Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Semi-Charmed Life ❯ The Letter ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, settings, or similarities that appear to be from the Final Fantasy series. If I did, I would probably have a lot more money than I do now... I do, however, take credit for the original characters that appear in this, even though they were greatly inspired by people I know/have known throughout my life. So don't use them.
A few things to take note before reading:
-The world will be known as "Gaia", and will have elements from various FF worlds, but will not be following a specific world/storyline/history. It's basically a fusion of pieces of all the worlds being put together and somehow intertwined.
-It's an original story, I will try my best to keep the FF characters "in character", but it's a completely different world so none of them have the history or familiarity that you'll be used to in the games. But, most of the characters will obviously have similar relationships. If I go a bit out of character, please forgive me.
-This story will be heavily focused on the original characters. So if you're looking for an adventure revolving around Cloud, Zidane, or Yuna, than you might want to look elsewhere. (Although they will definitely be in this story!)
-The "Active Time Event" (ATE) From Final Fantasy IX will be present. The Active Time Event usually doesn't progress the main storyline, but is used to add further character development (definition taken from .com).
-I had a story of the same title/concept posted on here a while ago, but was going nowhere fast. I've used some of the same scenes, so if you see anything similar to something you may have read on here before, that's why. (The story's now taken down though).
...So without further ado, welcome to "A Semi-Charmed Life". I hope you enjoy it, and if you'd like to drop in a review, I love feedback.
Chapter 1
The Alexandrian Academy of the Arts isn't a school for just anyone. It is lead by Dean Brahne, and she doesn't take kindly to those who do not take their studies seriously. From White Mages to the super elite SOLDIER, this school has the ability to set one up for the best job opportunities in all of Gaia. The question is, do you have what it takes?
Leo Trent's green eyes were filled with determination as he read the pamphlet, standing outside his door. The Trent family lived in a small house in one of the average neighbourhoods of Alexandria. He soon lifted his head and trailed off past the burgundy coloured houses with red roofs across the street from him, which were all connected together. He looked up at the clear, blue sky.
In the distance, past a vast amount of rooftops, stood the tallest building in all of Alexandria. It was made of pearl white stone, and looked as tall and wide as a mountain. Its four main watch towers evenly surrounded a huge sword that stuck out in the middle, as the flags vigorously beat in the wind.
"I've been accepted!" He stated proudly to no one in particular. Nobody got these letters unless they were accepted into this high class academy, even though it's not a very straightforward answer. Leo turned around and marched into the small house that he lived in with his parents.
"Mom! Dad! I've been accepted!" He announced, this time louder as he ran down the hallway. His parents were up a set of stairs in their bedroom. As Leo walked in, he saw his father laying in a bed, looking frail and weak with his eyes closed. His mother sat in a chair beside him, reading a book.
Leo's father was an adventurer. Ever since he returned from his last journey, about a year ago, he was struck with a foreign sickness. The doctors haven't been able to help much, and his body kept deteriorating. It saddened Leo to see this, and a slight feeling of guilt swept over him.
"...I've been accepted," he repeated quietly, as he looked to the ground. Leo's mother, Leene, gently put the book down in her lap and let out a warm smile to Leo.
"That's wonderful news," she exclaimed, looking at her son with a warm fondness.
"...I tell dad," Leo whispered, looking at his slumbering father.
"Don't worry, I won't say a word to him. You can tell him yourself once he wakes up," his mother assured. "But right now, you should get packing!" Leo smiled at his mother and ran out of the room to the other one beside it.
He threw a huge wooden suitcase on his bed and looked around his room. It wasn't the tidiest room, seeing clothes scattered everywhere, piles of books stacked on the floor instead of stored on the shelf, CD's out of their cases, and blankets bunched up into a pile on the bed. He didn't think he would miss it too much as he would still be home to visit lots.
Leo thought it would be best to clean things up for his mother before he left. He dreaded cleaning his room; it was probably the most overwhelming thing he could think of, but it had to be done, although he never knew exactly where to start.
"It would probably be wisest to clean before I start packing," he concluded as he closed the suitcase.
ATE: The Delusional Dean
Dean Brahne was greatly overweight and wore too much makeup. She was the founder of the Alexandria Academy, along with her husband. Unfortunately, he died not long after, leaving her in charge of everyone and everything. The idea of being in control soon went to her head, and she soon made it a policy to be addressed as "Queen" or "Your Majesty" by the rest of the faculty.
It was the day before orientation, and she knew that all the new students would be getting their letter. This was her policy: the one's who were accepted got their letter the day before school started, even if they lived on the other side of the country. She concluded that if they wanted it bad enough, they would get to Alexandria in time. The ones who weren't accepted usually got their letters three weeks in advance, just so they would be reminded again that they wouldn't be going to the academy once school started.
The Queen was looking over her list of new students as she waved her fan against her pale, chubby face. She seemed distracted, as if she were eagerly waiting for something to happen.
Suddenly, the door burst open and her head immediately turned to two characters no more than four feet tall both trying to get inside. One had blue jester clothing on, while the other had red. They were her two secretaries Zorn and Thorn. They were ordered to wear the jester clothing and make up as part of Brahne's fantasy of being a Queen.
The two struggled to enter the room at the same time.
"First I was," the blue clad one, known as Zorn, politely addressed.
"No, I was first," the red one, known as Thorn, insisted.
"Perhaps we shall go in..." Zorn started.
"...together," Thorn finished. The two then backed out of the door, and walked in sideways. Brahne smacked herself in the forehead, watching the two imbeciles.
"Your majesty, exciting news we have!" Zorn said, enthusiastically.
"Exciting indeed." Thorn emphasized.
"We have found..."
"Found we have..."
"...The great Kuja!" They stated together. With that, Brahne set her fan down on her desk.
"Well, has he accepted to take on the job?" She asked eagerly, leaning forward to her two subjects as she rested his wide, sweaty hands on the wooden desk.
"Indeed," Zorn answered.
"Arrive in ten minutes, he will," Thorn added. "Arts in the summoning he is great at." Brahne sat back, her mouth cracking open a satisfied smile underneath all the red lipstick.
"...Wonderful," she concluded. "Bring me the instructor for the Advanced Summoning class... What was her name?"
"Shelinda," Zorn reminded. With that, the two bowed their heads and ran out of the Dean's office, cackling mischievously.
Minutes later, the two jesters came running back into the office, each holding the hand of a tall, slender woman with long red hair, wearing her ceremonial long, green and white summoning robes.
"Good morning, Dean," she nervously greeted after she got pulled into the office.
"Refer to her as Her Majesty, you shall!" Zorn interrupted.
"You shall refer to her as Her Majesty!" Thorn commanded at the same time.
"Shelinda," Brahne started, in her firm voice, "it has come to my attention that you have been somewhat lazy in your teaching methods so far this year." A look of offence and confusion came into Shelinda's eyes.
"But Dean-I mean Your Majesty," Shelinda pleaded, "the semester doesn't even start till tomorrow, I have yet to teach any classes!"
"Do you dare question my judgement?" Brahne asked furiously. "The fact that you refuse to call me by any formalities, and the way you are acting right now, has me questioning whether or not I should keep you teaching at this school." Shelinda remained quiet as she looked to the ground. "Shelinda, your services are no longer needed..."
With that, Zorn and Thorn each pulled a trigger from the left and right sides of the room, opening a trap door beneath Shelinda's feet. She let out a loud scream as the two jesters cackled evilly. Brahne raised her chin with a satisfied smile on her face.
"Now," Brahne started, "it seems we have an opening for an instructor in the Advanced Summoning class. Sir Kuja will fit the bill perfectly."
"Bring him in right away, we shall," Zorn offered as he bowed his head.
"We shall bring him in right away," said Thorn at the same time, also bowing his head. Then the two left the office once again.
Brahne picked her fan up and continued to wave it in her face as she turned her chair around and looked out the huge glass window that sat behind her. The sun was now setting, and she could overlook the entire city. It was always such a beautiful sight, but Brahne seemed to appreciate it less and less as her heart became more calloused.
"...Mother?" A soft voice called out from behind the large woman's chair. The Dean turned her chair to see a young woman standing in the doorway. She had long, dark brown hair accompanied by deep dark brown eyes. Her face symbolized that she was filled with uneasiness. It was Brahne's very own daughter, Garnet til Alexandros the 17th. She was known as the most beautiful teacher in all the school, which was everyone was surprised about, considering the looks of her mother.
"What is it, child?" Brahne asked, letting out a smile. Garnet always felt uneasy when her mother smiled at her lately. It always seemed like she was hiding something.
"'s just... Uhh," Garnet fumbled for words. She wanted to confront her mother about the awkward feelings she was having towards her, but never knew how to word it. "I was just...looking for Shelinda," she decided to say. "After all, this is my first year teaching... I thought I would ask for some assistance from her being as I'm teaching First Year Summoning this year."
"Ah, Shelinda," Brahne reminisced as she looked up at the ceiling. "I'm afraid I had to let her go, dear. Her attitude has taken the best of her, and she started becoming a disgrace to this school. I was embarrassed to even have her on my faculty list anymore."
"Oh?" Garnet asked, a bit confused. "That's funny, I always thought she was so polite..."
"I guess she had her way with words," Brahne interrupted as she started fidgeting through her papers. "Now if you'll excuse me, love, I have much to do before tomorrow..."
"Yes, mother," Garnet bowed before leaving. "I will see you at dinner."
As Garnet closed the door behind her, she found herself in the secretaries' office. There were two desks on either side of Brahne's door which belonged to Zorn and Thorn. Neither of them were in their seats, which Garnet thought to be unusual. Across the room from the desks were various chairs and a few tables with magazines on them. In the exact middle was another door that lead to the hallway.
Upon exiting, Garnet soon walked past the jester twins, who seemed to have completely ignored her. Behind them was a strange, tall man clothed in white attire. His long, white hair accompanied his somewhat feminine facial features. It wasn't a bad type of feminine look; if anything, Garnet thought they accented his masculinity all the more.
Their eyes immediately met, and she felt a cold shiver surge through her. She was relieved once he past her and they were no longer in eye contact. She didn't know who that man was, but she felt a dark presence among him. Something wasn't right.
(...End of ATE)
"I tell you, it means we're in!" Leo pleaded as he stuffed as many clothes as he could in his suitcase. His room was now as tidy as it had ever been, and sitting on the chair at his desk was another boy around his age. He was taller, a bit lankier, and had shaggy brown hair. He sat crossed legged as he inspected the pamphlet.
"I don't know," said the other boy, "it doesn't say we've been accepted..."
"Well, I heard Dean Brahne is a little cookey," Leo explained. "Juliet's been going there for a year already, and she got the same thing in her door last year... The day before. Relax Rand, you should be excited! We got in, just like we've always wanted!" The boy known as Rand still lacked a look of assurance in his eyes.
"I'll be confident once I'm sitting in my first class," Rand concluded. Leo laughed, his friend was always so cautious. "What are you planning on taking?" He asked as he slid the pamphlet onto the desk.
"Well, I think it'd be awesome to take the summoning class," Leo concluded. "So I think I might take that, and maybe a form of magic... Juliet said it's good to have one of those as backup. Do you wanna take the Black Magic course with me?" Rand looked at him with fear in his eyes.
"Are you kidding me?" He asked, mildly offended. "Do you know how dangerous that is? Not only is Black Magic dangerous to learn, it also doesn't benefit anything for your personal health in the long run. In fact, I heard ones who master Black Magic have a shorter life expectancy than those who take White Magic. Also, White Magic can help remedy all sorts of ailments."
Leo slightly rolled his eyes at his friend's statement. Rand was somewhat of a hypochondriac, and would play it safe wherever and whenever he could. It's not like that was a bad thing though, and it's not like Rand didn't know how to have fun.
"I guess this means I should go home and pack my things," Rand observed. Leo nodded his head. "Alright, well I will see you sometime tomorrow then." With that, he slowly got up and made his way for the door.
Leo was a bit relieved to find out that Rand had been accepted as well. The two have been barely inseparable since they were children, and things seem be handled a whole lot easier when you go into a new experience with someone you're already well acquainted with. Little did either of them expect what sort of adventure they were about to be pulled into.