world where those which I have grown among, dwarves, elves, and the like, don't exist at all.
Might there even be a world where drow are a goodly race?
Could there be another out there, somewhere, like me?
The unfortunate thing is that I most likely will never know. I've never heard of anyone traveling to the stars, nor taking an interest in it. Should the intuitive minds of Faerun take an interest in the subject, I still doubt that I would live long enough, even with my centuries of life ahead of me, to see it come to fruition.
But it's still fun to dream.
-- Drizzt Do'Urden