Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Time Mixup! ❯ Parental worries: Where are our boys? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6

Parental worries:

"Where are our boys?"

Bulma sighed as she flew towards the east. Her heart was still working in overdrive, and her stomach was running laps around her heels. Vegeta mumbled angrily behind her about how he knew that Goten was a bad influence. But Bulma couldn't set the blame that easily… If she had only hidden the time machine…

Oh Kami… She thought, her mouth dry. What am I going to tell Chichi…?

She had decided to tell Chichi in person, only because she couldn't bring herself to call her. She knew that this was dangerous, that Chichi could kill her easily if she wanted to. At least Vegeta could protect her. Of course, that was all he was really good for at present. Vegeta proved to be very bad at handling a crisis that involved his son. He had panicked at first, screaming at Bulma to bring them back. When she had repeatedly told him that she couldn't (through a torrent of tears, fighting panic herself), Vegeta had let out an agonized scream, becoming a Super Saiyan. The blast of ki that exploded from his body had ripped a hole in the roof of her lab, and had broken every window in West Capital. The Saiyan Prince had then flown up into the air, screaming in hatred. It had been heartbreaking to Bulma, and she had finally broken down as well. Now both of them had settled into a dulled state of shaky shock, with Vegeta mumbling about revenge and Bulma staring unblinkingly forward. She saw the mountains up ahead, and knew that she was nearly there. She knew that the Mountain Village was just up ahead, and that she was going to have to break the news to Chichi. All they could do was pray that Trunks and Goten could figure out how to work the time machine so they could come back.

If it still worked.

If it even had worked.

She hadn't tested it yet…

She shook the thoughts away as she steered the air car down towards Chichi's house. Chichi exited, followed by Gohan. Both of them smiled and waved at Bulma, expecting perhaps that she was returning Goten. Unfortunately, of course, that was not the case. Bulma landed, turning the air car off. She stepped out, followed by a scowling Vegeta. Gohan and Chichi watched the door expectantly. A few moments passed, and Chichi blinked.

"Where's Goten?"

Bulma bowed her head.

"He… and Trunks… They…They're gone…"


"They're what?!"

Goku sat blinking in disbelief as King Kai sighed.

"You heard me. They've vanished from this universe. None of the Kais can feel their presence anywhere."

Goku bowed his head, closing his eyes.

"How could that happen…?" He winced at the thought. He had only just been told of his second son's existence a few months ago. He'd been looking forward to meeting his son at the Budokai Martial Arts Tournament that was coming up in a few weeks. Painfully, he raised his eyes back to King Kai. "Are they… Dead?"

King Kai sighed, shaking his head.

"I can't say… They left this Universe very violently… It sent a ripple of energy flying everywhere. That's what we felt earlier today."

"That much energy…" Goku said softly. "What could have done that…?" He sighed, looking down again. He was studying his palm. "If only I could search for them… Maybe try to follow their energy to wherever they went…"

"Well…" King Kai looked at his student with hope. "Your Instantaneous Movement… You could use it at the Gate of Death, which floats above the Gate of Heaven. It's where all Universes collide. If the boys have really been pulled into an alternate Universe…"

Goku nodded, understanding.

"Then there's a chance to find them." He turned, and gave King Kai a determined look. But his friend only shook his head.

"You must understand, Goku, that there is a great risk in traveling out of this Universe. First, we must convince one the great Kaioshin-the God of this Universe-to grant you life in these Universes. If you were to leave in your current state, your soul would be torn apart. After you are granted temporary life, you also must remember, that if you for any reason die in another Universe… …you will lose yourself eternally." He looked out towards the clouds, his eyes pained. "Long ago, people learned to access the Universal Web to travel to other realities. But… When they died, their souls dissolved into the clouds you see here. Millions were lost that way. If you were to die, Goku… There would be nothing left of you. It would be worse than going to Hell-for at least Hell is something."

Goku blinked at the clouds, his deep brown eyes wide.

"Wow… I had no idea." But then he looked back to King Kai, his face horrified. "But then… If Goten and Trunks…"

King Kai nodded solemnly, his face sad.

"We have to go." Goku demanded. "Now."

King Kai nodded again, and looked towards the skies above them.

"I will ask Kaioshin. Wait here, and try not to worry."

Goku nodded, and smiled, but he felt no better. He could only pray that the Kaioshin would grant his wish…


Vegeta mumbled to himself angrily as he tried to revive Chichi. They had given her the news, and she had fainted! The weak woman! He and Bulma had watched as the two idiotic boys vanished, and neither of them had fainted. And now, while Bulma tried to calm Gohan down, he'd been left with Chichi. He was at first going to just let her lay there, but he began to feel a certain degree of pity for her. Now he was trying to revive her in every way that he knew-but she was a fragile thing, so hitting was not an option. Finally, after rubbing smelling salts under her nose for ten minutes, Chichi weakly regained consciousness, mumbling about Goten. Vegeta shook his head at her as she looked at him in shock.

"Ve… Vegeta?!"

"Of course." He said sarcastically. "Who do you think has been trying to wake you up?"

Suddenly, Chichi jerked up, her eyes wild.

"Go-Goten… That's right-where's Goten!!!" She looked at him, her eyes horrified. "Vegeta! What happened to my baby?!"

Vegeta swallowed heavily, his throat feeling heavy. He had fought in thousands of battles, but had never felt an impact like this before. It was bad enough that Trunks was gone-but that… At least that he and Bulma didn't have to tell one and other about the disaster. But somehow, telling Chichi about Goten… He spoke quietly.

"We told you… He and Trunks… They took the time machine. They are lost for now."

Chichi burst into tears, shrieking and hitting him.

"I trusted you!!! I trusted you and Bulma to take care of my baby!!! How could you have let them-" She stopped as Vegeta quickly, but lightly slapped her. Even a light slap from a Saiyan was immensely painful, and it brought fresh tears to her eyes. Vegeta was quickly losing the small restraints that he had on his temper. He glared at her, his eyes furious, but pained.

"Listen here, woman!! If you even begin to think that Bulma or I are responsible for this, then I will blast you right to your sweet Kakkarotto!" He softened up a bit after that, speaking in a voice that was low with spite. "We did what we could to stop them-but it was too late. I leapt to them and nearly touched them with my hands… But I passed through them as if they were ghosts. I was powerless! As was Bulma-and let me tell you this now, she cried equally for your Goten as she did for our Trunks! Her tears ran just as yours do-and as mine long to. But I keep my pain inside-crying does nothing to get them back! They are not dead-and they are Super Saiyans. Bulma has begun to build another time machine, and I will retrieve the boys myself."

Chichi stared at Vegeta, tears rolling down her cheeks-one of those cheeks was now turning pink from the slap-her eyes wide. She bowed her head, her eyes closing finally. She spoke weakly.

"I'm sorry… I know… You and Bulma must be hurting as bad as I am…"

Vegeta shook his head.

"Pain is temporary. And it makes you stronger. We'll find those two. And…" He added with a smirk. "I'll teach them a lesson."

Chichi seemed a little calmer, but tears still ran freely from her eyes. Vegeta looked away, feeling the urge to spit. Has she no honor…? He wondered. He stood up at the sound of footsteps in the next room, and Bulma walked in with a slightly calmer Gohan. The fact was, that when they had first given the news to the two, Gohan had powered up to his Super Saiyan status immediately, and Bulma had chosen to calm him, for worry that he and Vegeta may fight. That would have only made the situation worse. Gohan's hair still pulsed with golden radiance, but his face was a bit calmer. His palms were bloody from digging his nails into them. Chichi saw this, and went to him, leading him to the kitchen.

"Gohan… You've gotta be careful about that…" She said, trying to be casual. Gohan bowed his head.

"I'm sorry, mom… But… When I heard the news…" Bulma looked at him, trying to speak in a strong voice.

"They aren't dead, you know… We can find them."

"But what if…" Gohan seemed at a loss for words. Vegeta scoffed. Chichi's cowardice he could stand-but not Gohan's. After all, the boy had saved the world. And Vegeta refused to be outdone by a cowardly crybaby.

"She said that we can find them." He said pointedly. "You'll be getting back your brother sooner or later-bruised of course. I'll make sure those two never try a stunt like this again."

No one said anything, but Bulma let out a watery sigh. Vegeta looked at her, his heart panging. She had had an odd look on her face since the disaster had happened, as if she knew something that he did not. Finally, she spoke in a weak voice.

"Listen… Everyone… The Time Machine…" She paused, as if she did not know how to say it. "I had never tested it. I… I don't know if it worked."

Chichi shook her head, a weak smile on her face.

"Don't be silly… Of course it worked. They would be here otherwise."

"Not exactly…" Something about the tone Bulma was using made Vegeta's blood run cold. He looked at her, stunned, instantly understanding what she was getting at. Bulma continued, bringing Vegeta's suspicions into cold light. "If… If it didn't work… Then… Then our boys…" She bowed her head, tears overtaking her. She managed to choke it out. "They may be dead."

There was a hushed silence around the room that lasted for several long moments. The silence grew, until it was nearly tangible. Finally, Chichi laughed softly.

"Why are we worried? We can just bring them back with the Dragonballs!"

Suddenly, Vegeta bit his lip, hard. Now why the hell didn't I think of that…? He wondered. He was still growing used to having those blessed pearls around-death suddenly came with a second chance. Of course… Of course we can wish them back. Even if they are in another time, we can wish them back…

Bulma seemed to be thinking the same thing, and she looked to Vegeta.

"Let's go home and get the radar, Vegeta! You and Gohan-you two can go…" But the two Saiyans were way ahead of her. The two took off through the door, and into the air. Vegeta, for the first time since the accident, felt hopeful. He blazed towards Capsule Corporation, not bothering to conceal his power. Gohan was right behind him, then beside him, then ahead of him. He was much faster than Vegeta was, mostly because he was a Super Saiyan at the moment. Vegeta transformed as well, soon catching and overtaking Gohan. The two arrived at Capsule Corp., where Vegeta dashed into Bulma's lab, retrieving the Dragon Radar. Luckily, the Dragonballs had not been used in a while, and therefore would be rejuvenated. Vegeta switched it on, and then dashed outside, where he shouted an order to Gohan.

"The first one is North of here. Let's get going!"

The boy nodded, and they were off. Finally, it appeared that Goten and Trunks may still be within reach after all.


Goku sighed, tapping his foot impatiently. He was looking at Death's Gate now, and could feel the energies behind it. He was becoming very antsy. King Kai had been gone quite a while, and though the Kaioshin's palace was far away, he had expected King Kai to be back by now. He felt pain in his heart for the son he had never seen, the son he had never held in his arms. He knew of Goten's existence just by luck alone-an old friend of the Son family had passed away shortly after Goten's third birthday, and he gladly sent the message along to Goku. "You have another son, Goku! He was born after you died-they named him Goten. He looks just like you did when you were a child! It's almost surreal-even Chichi treats him differently. He is innocent and pure though, Goku, and I'm sure he'll grow into a fine man." The message still ran through Goku's mind to this day, and he still felt the pang of pain when he thought of his youngest son. He didn't believe that it was proper for him not to have a father-and he also felt guilty about poor Gohan, who had lost his childhood due to the battles for the planet. But Goku couldn't think about that now. He had to get to them, and quickly. He looked about him, looking to the clouds. They were extremely thick here, and he felt cold.

"I won't let this happen to Goten, or Trunks." He stood up, looking to the gate. Suddenly, he felt a rush of wind blow past him, and he heard a noise he hadn't heard in a long time. A heartbeat. His heartbeat. He looked up, and saw no halo above his had. He leapt into the air, overjoyed.

He was alive!!!

Goku turned to the gate, his innocent brown eyes suddenly intense with purpose. A voice behind him made him jump.

"And there you have it."

King Kai walked up behind Goku, who blinked at him puzzled.

"How did you get back so quick?" Goku asked.

"It's always faster coming back. Besides, Kaioshin wanted me to get here before you left."

"Well, you just made it. I'm about to go."

King Kai nodded.

"Listen." He said, placing one of his hands on Goku's shoulder. He had to stand on his toes to do it. "You be careful. You're alive now, even though it's temporary. When you return to this Universe, you'll die again. But remember-you belong dead now. So don't go thinking that if you avoid coming home you'll live forever. These sorts of things catch up with you. And whatever you do, avoid violent conflicts if you can! You must NOT die out of this Universe. Don't forget that. Honor and pride mean nothing when you're gone. Also, these Universes are alternates of our own. What happens there is what could of happened here, so you could conceivably run into another you-one, who say, accepted your brother Raditz's offer long ago, or one who didn't hit his head as a child, and conquered the Earth. This other you could very well be more powerful as well. The other you may not even look the way you do either. You may not be Saiyan, or a man, for that matter." King Kai then added. "Just remember, that if you tamper with your counterparts, you may ruin the course of a Universe. Your Instantaneous Movement technique will probably be drawn to the alternate Gokus who have power similar to your own. Be careful."

Goku nodded.

"No problem. I'll keep going until I find Goten and Trunks-and I won't come back without them." But then he blinked, feeling puzzled. "Wait… How will I get back?"

King Kai smiled.

"That one's easy. Feel out for your son Gohan's energy. He has a powerful ki that will be easy to feel for, even across the Universal Divide."

Goku smiled.

"Gohan it is, then!" He then walked to the doors, placing a hand to them. "I'll be back, King Kai. With Goten and Trunks." Then he narrowed his eyes, focusing on the doors, feeling for an energy powerful enough to be Saiyan. He didn't know Goten or Trunks's ki, or how powerful they were, but he could guess. Suddenly, he felt a clear ki-a ki of pure good beyond those gates. He closed his eyes, and let the technique transport him across the Divide.


The seven Dragonballs glowed triumphantly in unison, as the sky darkened above. Bulma had summoned the dragon, Shenlong, before, but this time she felt a cold urgency to quickly ask the wish. What was usually an easy and happy event seemed to be brimming with latent worry, from a premonition she could not place. Gohan did the honors, calling forth the Dragon by name.

"Come to us, Shenlong! We have a wish!"

The balls flashed, exploding with light. The light lashed upwards in a huge golden torrent, which slowly took the shape of a long, serpentine body. A large and menacing head appeared at the front of a body that seemed to stretch out for miles. The head spoke in a low baritone, sounding mildly annoyed.

"Those who have awakened me from my slumber… What is it you desire? Come now, I do not have all day…" The dragon sneered at the group, and Bulma felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She stepped forward. That was her cue.

"Our sons, Trunks and Goten, have taken the Time Machine. We think they may be stranded, or worse… Dead… Could you please return them to us?"

The dragon paused, as it often did, waiting for conformation of the wish. It looked back to her with gaping eyes, and spoke.

"It cannot be done."

Bulma stumbled back, her heart shattering and her stomach hitting the floor. Her head swam with the horrible reality of the situation. Chichi fainted, and Vegeta shirked at Shenlong in a mixture of anguish and rage.

"What do you mean it cannot be done?! What stops you from doing it?! Just bring them here!"

"I cannot." The dragon repeated, sounding annoyed. "They are beyond my reach, beyond this universe. I have no power there."

Bulma caught her breath.

"Then… They aren't dead?!"

The Dragon spoke softly.

"I cannot tell, woman of Earth. It is too far for me to see."

Bulma got an idea.

"Can you tell me… I wish to know the that were entered on the Time Machine."

The Dragon's eyes glowed, and suddenly a paper landed on the ground before Bulma. On it, in her own handwriting, where the coordinates. She looked back up to the Dragon, a hopeful smile tugging at her lips.

"My second wish is for this, Shenlong… Please, give me a Time Machine. One just like the one I was building." The Dragon brooded for a moment, then spoke.

"I can only grant you the unfinished product you created. I cannot take the finished product from the future."

"That's fine." Bulma said, beaming. Gohan also nodded to the Dragon.

"Thank you!"

The Dragon glowed with a sudden brilliance, and a capsule landed in Bulma's hand. She looked at it, tears filling her eyes. It was the same capsule-the same one with the 001 on it-only now it had a dragonball on it, and, carved intricately in the corner, the word: "Hope!" She remembered that Future Trunks had also had this carved on his time machine. Bulma smiled at the Dragon again.

"Thank you."

Shenlong let out a long roar, and then dissolved into a golden brilliance, then broke into the seven Dragonballs, which each shot off in a separate direction. Bulma looked at the Capsule, then looked to the others. Chichi was just regaining consciousness.

"I've got work to do." Bulma said, and the word hope was all over her now, shining in her eyes, her face, and in her smile.