Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Are We Really Meant Together, My Dream? ❯ A Happy Episode ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Note: This Song is from Sailor Moon " My Only Love" I do not own this song, copy written to it's rightful owner(s). I'm not making profit off this, just using it for my fanfic.)

Chapter 3

Yuna grinned and shook her head and pulled away from Lulu and Wakka, "C'mon guys, let get ready and start fixing the place. It's a mess! Then when we're all done and tired let's go a blissful sleep, eh?" Yuna said, her green eyes twinkling. Lulu noticed it and pointed it out to Wakka. What was Yuna hiding?

"She's hiding something" Lulu said soon as Yuna was out of earshot.

" I agree Yuna has that look. I hope she tells us eventually, from what I can sense, this is big." Wakka said and look at Yuna disappearing form and turned away.

"Hmmm, maybe we should do a investigation. Try to make her tell us without realizing it. Then we'll know." Lulu said narrowing her eyes at the frustration of having of think of a plan.

"We should back down, she isn't a little girl. Maybe it is good, she'll tell us eventually." Wakka said in a relax tone and leaned against the chairand closed his eyes. Lulu look at Wakka disgusted and got up and stop and cast a fire spell on Wakka chest and walked away leaving a wailing Wakka.


Yuna continued to dust the floor, while looking up at the sky. She was blessed. Not many girls like her got to communicate with their dead or at least a guy they knew and loved. Yuna turned and walked back to the stove as she cooked her dinner and started humming a song quite familiar.

Deep In my soul

Love so strong

It takes control

Now we both know

The secrets bared

The feelings show

Driven far apart

I'll make a wish

On a shooting star

There will come a day

Somewhere far away

In your arms I'll stay

My only love

Even though you're gone

Love will still live on

The feeling is so strong

My Only Love

My Only Love....

There will come a day

Somewhere far away

In your arms I'll stay

My only love

You've reached the deepest part

Of the secret in my heart

I've known it from the start

My only love

There will come a day

Somewhere far away

In your arms I'll stay

My only love

You've reached the deepest part

Of the secret in my heart

I've known it from the start

My only love

My only love

Yuna twirled around as the lyrics escaped her lips. That's is how she felt. Tidus had sneak into her heart and stole it. She smiled so sweet it could make someone evil puke. She turn to the stove and put the seasoning while humming. The sweet aroma traveled from the kitchen to training Kimarhi. (sp?)

Kimarhi slowly started following the scent in a normal stance. The trail followed to the Kitchen where Yuna was cooking humming. He seems to pick up Yuna repeated Tidus name. He was shocked. It's been a while since Yuna been this happy, ever since Tidus. Could she have found a new love? So quickly too?

Kimarhi soon walked up behind the world savoir and listen to her. She was oddly happy. Happier then before they decided journey to find the final aoen to defeat sin. Kimarhi narrowed his eyes. What was going on?

"Yuna" Kimarhi said in a harsh tone. Yuna turned around surprised and then smiled.

"Oh hello Kimarhi. Are you done training? " Yuna said. Kimarhi looked at her, she wasn't crying. Usually when she seemed happy at the stove she was just putting up an act and once she turned around tears where falling. But now it was just happiness glowing.

"You're Happy…" Kimarhi stated simply. Yuna smiled at this comment and turned around and continues to cook.

" Yes, I am. Very happy in fact" Yuna answered. Kimarhi continued to stare.


Yuna then finished and turned off the stove and took the pot off the stove and then took out the plates needed and empty the content onto the plates.

"Kimarhi, why don't you go sit down. Dinner is on the way. Shoot!" Yuna outbursts as the hot food touch her finger.

"Yuna Ok?" Kimarhi said worriedly. It was enough Yuna seem unusually happy, he didn't want her to get burns.

"Okey Dokey!" Yuna said in a voice and put the finger in her mouth and sucks gently, relieving her of the pain.

Kimarhi nodded and went to the dinning table and sat down. Soon the rest came and joined. Lulu and Wakka looked at Kimarhi. "

I see you saw Yuna" Lulu said expectably. Kimarhi nodded silently.


Yuna came in that second and place the plates and sat down and ate happily. Lulu and the rest looked at her. What was going on?


This chapter is crap, I know it and you know it. Review please.


FBM after revising and editing: Ain't that the truth.