Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Doll House ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I wandered through the house trying to decide which was the best way for me to go to get the hell out of the freaky Twlight Zone, but I was coming up short.

"Kinda hard to get out when I don't even know how the hell I got in."

I walked back down the hall that I was lying in when I first opened my eyes. A sigh from me reached out before my hand.

"It's just a wall." I rested my hand on it and thought for a minute.

"I can't just give up..." I sighed out. I wonder how much longer I have to live? My fingers are already beginning to stick together and that isn't good. Gently, so I wouldn't hurt myself, I tried shaking them free from each other. "This is so dumb, I have to get out of here." I spoke to myself. "I don't even like dolls."

I turned down the left side of the hall and tried to locate another way to get out.

"If this is like a normal house then there must be a front door."

I walked around looking for a set of stairs and figured they'd be somewhere at the end of one of these hallways. This place is gargantuan! I'll never find the stairs. I kind of let myself fall to the floor after realizing that, defeated. I began to rub my fingers, which were getting harder and harder to keep from sticking together at my hands.

"Shit." I muttered and stood back up.

I can't let this place win I've got to get out, and tell somebody. Will they even notice I'm gone? I wondered. I suddenly found myself walking again. Hyne help me find the door to this place.

Back in Balamb Garden.

Squall is walking to the cafeteria expecting to have breakfast with Zell, and the others, but when he turned into the area he didn't hear the martial artist's usual loud chatter to Selphie, who is - currently - eating alone; nodding her head as she did so.

'This is different I wonder where Zell is?' Squall thought. 'Maybe he slept in this morning.' He could only presume, as and got into the line-up of four people. 'Thank Hyne the line is short today.'

After Squall got his usual breakfast of coffee and a banana nut muffin, he joined Selphie; who waved to him with her fingers and fork.

"Where is everybody?" Squall asked.

He received no reply, Selphie just sat there eating her breakfast.

"Selphie?" He said again, but then noticed that she has her ear buds clipped in, and the base was sitting on the table beside her. The gunblader reached over to his distracted friend and took the ear piece out, and asked again. "Selphie, where is everybody?"

"I don't know." She replied then looked as though something had just hit her. "I know where Quistis is, she had a class. But I haven't seen Zell since yesterday."

"That's weird."

"Why is that weird?" Selphie asked out of curiosity. However, Squall just got up taking his breakfast with him. "Wait. I wanna come, too!" She said hopping up from the table.

Squall handed her his breakfast, then started away at an even pace out the cafeteria to the dormitories hall.

"I don't get it. Where is he?" Selphie asked while they stood outside of Zell's room knocking on the door. "Maybe he slept in Seifer's room?" She suggested.

'Maybe.' Squall thought. They turned and went a bit farther up the hall. "You check inside, I'm gonna look in Seifer's room for him."

"Okay." She replied and punched in the code for Zell's door.


Squall heard this when the door slid open, and he suddenly wondered if it was such a good idea to let Selphie go into Zell's room without supervision. However, there was no time to worry about that. He knocked on the door first, then asserted himself by pressing the numbers for Seifer's door code. He enters once it flashed the green. The room looked as though it hadn't been slept in since Seifer left yesterday.

"Zell?" He asked looking around, thinking that he might be in the bathroom. "Zell are you in there?" He called through the door. Looking down he sees the light on, but it suddenly went back out again. 'What the...?'

"He's not in his room." He heard Selphie saying behind him. It startled him enough to jump internally, however he looked unfazed outwardly.

"What's wrong; you look so serious?" She then asked.

"It's nothing." Squall answered, but then asked. "What time was it when you'd last saw him?"

"When he got back from the mall. Is that important?"

"Did you notice if he was he acting strangely?"

She shook her head. "We didn't really talk. He was just mumbling something to himself, but he waved to me."


"Are you very worried about him?" Selphie asked, giving him her biggest "talk to me" gaze. However, Squall smiled it off. Selphie wouldn't let up until she saw that you were fine, or bleeding smiley faces.

"I'm not worried he probably went to his mother's house."

"Yup." She said cheerfully. She handed his breakfast back to him. "It's still warm. I reheated it with Zell's microwave. I have to go now. See ya later Squall." The energetic girl slipped out the room, with a wave.


'What was that?' He wondered looking at the bathroom door where the sound of laughter had just come from.

The light is back on! It sounded like a young girl may have been on the other side of the door, but it made no sense to why - or even how that could be. Seifer's door had been locked. Squall's hand rested on the doorknob. As he started to turn it, giving it a push to open it, the light flipped back off again.

'That can't be a coincidence. ' He backing off from the door. He placed his breakfast down on the nearby desk. Squall wasn't afraid of ghost or anything like that, but he was a little skeptical of what he might find in there.

"Now or never." He told himself. He shoved the door open and stepped inside. He turned on the light. Empty.

'I don't get it.' He thought. 'I just heard someone in here.'


He hears the laughter again only this time it was behind him. He spun on his heels to see a little girl standing there behind him in the bedroom. She looked to be about 6 or so. She has long black hair, pale skin, and a noticeably evil expression on her face, but she seemed to try softening it when she noticed him staring.

"You're funny." She was saying. "I want you to play with me."


The little girl just smiled and ran out the door.

"Wait! Come back." He ran out the door. He chased her. He followed her up the hall; she's very fast. When she reached the end she was gone! 'Where'd she go?'