Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Time Mixup! ❯ Searching for help: The meeting with the king ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Searching for help:

The meeting with the king

(For those of my readers who are confused about the world they are in now, it is FFIV… I've played them all, so to all of them Goten and Trunks will go! ^___~)

Trunks stared in disbelief at the lavish furnishings of the palace throne room. It was like being in a medieval movie. There were two thrones, a plush red carpet, fully armored soldiers, draperies and everything. The king was no where to be seen at the moment, but Trunks was sure that when he did appear, the king would certainly be one of those posh round kings with the dozens of robes and capes that were often featured in movies. Goten seemed to have trouble controlling his excitement. His young face was pointing in all directions at once, and his eyes were never once still for more than a fraction of a second. Kain stood perfectly still, so Trunks tried to as well-after all, he wanted to act the way he looked.

They didn't have to wait long. After only a few minutes, a light tenor voice rang into the room, speaking in a polite, yet surprisingly informal tone.

"I'm sorry I'm late… The new recruits aren't taking to the training well." Trunks turned around, only to see a man wearing gold armor standing near the large double doors that led out into the hallway. Kain grinned at the man.

"Nah, I haven't been here long." He smiled to the man and gestured towards Trunks and Goten. "These two are here for training."

"We're waiting for the king." Trunks explained. Kain blinked at Trunks in surprise for a moment, but Trunks didn't notice. "So, are you a friend of Kain's? Your armor's really cool."

The man smiled a bit, walking up to Trunks.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm Kain's friend. My name's Cecil. What's yours?"

"My name's Tru-" Trunks's voice died in his throat when the possibility hit him. Cecil is the name of their king!!! Goten pointed it out verbally just as Trunks realized it.

"Hey Trunks! He has the same name as the king! Isn't that cool?"

Cecil smiled politely at the boys as Trunks managed to speak softly to Goten.

"Uh, Goten… I think that he may be the king…" Kain looked at them boy in bewilderment.

"How could you not know him?! King Cecil of Baron! He's world famous!"

"We've… Uh, never seen his picture!" Trunks had to congratulate himself mentally on that lie. It was a good one. Cecil smiled at Kain, his eyes kind.

"Don't worry about it, Kain. It's nice to be treated equally-even if it's just for a second." He crossed the room and seated himself at the throne, picking up a crown as he went. He placed the crown on his head and smiled at Trunks and Goten. He didn't act much like a king, but he sure looked like one. He had long white-blond hair that spilled out from beneath the crown and his armor shown in the light from the windows. He had crystal blue eyes not unlike Trunks's. But his eyes had something that Trunks's lacked-something that Trunks recognized immediately. They had the same glimmering shine that Goku had had in his eyes-the shine of experience, the glint that told Trunks that "everything would be alright, because someone who knows what he's doing is here." Trunks felt very sure that he'd be able to find a cure in this place. He looked up, grinning at Cecil. He was about to speak, when Goten suddenly piped up.

"Can you fix us, mister? Can you make us regular again?"

Trunks felt his stomach fall to his feet. He hoped that he wasn't as pale as he felt. Kain gave Goten a look that reminded Trunks of his father.

"Fix you?" Kain blinked at the two of them, and Trunks laughed nervously.

"Oh, he's just goofing off. You know… Kid stuff."

Cecil and Kain both nodded in unison, but Goten shook his head.

"No, no, no! Trunks musta forgot. He's aging reeeeeally fast. And I might disappear… And Trunks tol' me that we had to-" Trunks clamped his hands onto Goten's mouth, his eyes annoyed.

"Goten, you shouldn't speak so weird in front of the king."

"But Trunks…" Goten's muffled voice squeaked out from underneath Trunks's hands. Trunks grinned again, but now Cecil was giving him an odd look.

"Are you sure you're okay?" His voice sounded suspicious. Trunks nodded.

"Yeah. My brother's just excited." Trunks felt his face contract into a false smile, and grimaced on the inside.

Of all the times to look like a fool… He continued smiling, and Cecil continued giving him a suspicious eye. Trunks felt an odd feeling creeping over him, as if someone were looking through him straight through to the other side. He cleared his throat, and spoke softly.

"Um, so when do we begin training…?"

Cecil spoke again, his voice now lighter, but it still had a cautious sound to it.

"We need to find out your talents. Whether your skills would be more valued on the field as a fighter or black wizard, or if you'd be more use back here at the castle as a white wizard."

"Goten and I are fighters." Trunks finally released his companion from his iron grip. "We've both trained since we were little. My Papa taught me… And Goten's bro-er, I… taught Goten." Goten turned and looked at Trunks with confused brown eyes, but he didn't say anything. That gaze was one that held Trunks in regard as an adult-a look that frightened Trunks for a moment. Trunks looked away from Goten, avoiding his gaze. He felt like a traitor. We'll always be equals… Always on the same level, doing the same things… Well, maybe I'm a little bit better, but it's kinda the same level! Anyway, isn't that the way best friends are supposed to be? He had said it constantly to Goten in the past, often if Goten had whined about never being able to be in charge. But now it haunted him. They weren't equals, and never would be again. Trunks was nearly two and a half feet taller than Goten now, and he looked like an adult. He wondered if his increased height and size had effected his strength.

Cecil nodded slowly, his eyes even more suspicious. Trunks could read it on his face, and knew that they had messed up. Great… He thought unhappily. But suddenly, Cecil smiled, and the suspicion seemed to vanish.

"Well then! We'll have to test your techniques! We've needed more soldiers."

Trunks sighed. Maybe they weren't in as deep as he had thought. Cecil smiled at the two.

"I'll instruct one of the maids to show you to your room. Make yourselves at home… I'm sorry about the small rooms, but we're a bit crowded."

Trunks nodded.

"That's okay."

"Now then, your tests will begin tomorrow… Including your official interview!" Cecil smiled again. "I'm looking forward to seeing your abilities. I was a child prodigy as well, so it's nice to see others that learned to fight as quickly as I did." Kain smiled.

"Yeah, but you know, you were always behind me, Cecil."

"Until I became taller than you!" Cecil grinned at Kain. "You're a year older, so you were naturally stronger!"

Trunks and Goten looked at each other. Goten smiled, and Trunks knew what he was thinking.

That's right, Goten. Trunks thought, grinning back. Cecil and Kain are just like you and I-but they're grown ups. Kain looked at the two, his eyes narrowed.

"Ah, you think our squabbling is funny, eh? Heh heh, well, I guess it is."

"You'll have to excuse us." Cecil said smiling. "Kain and I have been friends most of our lives."

Trunks nodded.

"I know how that is. Goten and I fight all the time." He ruffled Goten's hair and laughed. "In't that right, Goten?"

"Yes," Goten said, looking up at him. "But that's because you get us into trouble. And then you blame me cause I'm younger!"

Trunks laughed.

"Yeah, but you can get outta anything because adults think you're cute!"

Goten smiled.

"I'm cute, and happy all the time!" Cecil stood and walked to the boys, looking at each of them.

"It's nice to see brothers getting along so nicely." There was a hint of longing in Cecil's voice, but Trunks barely noticed. Kain looked at Cecil for a moment, then looked back to Goten and Trunks.

"Get a lot of sleep tonight. Tomorrow, your tests will judge your physical wellness, as well as your fidelity to the cause. It wouldn't be good to be tired during them!"

Trunks nodded.

"Okay. Goten, did you hear that? You need to sleep tonight. No talking all night."

Goten nodded.

"Okay. I'm tired anyway." Cecil walked to the doors, opening them.

"Marie! Come here for a moment!" He shouted out loudly, suddenly. An old woman entered the room, blinking at him, her face worried.

"Yes sir? Is there anything the matter?"

Cecil shook his head.

"I was just being lazy. I need you to take these two to one of the free rooms, okay?"

Marie sighed.

"Your highness, you need to stop shouting out for people. You're going to give someone a heart attack, sir." Kain snickered.

"Yeah, "your highness". Stop scaring people. Really! What a lazy king." Cecil shot his friend a look, but turned back to Marie and smiled.

"I'm sorry, Marie. I know."

"Apparently you don't know. Young Cecil, I know that you're still adapting to being king… But you need to remember that you're no longer a soldier. I've watched after you since you were a child, and I know that you are a great leader, but you must remember that people around here are used to stricter rules. If you continue to shout out for people, people are going to think you're angry."

Cecil sighed while Kain snickered again.

"I know, Marie. But I shouldn't have to chase down a maid, right?" Trunks looked at Cecil.

"Why don't you just use some sort of intercom system? You know, have the controls here in the throne room and use the intercom to talk to people. It's not hard to make… Just wires and conduits, mostly." Cecil looked at Trunks, surprised.

"Are you an inventor?"

Trunks nodded.

"Well, I'm not, really… My mom is-was. She invented a lot of things around the house. I'll show you some of her inventions later, okay? But I want you to keep an open mind please, sir. There really are nothing else on this planet like them."

"Ah! That sounds interesting!" Cecil smiled. "If you can find an easier way for me to communicate with my people, I'll give you a medal!"

Trunks smiled.

"I'll have to work on it."