Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Time Mixup! ❯ The Cunning Youth Trunks: Return of the Blue Wind ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1:

The Cunning Youth, Trunks:

Rebirth of the Blue Wind

It was a lovely day on the Capsule Corporation compound. Trunks Briefs, the young, lively son of Bulma Briefs, was enjoying the unseasonably cool weather outdoors. His mother had liberated him from his daily slave labor in the gravity room (even though Trunks would hardly agree that training was slave labor), so now he was contentedly cart wheeling in one of Capsule Corps' many gardens. He had picked the one with the least dinosaurs, as he disliked nearly getting squished just when he was having fun. His mother had given him nine cookies, telling him that that was how old he'd be in eight months, as if he didn't know. He sometimes loathed being treated like a little kid. He did his cartwheels with ease, delighted with how many he could do in a row. He stopped cartwheeling and sat back Indian-style. He grinned at the clouds above him thinking happily.

Later I'll play with my action figures, and then maybe I'll get Mama to take me to Goten's… I haven't been there in a while… He scowled. But if I do that now, what can I do tonight? I'll be bored… He thought for a moment, then he grinned. I know what to do. He hopped up, dashing across the property with surprising speed for his young age. The boy was built like a rock-his chest muscles were very defined, and he certainly looked like no normal child. He was a little self conscious of this, and envied Goten for his ability to stay small, like a little boy should be. But his mother always assured him that he'd grow up to be handsome, charming, and intelligent. He could believe the intelligent part-both his parents were geniuses in their own separate ways, but the handsome part? He didn't want to turn out looking like his mother. The last thing he wanted was to look like a girl. And his father was old and had a receding hairline. It didn't seem like he had a very bright future looks wise, but he was strong, and rich. That would make him a good grown up.

He turned into one of the long halls in the circular building that made up most of his home, and swung around to a lab. His mother was working diligently at an invention of some sort, but he didn't care. After all, he was more important than whatever she was working on. He cleared his throat and looked up at her with impatient blue eyes when she didn't respond.

Bulma Briefs, in her son's opinion, was a very boring person. She was usually busy or something, and never took him anywhere. Going to the toy store once a week wasn't enough! His father was a little better, except that the man seemed to ignore Trunks at every opportunity. The fact that Capsule Corp only had one gravity room forced the two to train together, but his father never really paid much attention to his son's progress. Trunks wished he would, but then again, it was better to have a dad that ignored you, instead of having no dad at all.

Like Goten.

Trunks shivered when he thought of Goten's dad. He'd been dead for Goten's whole life, and for most of Trunks'. He'd died fighting a creature called Cell. Trunks had never gotten the whole story, but it freaked him out to think about what would have happened if it had been his dad. No Papa, no training… No Papa period. He hated the thought. He loved his dad more than anything else, even if he got very little love in return. He shook the thoughts away, and then poked his mother. She jumped a bit from the unintentional force in the poke, then turned to Trunks.

"What is it dear?" She asked in a nonchalant voice-she was used to rough pokes like that one.

Trunks spoke up forcefully, puffing out his chest. He was determined to get his own way.

"Can Goten spend the night?"

He could have slapped himself for sounding so simple minded, but there wasn't much else he could say. His mother tilted her head a bit, her face wrinkling in thought.

"Well… Let me see…" She said softly, ripping into Trunks's hopes. He watched her in agony, praying to Kami that she'd say yes. She smiled at him though, and his heart skipped a beat. He grinned back as cutely and innocently as he could, and spoke this time more in favor of a compromise.

"I'll clean my room." He surrendered finally, gritting his teeth. It was a big task, but it was a sure fire way to secure the yes that he was almost positive was on his mother's tongue.

"Alright then." Bulma said, with a smile. "But only if Ms. Chichi says yes."

Trunks moaned in defeat. He'd forgotten to ask Goten if everything was all right on his end! No matter. He'd use his amazing powers of adult control on Chichi, and she'd be sure to fall. He ran to the kitchen, and stood on tiptoe, trying to reach the phone. He couldn't reach it, so he scowled and floated up a bit, seizing the phone. He hovered there a little longer, punching in the numbers to Goten's house. He floated down, and after five rings, Chichi's high-pitched voice answered on the other line.


Trunks smiled cutely again, turning on the vid-phone switch. He had discovered in his trials that asking worked better when they could see the cute expressions he made. The video clicked on, and Chichi appeared in the screen. She smiled.

"Oh, it's you Trunks."

"Hi, Mrs. Son. Is Goten home?"

Chichi nodded.

"Yeah. Hold on. And call me Mrs. Chichi, Trunks!"

Trunks smiled and gave her a victory sign.

"No problem, Mrs. Chichi."

Chichi called over her shoulder for Goten, and a few moments later, he showed himself. He grinned broadly at Trunks, his overly childlike face set in its ever-adorable smile. Goten could get anything he wanted with such little effort. He was always smiling. Trunks wondered how he could do it. It hurt his face to smile for more than ten minutes. On the other line, Goten raised his arms in the air and laughed excitedly.

"Hi Trunks!!"

Trunks grinned.

"Hey. I wanna know if you can spend the night over here."

Goten looked at him questionably.

"Didja ask your mom already?"

"Yeah. She said it's okay if your mama doesn't care."

Goten clapped his hands together.

"Okay!! I'll ask!!!" He exclaimed, dropping the receiver and dashing away. Trunks winced as it clanked in his ear.

"Man…" He muttered to himself. "That kid's always so hyper…"

Two minutes later, a much more hyper Goten returned to the phone, and Trunks knew that his boredom fears were gone. Goten laughed and smiled broadly into the phone.

"Guess what?! Guess what she said!!"

Trunks rolled his eyes.


Goten burst out laughing, and he nearly shouted it into the phone.

"That's right!!! I get to stay at your house tonight! Gohan's gonna bring me!"

That perked Trunks's interests.

"Gohan's coming?! For real?!" He exclaimed excitedly. Goten nodded vigorously.

"Yeah!!!" He shouted with glee. "And I get to ride Nimbus all the way to West Capitol! This is so cool!!!"

Trunks smiled.

"OK. Bring whatever you can carry. You know, the necessities. Don't forget your toothbrush, 'cause you're not borrowing mine again."

"Okay. I'll see you in a few hours! Bai!!!"

Trunks smirked.


He hung up the phone, and hopped up and down whooping with joy.

"Alright! I get to have Goten over AND Gohan's coming!! Alright!!!" He was just about to let out another shout of glee when a voice behind him startled him.

"And just what are you so happy about, boy?"

Trunks whirled about to face his father, Vegeta, who stood with a towel around his shoulders. He held a bottle of water that had been freshly taken from the fridge. Trunks grinned.

"Goten's coming over. We're gonna play war with Gohan again."

Vegeta stepped beside Trunks to get a glass down from the cupboard above the boy. Vegeta couldn't reach any of the glasses big enough for his thirst, so he had to use his flight ability as a step ladder as Trunks had. He muttered to himself as he did this.

"Damn building… All the shelves built so bloody high…" He got the glass he desired, then let himself drop the foot or so that he had levitated. He poured the glass and turned to Trunks. "War, eh? With Kakkarotto's offspring? You'd better win, boy… Not like last time…"

Trunks felt annoyed.

"Why do I always have to be in competition with them? It's just a game! Besides-last time, that wasn't my fault! It was an ambush!" Then he felt bold, and spoke his mind. "Just 'cause you hated Goku-sama doesn't mean that I have too!!!"

Vegeta's head snapped back towards the boy, and he glared at him as he would an insect.

"Goku… Sama?" He hissed. Trunks immediately realized his mistake. He tried to make an excuse for what he'd said.

"Well… He did… Save you guys from Cell… And uh…"

"He doesn't deserve to be Goku-sama, you understand?! We are Saiyan Royalty!! Kakkarotto was a low class soldier!!!"

Trunks looked down. He'd heard the speech before. Vegeta glared at him again.

"Do you understand?!"

Trunks nodded meekly. He bowed his head, rolling his eyes slightly at his father.

"Yes sir…"

"Good then. Remember that." He nodded to his son, and then exited. Trunks walked to the fridge, withdrawing a soda. His temper bubbled. His father was so annoying! He acted as though it was Trunks's duty in life to defeat Gohan and Goten. Vegeta also seemed to believe that it was his own God-Given quest to defeat Goku, who was already dead! Trunks sighed as he opened the soda. His father expected all of this of Trunks, and yet…

He won't even give me the time of day…

Trunks bowed his head, feeling more than a little upset. His father… He acted as though he cared nothing about Trunks. Trunks shook his head back and forth, watching his blurred reflection in the tiles.

Why must he hate me? What did I do…?

He looked up, suddenly resolute. He remembered something… Something important. The invention his mother had been working on… And a story he'd heard long ago…

And then he knew. Trunks knew exactly how he would get his father's respect and love. He would make his father notice him.

And with that, Trunks left the kitchen, contentedly sipping his soda, mentally congratulating himself.

I'm a genious.