Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Time Mixup! ❯ A trap for Sin: An easy victory, or a bloody defeat? ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 9

A trap for Sin:

An easy victory, or a bloody defeat?

"Is it done yet?" Vegeta sat scowling at Bulma from across the lab, holding a rather large mug of coffee in his shaking hands. His eyes were red, his face a bit pale. He hadn't had any sleep since the disaster, and that had been nearly four days ago. Bulma was in the same shape-full of coffee but with no energy. It was a bad place to be. Vegeta twitched in anticipation, his face tight with worry. He wasn't taking this crisis well, and he was disappointed in his own weakness. All he wanted was Trunks back, and he wanted it more than anything he had ever wanted. And the worst part was… Like everything he had ever wanted…

It seemed that fate wasn't going to let him have it easily.

Bulma suddenly cursed, dropping her screwdriver. She gripped her hand, and Vegeta saw a splash of red on her work apron. He got up and went to her immediately, looking at her hand. She had cut it pretty badly. Bulma looked at Vegeta apologetically, through eyes that were wrought with pain. She spoke in a soft voice.

"I'm sorry, Vegeta-san… It's just that… I'm so tired… I slipped."

"It is alright…" Vegeta walked to the workbench, and opened the cabinet above it. He found the smooth white capsule within, and tossed it down, bringing out the first aide kit. He took it to Bulma, and looked through the box. "We only have iodine… It will sting you."

"That's okay." Bulma said with a weak smile. "I'm not a little girl. Bring on the iodine."

He poured some on her hand, and Bulma bit her lip to stop from crying out. Vegeta quickly pulled out a bandage, and tenderly wrapped her hand up. He scowled at the large bandage.

"Will you still be able to work?"

Bulma nodded.

"Just give me a minute to rest, alright? I'm nearly done."

Vegeta nodded.


The two of them sat in silence for a moment, until Bulma laughed softly. Vegeta scowled at her.

"What is so funny?"

Bulma shook her head.

"Nothing… Except…" She looked up to Vegeta, and grinned. "The only time we ever spend together is when one of us is hurt. This is how we got close."

Vegeta shrugged.

"It is natural. We are both so busy with our own lives…" He looked down for a moment. "We never get to talk." He was silent for a moment, then he looked at Bulma. "Bulma…"


"Why…" Vegeta shook his head. "Why do you think Trunks took the Time Machine?"

Bulma looked at her wounded hand, and she shook her head.

"I don't know." She said frankly. "Maybe he thought it would be fun…"

"But he's smarter than that." Vegeta pointed out. "I am sure he knew the risks, especially if he brought Goten along…" Bulma looked down, her eyes dulled.

"Maybe he wanted to show us something…"

"And what would that be?"

Bulma looked at him.

"How foolish we are. How foolish we were for taking him for granted… Maybe he wanted… To get our attention."

Vegeta shook his head.

"If it's anyone's attention he wanted to get, it was mine. I never paid attention to the boy. I always sneered at him, or told him he was weak, or…" Vegeta closed his eyes. "So it's my fault. That's why… I'm going to go bring him back. I swear. I'll bring him back."

Bulma hugged Vegeta, tears flooding her eyes.

"Oh Vegeta… Where could he be…?"

Vegeta put his arms around Bulma, holding her close. He looked up through the hole in the roof he'd made earlier that week, when it had happened. "I don't know, Bulma… But I know, that wherever he is… I will find him."

The two looked up through the hole together, their eyes filled with hope, hugging in this rare moment of sorrow and hope, praying that their son may be alive…


Trunks sighed and laid back, finally feeling relaxed. They had arrived at the midway point of their journey-a little inn. He lay on the soft grass outside, enjoying the feeling of the warm sunshine on his skin. He was going to be very tanned after this adventure. He closed his eyes, letting the sea breeze caress his face. Like so many of the things on Spira, this small stop-over inn was near the coast. He was sick of being hot and sweaty, so he had no complaints. Let Sin attack. Just let him. Trunks thought, his face growing a little hot from the rage that had been building in him during his trip. I'll get him back for what he's done to this place. Trunks smiled a bit, the Saiyan in him looking forward to the challenge. He had seen the damage at Kilika, but he was still sure that if he just trained a little, he'd be able to take Sin on. He wished that Goten were there, however. Without him, Trunks could only train a little, since he had no sparring partner. That… And he missed his friend. He missed him greatly.

A soft nudge aroused him, and he looked over, right into the yellow-feathered face of a chocobo. He'd seen on their walk to the inn, and Yuna had explained a little about them, but he hadn't gotten that close. Trunks sat up, and patted the bird's beak.

"Good Chocobo." He said. The chocobo "kweed" at him, and Trunks laughed softly. "What a funny thing to use for transportation. But you're nice, huh?" The chocobo chewed a bit on Trunks's ponytail, and Trunks winced, struggling to get free. "Eeww! Don't do that! That's gross! You're getting my hair all drooly!!!" The chocobo nuzzled him again, liking him with its soft bird tongue. Trunks laughed, falling back, trying to avoid the bird's tongue. "Stop it-stop it-stop it! You're getting me all wet! Eeewww!!!" He sat back up, scratching the bird's neck. It cooed at him, and Trunks smiled. "Good boy-or girl, or whatever. I like you too." He blinked suddenly, his eyes wide. He felt something. A presence. A presence that was very far away. But it was familiar.


Trunks suddenly lost track of the unknown energy, and his blue eyes went wide and frantic. He looked about him, and then flew into the air, upgrading to a powerful Super Saiyan, trying to tip off that familiar energy that he was there. Wind ripped at the grass and the inn, and the chocobo ran. A dome of energy exploded around the inn, and his friends were quickly drawn outside.

"Goten!!! Goten!!!! Is that you?! Come on-power up so I can feel you!!!"

"Trunks! What are you doing?!" Lulu was looking up at him in shock. "Have you lost your mind?! You'll destroy the inn!!"

"Trunks!" Yuna was calling him now. "Trunks, you must calm down. Otherwise, you may draw Sin to us!!"

"But…" Trunks was crying now, feeling nothing but cold pain in his desperation. "But… I felt him. He… He was there! I…" He slowly lowered to the ground, his heart shattering. "I… I thought…" He faded back to normal, and then he shook his head, his eyes closed. "I'm sorry… I just thought… It could have been anything. I'm just so homesick…" He turned and pushed past them, heading back inside. "I'm sorry." He apologized again as he passed them. When he passed, they noticed he was crying…


Things were getting interesting, that was for sure. After feeling what he had believed to be Goten's energy, Trunks was forced out of his grieving by the appearance of a monster-a chocobo eater-which had been drawn to the inn by his energy. Trunks fought it back easily, and the group continued their journey, but when they got to a large canyon, they ran into Maester Seymour. Trunks felt great misgivings again about that man, but he bit his tongue. After all-he had his own things to worry about. He'd grown another inch the night he'd been at the inn, and now his hair was to the middle of his back. Other than that, he'd begun to feel different as well, a fact that was making him very uncomfortable. He tried to ignore it, and was actually given a chance to when he became an important part in a plan to attack Sin, formulated by Seymour. Apparently, Seymour had been impressed with Trunks's performance in Luca, and now wanted to use Trunks as a decoy for Sin while they aimed some huge weapon at Sin. Wakka was enraged that a Maester was accepting help from the Al Bhed and using a forbidden Machina, but his complaints were ignored, and the group enlisted to help fight.

And still, Trunks's hatred for Seymour grew, and he couldn't explain why. There was just something dark about that man. He sat alone in a tent, awaiting the upcoming battle. The soldiers outside dashed about, talking to each other loudly, excited about their mission. Trunks again felt tired, so he bowed his head, hoping to get a little sleep before Sin's attack.

He didn't get that chance.

Suddenly, the shouting outside escalated, and a soldier peered in the tent at Trunks.

"Sir-Sin is attacking! Maester Seymour requires you on the front!" But then he stared at Trunks, as if taking in his appearance for the first time. "My… So young…" The man shook his head, and then dashed off. Trunks stood up, shaking his head, his long hair brushing his back.

It's time. He thought, feeling excited. He quickly ran outside taking the spectacles of the battle in. Sin was there, firing out scales and monsters and Kami knew what at the soldiers, who tried to hold these creatures back. Their weakness appalled Trunks, but he ignored this and slowly lifted off of the ground, going Super Saiyan. He exploded towards Sin, his eyes narrowed. The attack he had in mind was inspired by something he'd seen his father preparing. Several short bursts of energy followed by a powerful blast that could be directed easily at a target. He executed his attack, summoning out his life essence, but Sin swatted him down with such a powerful magic that even a Super Saiyan was helpless in its wake. Trunks fell into the water, but he quickly recovered, and managed to use his attack. It did little to the enormous Sin, however, and Sin simply forced Trunks back again with magic. The magic hit Trunks again and again, until he realized that he was in serious trouble. Magic couldn't be blocked, at least by any means that Trunks knew, and it was lethal… He could feel it slowly killing him. The young half-Saiyan looked up to Sin just in time to see an enormous blast of energy rocketing towards him. He had no time to react. Trunks was in horrible trouble, and there was no one there to save him.