Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Rejection ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: This is a small poem I made up after going through a bunch of old school papers (yes, I'm one of those freaks that actually keeps the stuff) and finding an old poem-form. Being an odd individual, I wrote this, and now I'll share it with you.

Blue Rejection "I Am" by Seymour Guado

I am blue rejection

I ponder my being

I hear whispers against me

I watch the speakers live peacefully

I wish to belong

I am blue rejection

I imagine I am accepted

I know not even my people tolerate me

I brush against the world's coldness

I feel Hatred's sting

I fret I will fall to my enemies

I weep over my past defeats

I am blue rejection

I understand I am atypical

I speak of better things for the people

I dream of ending my own suffering

I pray I can end all pain

I am blue rejection